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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

"He had a beard,short hair and he liked 60s songs so much that he had an old record player. I liked them too,but some of them were really really old. Dad said grandpa restored the player. I think that means he repaired it?"

The cream looked close to finished. Some more counter-clockwise moves and it was going to be turned into the best pancakes ever.

"Ah, I see. My grandpa had a lot of record players. He was an antique dealer. What did your mom work as?" He asked as he poured some tea and picked up the cups, placing one down beside her. (@DryPunishment)
She picked up the cup and took a small sip to make sure it wasn't too hot.

((I think I mentioned what her mom worked as 100 pages ago,but I'm gonna wing it.))

"Mommy worked as a head nurse at the local hospital."

The tea wasn't too hot. It was warm and pleasant.

@DrTrollinski (Slower posts incoming)
".. Ah, that's awesome." He smiled and looked down into the bowl of pancake mix. It looked done, from his angle. "Good work, Cait." He kissed the top of her head and then took the bowl, walking over to stand beside the stove. ".. My daddy was a businessman. A big member of a big company." He chuckled. ".. My mom... She was like a doctor. She worked as a therapist... She was a private one, but sometimes she got assigned to work in elementary schools, and orphanages." He said. (@DryPunishment)
"What does a therapist do? Did she treat crazy people?"

She asked in a very curious tone. Caitlyn had no idea what a therapist did. Therefore...she awaited an answer while sipping some more of that delicious tea.

"No, no... Not crazy people." He murmured as he turned the stove on. "People who were sad all the time. Depressed. It was emotional doctoring." He walked over to her and put a hand on her head, smiling. "Don't call people that need that sort of help crazy, okay? You don't want to upset no one." He smiled. He wasn't telling her off for anything; he spoke in a gentle tone. (@DryPunishment)
"Okay,Alex. I won't call people crazy if they aren't!" Of course she was too young to know what depression,anxiety and all that jazz meant. She had no idea. Caitlyn finished her tea rather fast.

"My mom helped a doctor make a heart transplant once. Can people get new hearts if they want?"

@DrTrollinski ((I almost tagged myself))
"Good girl." He smiled and then stood back up, walking over to the stove and taking out a pan, putting it atop it while he fetched some of Chef's homemade butter from the fridge; he let the pan heat for a few moments and then tossed a knob of butter into it. "Yep. They can indeed. People can get new hearts, kidneys, livers, lungs - All of that good stuff." He smiled. "You want to help me cook the pancakes?" He asked. (@DryPunishment)
People could replace all their organs. What? That was crazy. She wondered a bit if people could get a brain transplant even.

"Yeah I wanna help you cook pancakes. What made you think otherwise?"

She said in the most childish manner she could.

".. I don't know." He laughed and pulled her chair over to the stove so she could stand up and reach it safely. He handed her a plastic spatula, just so she didn't scratch the pan with it, and then poured some of the pancake mix into the pan; he took her free hand and wrapped it around the handle, followed by helping her tilt it so the mix was spread around. "We're making nice thin pancakes today." He smiled. "Leave it for a few minutes, and then flip it. If we're lucky, we won't need to flip it more than once." He said. (@DryPunishment)
For once someone let her make pancakes. Oh boy was this day amazing or not? She looked up at him then back down at the handle.

"Thin pancakes it is...why do pancakes stick to the pan? How come they don't stick to our stomachs too?"

She asked out of curiosity.

"Well, if you put the butter in like I did, they'll stop sticking soon." He smiled. "When they go to our stomachs, there's a type of acid there to help break them down, and then the food gets taken out of the body and goes into the intestines, and so on, and eventually it all comes out the body again. Nothing can stick to our stomachs, to be honest." He laughed. (@DryPunishment)
Butter it is. She grabbed a little bit of butter and smeared it across the pan.

"Like that?"

And the whole stomach thingy. Really nothing could stick to their stomachs? That's cool.

"It'll come out as what?"

@DrTrollinski (Did your PC ever blue screen itself 6 times and then not start for half an hour?)
"It'll come out when you go to the bathroom." He said with a chuckle as he poured some of the mixture into the pan. "Move that around before it gets tougher. Make sure you cover the whole pan." He smiled at her and patted her head.

(Nope. Do you have more than one antivirus installed? @DryPunishment)
"Okay! I'll do it." She moved the pancake mix around and thought about something. A few moments later she said.

"Poop! Do you mean poop?"

@DrTrollinski ((I'm gonna go get it checked right now))
He rolled his eyes and laughed. "Yeah, sweetheart... I mean that." He ruffled her hair and looked down at the pancake. "Give that a few minutes and then flip it using the spatula." He said. (@DryPunishment)

Jared smiles as he sees Lewis' expression when they walk into the bathroom, he takes in the preppy-looking bathroom with quite some content before crouching down on Lewis' level,

"Heh, I can see what you mean, this is bigger than my old bathroom." Jared says before walking over and looking into the shower, that was always a habit of Jared's many habits. Jared has looked at at least over 20 showers, just to see what they look like, and he could probably tell anyone all about each of them. Jared walks over to the tub and examines it just as he did the shower before examining the rest of the bathroom,

"Well, forget about what I said about the office, this is cozy." Jared says followed by a chuckle.


(Sorry for taking so long, I've been SUPER busy.)​
Lewis simply smiled and then walked out again, tugging on the sleeve of Jared's shirt as he lead him into the guest bedroom - a little room with a bookcase, desk, tv, and single bed - it was quite warm. After that he took him through to his own room and smiled as he released his sleeve and stepped inside.

"This is my room. I love it." He said simply. The room was a very comfortable place indeed, there was a small bookcase, a little tv, a nice bed with thick blankets, and some mice decoration.

"I don't like sleeping in here sometimes, but I go and sleep in Mommy's bed if I don't..." E shrugged a little. "Do you wanna see Mommy's room?" He asked. (@Stew)

Jared took in the room as he observes the room, it was a very quaint room, but that's what gave it its charm,

"Oh, it's ok, now I'm wondering where that keyboard is." He says as he looks over at Lewis with a smile. Jared seemed to like this kid, he was a chip off the old block, a real pal.


(Sorry this one's short.)​
"Oh, okay." He smiled shyly and then walked him back out of the room. ".. The keyboard's in mommy's room, but she won't mind if you go in." He said, smiling gently at him. He took him by the sleeve and dragged him down the hall and into the back bedroom - ah, lovely, a very nice bedroom with some oak dressers, a TV, a small couch, a coffee table, and a double bed right in the center. It was a nice room indeed, with the walls being painted in a creamy sort of color. Lewis dragged him over to the closet in the room and opened it up, revealing a keyboard that was stood on it's side.

"Do you know how to play?" He asked. He liked Jared - He was a lot nicer than the other men he'd met over the past half a year. The others didn't really care for him all that much, and one of them, like mentioned before, had actually hit him a few times. (@Stew)

Jared felt a tad embarrassed that the keyboard was in the room where he denied being toured, but he shrugs it off quickly. This room was probably the best room in the entire house, apart from Lewis' room,

"Yep, I sure do, buddy." He says as he walks over to it. This keyboard was familiar to him, his great grandmother had owned one when she was alive for whenever grandkids like himself would come to visit,

"Let's see what we can do here." He says as he turns it on and finds a specific setting,

"Alrighty then, now; bum, bum, bum, WOOH!" He sings as he starts to play the song.


(This'll be my last post for now.)

Lewis went over and sat down on the bed, simply watching and listening to Jared play the song. He was pretty good, and his singing wasn't all that bad either. He smiled throughout the whole thing; this was one of the best things that he'd experienced in the apocalypse thus far; he soon shuffled himself around to lie on his stomach on the bed, his head rested in his arms while he watched and listened to the little performance that was being put on.

Alyssa could hear the noise from downstairs, and she simply shook her head and laughed softly as she started frying some eggs. She sipped her own coffee, and got another cup ready for when Jared came back. She also made a milky and sweet cup of tea for Lewis, just the way he liked it.

"That was great!" Lewis yelled once the song was done, breaking off into a pause. He went up to him and stood in front of the keyboard, smiling. "Where did you learn to play like that? Can you teach me to play, too?" He asked, hopefully. (@Stew)


DrTrollinski said:
".. My dad's a doctor!" He yelled as quietly as he could, his childish little voice echoing in the little area they were tucked up in. ".. Do you think he could tell, or does he need to have a loada' weird doctor stuff?" He asked, setting his head down against the back of the couch. 'Weird doctor stuff' - This kid was just laughable, wasn't he? The perfect example of a young child's innocence. It was strange, his dad had never given him 'the talk'. He didn't care, though. He was quite excited about having a baby around the house, he simply viewed it as something sweet. Something cool and fun. (@TheHarlequinnCat)

Jared laughs at Lewis' enthusiasm before answering him,

"Well, I just kind of studied on my own until I could play pretty well. And sure, I could teach you, why don't you come sit down right over here?" He says as he scoots over on the small bench, allowing room for Lewis to sit beside him on the bench.

Lewis nipped over without hesitation and sprung up beside him on the bench, pushing up close to ensure that he didn't fall off of the side of it. ".. How are you gonna' teach me?" He asked as he rubbed the back of his head. ".. It looks kinda' tough to do... Can we do somethin' easy?" He asked. Meanwhile, Alyssa was downstairs and had just started cooking some beans. (@Stew)

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