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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Delaney eventually came around, to observe her surroundings. She'd been a perfectly amicable hostess, just not the most sociable; naturally and by experience, she had become a shy individual. It wasn't crippling and didn't run much deeper than a few awkward moments at the worst, but in this new world she was rightfully wary of anyone; be it a child or an elder, or anyone. You could never be too sure anymore. She listened as Brad talked to the boy, preparing to eat- she didn't have much to add on, just a gentle smile as she brushed her hair behind her ear. New people here changed things, it was stressful and delightful all at once.

Daniel was actually quite fascinated by the sight of the woman that had joined them. It had been so long since he'd been in the presence of someone who wasn't a man. It was nice to be here right now. He walked over and sat down beside her, occasionally glancing at her and inspecting her - he saw the baby bump, and that sparked his curiosity. He saw pregnant women back at the colony, but he never understood it. He never had any younger siblings, which, sadly, was something that Dominic had planned before everything went wrong.

Once Daniel had mustered up the courage, he turned back to Delaney and put on the best smile he could. He only appeared to be about seven or so, and his face was soft, his hair was dark, and his eyes sort of glistened in the light of the open fire. ".. Are you gonna' be having a baby?" He asked quietly, to ensure that no one else heard him talking to her. He didn't want to interrupt the ongoing conversation. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
Delaney glanced over, raising an eyebrow; questioning herself as though the ginormous bloat of her abdomen wasn't enough to give away the oncoming birth. She nodded, instead, and gave him a small smile. These new people were foreign to her; it had been so long since she had perfectly comforting and malice-free socialization that telling them anything felt out of place. Instead of disappearing again, she simply sat there and observed the people around her.

Daniel smiled at her and then looked down at the bump again, thinking for a moment. The other women at the colony who looked like that weren't far off of giving birth, and he knew that much. His young mind couldn't really comprehend it all that well, but it was definitely worth asking about. He curled up on the couch and turned to face her. He didn't really understand why she wasn't saying so much, which was odd. Maybe she was just shy?

".. When's the baby gonna' be born?" He asked softly as he placed his plate gently down on the coffee table, he kept only a friendly smile when he spoke to her, and his voice was a mere squeak which only gave away how shy and somewhat nervous he was. It was evident there and then that speaking to someone new was just as scary as it was for her, too. (@TheHarlequinnCat)
"So how did you two meet?" Connor asked, nodding his head between the couple. "If you met in these times, I congratulate both of you on not shooting each other." For him, he would have faded away into the background until they either went away or moved towards his hide out, or base depending on what you want to call it.

Caitlyn did everything Alex told her to. Washing in all those important places, washing behind the ears and all that jazz.

She looked up at Alex and remained still for 2 seconds.

"I think I'm done!"

Delaney shrugged, "Soon... Real soon." She didn't even know the exact dates anymore, but she knew it wouldn't be too much longer; she already looked like a balloon ready to pop, and her feelings towards having a child were ranging from absolute hatred to unconditional love. She knew she'd be bringing her only child into utter hell, a hell which even she couldn't handle herself in. It just seemed morally right to terminate the pregnancy immediately, but she had been unable to bring herself to that; she'd never had a baby. She'd always wanted a baby. It was selfishness that drove her choice to keep it, and it seemed Brad refused to realize that side of her.


(What time/date is it right now in the RP? What's the weather, etc.)
".. It's--.." Brad gulped a little. ".. It's a long, long story." He said, shaking his head a little. "We met in Kansas, so we came a long way." He said. "We were never really in a--.. permanent location until now. I guess you could say we were both travelers who ran into each other on the way to nowhere." He chuckled a little and then looked around a little. ".. We got lucky. We had a rough journey here." He said. (@DryPunishment)
She hopped out of the tub and asked.

"What's for breakfast today,Alex?" With a smile on her face. Even if Caitlyn never said it,she did love Alex. Maybe not like a father,but maybe as a bigger brother. It might not look that way,but Caitlyn always knew that Alex loved her back,even if he didn't tell her that. She thought about the possibility that not calling him 'dad' might be one of the reasons.

@DrTrollinski ((Might be my last post))
He looked into her eyes for a moment, completely mesmerized. All the thoughts rushed through his head of how they first met, when she was just a quiet and shy little girl, and then he thought about how much she'd grown up and warmed up to him. It broke his heart, in a way. He thought of when Matty died, and how she hugged him tight and he sat there and told her that things would be okay, and then he remembered the funeral and the little speech she gave, and then the first night he tucked her into bed. And finally, the first time that he kissed her on the forehead. It screamed i his head just to say it, just to say that he loved her, and all of the other stuff of how life wouldn't be what it is without her.

Then the tears came. He forced a smile, but his face went red as his eyes welled up with a pool of tears which eventually broke down his cheeks. He looked away, down at the ground, and then wrapped the towel around her body and pulled it tight. He pulled her a little closer and then started drying her off, sniffling a little as he did so.

"Well, I was thinking--... thinking that we could have pancakes. Does that sound good?" He asked, almost struggling to stop his voice from shaking while he spoke. He needed to keep it cool, or that would be it. If he burst out into tears now, God, what would she think? (@DryPunishment)
Caitlyn became a little bit confused when she saw Alex crying. What could it be? Did she do something wrong? She had no idea.

The setting was quite weird and pancakes sounded very good.

"Alex? What's wrong?"

She asked,not knowing why her fatherly figure could barely hold in his tears.

"Nothing, sweetheart... Nothing." He sniffled as he quickly pulled her into a hug and petted her wet hair. ".. Just thinkin' about some things, that's all." He gave off a sudden sad laugh. He felt a little better now that he was hugging her. ".. How about we go get you dried off and dressed, eh? You must be getting hungry..." He said softly, his eye-line buried in her shoulder. (@DryPunishment)

(@Stew - You died on me. You around?)
(I just went to the store with my grandparents, I'm a tad bit sick.)

DrTrollinski said:
".. That's right." She smiled weakly and then looked down at her coffee for a few moments. ".. I lost my husband when this started. It was harder on my son, I think... He has night terrors a lot now, wakes up a lot crying for him, but... We get by, and I do what I can." She smiled at him and then sipped on her coffee. She looked down at her silver wristwatch on her right arm and then took a deep breath.
"I hate to cut things short, but I need to go and wake him up. If you don't mind waiting here for a few minutes, you can join us for breakfast, or maybe another cup of coffee if you're not feeling hungry." She smiled and sipped her coffee until half of it was gone, then she put the cup down on a coaster on the table and slowly rose up. (@Stew)
(Hope you feel better soon, man. @Stew)
Delaney shook her head, "Ain't no way of knowing without a doctor." She found herself taking kindly to this stranger, not enough to trust him with her life; but enough to relax a bit and wind down. They were all, after all, in this shitty situation together; and nobody had any reason yet to tear each other's throats out. It wasn't quite calm, it was all tentative and uncomfortable, but it was human interaction with someone other than Brad. She'd almost forgot that there were other people to learn about and other things to talk about that weren't the next meal or the baby coming.

".. My dad's a doctor!" He yelled as quietly as he could, his childish little voice echoing in the little area they were tucked up in. ".. Do you think he could tell, or does he need to have a loada' weird doctor stuff?" He asked, setting his head down against the back of the couch. 'Weird doctor stuff' - This kid was just laughable, wasn't he? The perfect example of a young child's innocence. It was strange, his dad had never given him 'the talk'. He didn't care, though. He was quite excited about having a baby around the house, he simply viewed it as something sweet. Something cool and fun. (@Stew - Are you going to be able to reply tonight?)
(Maybe, I'm kind of in a funk and can't really think of anything to reply at the moment, but I am makinga character sheet for a different RP; Just fair warning so you don't think I'm neglecting to respond to you and eloping with another RP.)

Jared pauses for a second before speaking

"Oh, it's ok, I know what you're dealing with." Jared says, referring to her son, he takes one more sip of his coffee and the sup was empty,

"Sure, I could use some more coffee." He says with a new-found smile. Jare remembered the time that he had to watch over a puppy that he had, and one day when he was talking to someone who had a kid, they were explaining what it was like to have a child and Jared coudn't believe the similarities between the puppy and the kid. So he technically knows what it's like to have a child.

Alyssa went upstairs and sighed as she went into Lewis' bedroom; she smiled as she approached the boy's bed and shook his arm to wake him up.

"Lewis, sweetheart.. Up you get, it's getting late." She smiled. Lewis simply whimpered and reached up, expecting to be picked up. The bed was dry, which was a good sign. She smiled and swept him out of the bed, holding him in her arms as she made her way back downstairs.

She sat him in the chair beside the one that was opposite Jared, and the young boy simply smiled at him in a shy manner.

"Jared, this is my son, Lewis. He's five. Lewis, this is my new friend, Jared." She smiled. Lewis shyly waved at him. (@Stew)

Jared waved back at Lewis, he looked like a rambunctious and adventurous child if he's ever seen one. But Jared was probably wrong about his assumption since he was bad at guessing who people were and such,

"Hey there buddy, it's nice to meet ya." He says with a smile, Lewis seemed like a nice kid at first sight,

"Say, do you guys have a piano or a keyboard? I know a few songs I could play." He says pretty straight-forward. This might have sounded a tad bit out of the blue, but it didn't to Jared.

"I do..." Alyssa said as she poured some more coffee and made a really milky and sweet one for Lewis, placing it down in front of him. He picked it up and slowly sipped it, looking away from Jared in a somewhat shy manner, but then looked back to him. It had been a long time since he'd sat at the table with a man. The last person he remembered wasn't really a very nice guy, and he and his mom ran away from him in the middle of the night, with the hope of never seeing him again. That wasn't too long before they arrived at this place, either.

"I play myself, occasionally... I never had time to practice. I prefer the violin. I know how to play that, but I haven't got one here, sadly." She sighed a little and then turned to the two, smiling as she went and crouched beside Lewis.

"Lew... Why don't you go and show Jared where the keyboard is? I'm sure he could bring it down here." She smiled at him and then kissed his cheek. Lewis looked at her and shyly nodded before hesitantly standing up. "Don't be shy. Jared doesn't bite, I'm sure." She smiled at him and ruffled his hair. "You can show him around while I fix breakfast up for you, if he'd like you to." She looked up at Jared and smiled. (@Stew)

Jared smiles and nods at her,

"Because the first thing I worry about is if someone's going to bite me, it's a good red flag to look out for." He says before chuckling and getting up, he walks over beside Lewis and glances at him and Alyssa,

"And a tour would sound lovely!" He says with a sincere tone.


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