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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Alex turned away from Jared and looked towards the exit of the kitchen. "Turn the cold water off and just put hot water in, Cait! I'll be up in a few minutes!" He called, then he eased himself back into a comfortable position and sipped his coffee.

".. Nervous? Don't be... I occasionally see her at the park in the center of town. Carl sometimes plays with her son, seeing as he's the same age as him." He smiled. "She's nice. Just lonely - Hell, she'll probably appreciate it more than you will. If you never try, you'll never know." He smiled at Jared and then stretched his back a little. (@Stew, @DryPunishment)
Connor hurried on through the storm, making sure the others were following closely. Once they got to where they met the man, Connor had to follow the faint prints left behind. All the while he was muttering over how hardpacked the dirt was and how the guy wasn't large enough to leave any better tracks. Then the rain really started to come down, which didn't help matters. But he found it, and he hurried the others up to it before banging on the door as hard as he could.
Brad ran to the door and quickly pulled it open, looking over the five that had appeared before him. He quickly nodded and stepped aside, allowing them all to come inside before he slammed the door shut and locked it. It was warm in the little cabin - it was light in here, too, with little oil lamps being scattered around - on the far left of the main room that served as the kitchen-diner on the right, and the living room on the left, there was a huge roaring and open fireplace, crackling and hissing under several thick logs. Daniel backed up behind Dominic and looked around, water dripping off of the hood of his coat. His pants were soaked, but that could be dealt with easily. He looked around again and smiled when he saw the campfire, and there was the smell of what smelt like bacon. It was nice so far.

"Glad to see you made it... Is this all of you?" Brad asked. (@Beowulf)
"Alright! I'll do that!"

She yelled. Caitlyn looked at the the tap and switched the cold water one around.

"I did it!"

After a while she tried the water again. It was getting better.


Jared nods and gets up, he chuckles for no known reason and puts his dishes in the sink before finishing his coffee,

"Hey, thanks for helping me out, I think I'll go talk to her." He says with a smile before walking out of the door. Today was a different day, today, Jared was going to try to get something for once. Jared walks over across the street to the girl's house to check to see if she's there first, he gives the door a mighty knock and quickly examines himself tp make sure he doesn't look too shabby.

"No, we left the dog." Connor replied in a rather bitter mood. He was soaked and cold, his beard hung down to his chest limply and dripping water everywhere. His hat hadn't kept out some of the rain so his hair was plastered to his scalp, and he was worrying over his bowstring. All and all, his mood quickly went down from finding Brad not wanting to kill them and a cabin to it's currwnt state.

(@DrTrollinski )
Alex simply nodded to him in agreement and then waved him off as he walked out of the house; he then got up and went upstairs to find Caitlyn in the bathroom.

"Hey, beautiful." He smiled. "Once that's hot enough for you, hop in. I'll just go and grab you some clothes." He smiled at her and then walked out of the bathroom and over to her bedroom where he grabbed some fresh clothes from the dresser. Some nice little jeans, some socks, underwear, her sneakers, and a nice silver-colored shirt that had a love-heart on the front of it. He carried them back through to the bathroom and put them down on the radiator. (@DryPunishment)


There wasn't any sound at first, but then he heard footsteps coming down the hallway. He heard the lock on the door get released, and then a young woman slowly revealed herself as she creaked it open. She looked to be in her early twenties, but she could easily pass for someone who was younger. She had of a soft face and slightly dark brown hair, but still rather light. She had a fine pair of hazel-green eyes, light pink and smooth lips, and a perfectly straight set of teeth. She was slim-built - she was the perfect stereotypical housewife, but she didn't flaunt her appearance in a dirty way. She made it look more innocent, over anything else.

She looked at him for a moment and then greeted him with a slightly surprised but warm smile. ".. Hi there." She said. "What can I do for you?" She asked.

(@Stew - I'd say she looks like the picture below)



"Hm..." He said, sighing. ".. Well, please, come in and sit down by the fire... I've got some spare meat left over from a boar I got earlier on. You look like you could use that and a hot drink. You're in luck, in that sense... Managed to find some coffee in the cupboard, so I can spare some of that and make you all some." He smiled and then checked through a crack in the boards that went over the windows, and upon seeing nothing, he closed the curtains over and took a deep breath as he went to the opposite side of the room in the kitchen area and took a bowl from the fridge. There was no power, but the fridge was still somewhat cold inside - the bowl was filled with fine cuts of pig, so that was a little booster to their day.

Daniel didn't even ask. He went over and instantly sat down in front of the fire on the bear rug that rested before it. It was so relaxing. He slipped off his jacket and then started warming his hands. (@Beowulf)
Connor followed Daniels example, but stood by the fire instead of sitting on the rug. Looking at the rug, he couldn't help but ask "You get this yourself? I've hunted a couple bears in the past. Big bugger nearly got me, sold his meat for a good price and had a rug made out of him like this one." On another note, he thought to himself 'I knew there were boar up here.'

(@DrTrollinski )
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Jared smiled back at her, he holds out his hand for a handshake and speaks,

"I'm Jared, I'm one of the survivors here and I was hoping to talk to you." Jared liked the look of her from first glance, she seems nice enough so far. Jared hoped that she didn't have some type of secret, nasty, terrible side to her that would make her seem unattractive.

She smiled at him and held out a hand from behind the door, she grasped his own and shook it gently. ".. Alyssa." She said. ".. I'm Alyssa." She smiled warmly and opened up the door - it was so nice to have someone come up like this. She was losing hope. Ever since she lost her husband, she wasn't sure about any kinds of interaction with other people. She only knew one thing, and that was that she needed to protect her son. The last bit of family she had left. It turned out that talking to someone new wasn't so bad, after all.

"It'd be nice to talk to someone. It's a pleasure to meet you." She smiled at him and then opened the door up fully. The house she'd picked was nicely decorated, with the hallway leading down through the house being painted white with a beautiful polished wood floor. There were framed pictures and artwork on the walls, and the whole house seemed so homey, but it also had that feeling in the air - the house felt so empty. It was as if there was something missing from it, but Jared nor Alyssa could put their finger on it. She always felt it, but... She just couldn't narrow it down.

".. Would you like some... coffee, or something?" She offered. (@Stew)


"Heh, no... I've got the missus to worry about, remember? She's pregnant, doesn't like it when I throw myself into too much danger now. This place must have belonged to a hunter of some sort before all this happened... Bear rug was there, but one day, I'd like to catch one myself." He chuckled as he went and crouched beside the fire and put a grill over the top of it, slapping some of the meat down on top of it. Smoked pork. Mmmm.

He looked at Daniel and smiled. It had been so long since he'd seen a child, and to see one now made his heart crack in just the slightest. He looked so sweet and innocent - He certainly deserved better than to be living out here.

"Hey there, kiddo. You hungry?" He asked. Daniel smiled shyly and nodded.


"Alright... Hang in there. I'm Brad, by the way... What's your name?" He asked, Daniel felt more comfortable now. He was warm, about to have some tasty food, and Brad seemed rather friendly.

".. I'm Daniel." He smiled, Brad stood up and then went to sit down on one of the armchairs.

"So. What's your story, everyone? You been up in the forest long?" He asked. "Oh, and Delaney might join us soon... The pregnancy makes her tired, though." (@Beowulf, @TheHarlequinnCat)

Jared shrugs, he knew that they would get along quite well,

"Well, I've had two cups this morning, why not make it three?" Jared says with a smile, if it was one thing he enjoyed, it was a cup of coffee. Jared was about to enter when he stops dead in his tracks,

"Do you mind if I come in?" He asks, Jared might have been part vampire, because he always asked if he could enter someone's home before entering. Proper manners? Or proper vampire? Who even knows?

She looked at him and rolled her eyes, smiling. ".. Unless you want to drink your coffee on the porch, I think it's okay if you want to come in for a while." She giggled a little and nodded her head back towards the kitchen, her hair swooshing around elegantly as she did so. She waited for him to step inside, and then she closed the door over and walked him down to the kitchen where she started to boil up a pot of coffee. ".. Do you take sugar and milk?" She asked as she leaned over the counter to dig around for the sugar that was rested in one of the numerous small metal pots. (@Stew)
"Well, I've been in the woods for a while, know their ways and their flow. But it's a bit complicated how I got with this group in the first place. You see..." And off he went. He enjoyed telling a good story once in a while, but he left out stuff that was still fresh in the groups mind. And how his son may or may not be a bandit in a bandit group.

(@DrTrollinski )

Jared was lead inside and into the kitchen for a second time, deja vu, Jared watched Alyssa as she fixed him a pot of coffee. After hearing her question, Jared shakes his head,

"I like my coffee like I like my heart, black. But I usually don't take sugar or milk in my coffee. Also, thanks for making me coffee." He says with a smile, Jared knew how cheesy that joke was and that it should never have left his lips. But he was just joking around with his new friend.

"Interesting stuff." Brad replied, simply. It wasn't that he seemed disinterested. He looked upset, that's all. It was when Conner started talking about his son that seemed to make him fall quiet; with a sigh he flipped the smoke pork onto six plates and passed them around the group, holding one of them in front of himself as he sat back down in the armchair. He took a bite out of the pork - well cooked, succulent, and it had a nice smoky flavor. Daniel seemed to be enjoying it a lot, as well. "What about you?" He asked as he nodded at Dominic.

".. We used to be part of a colony in South-East Wisconsin... That went down to those creatures, though." He sighed a little. ".. I used to be a doctor before all this, but when this started I sort of became a surgeon as well." He laughed a little, Brad merely nodded once again. Kendrick didn't say anything. The thunder still made him anxious and he was visibly shaking. He was just sitting there and keeping to himself and eating his food. (@Stew)

Jared takes a sip of the coffee before answering Alyssa's question,

"I'm 24." He simply states. Jared takes off his hat and takes another sip of his coffee,

"So how old are you?" He asks as he looks around the kitchen, the house looked very nice, as-well as the owner. Jared is now completely looking forward to getting to know Alyssa.

"And that." Connor said pointing a fork or knife, either one, at Kendrick. "Is are resident strong man. Don't let his silence fool you. He is usually rather loud. I'm surprised half of the game hasn't been scared off by him." he said, giving a small smile towards Kendrick to take the sting out of his words. "He was also a part of that colony. You should've seen him with the kids. Funny story, I nearly killed him the first time we met."

(@DrTrollinski )
She sipped her coffee, and suddenly her smile seemed to become much brighter. ".. I'm twenty-three!" She said, laughing a little under her breath as she brushed her hair back and then looked at him. "It's funny, a lot of people say that I could pass for eighteen or nineteen, but once they find out that I've got a little boy aged five, they usually get a little closer to my age when they try to guess it." She said softly, stirring her coffee with a teaspoon. She felt a little self-conscious and quickly made sure that there was no dirt on her PJ's, and she didn't want to come across as too sexual, either. She wasn't like that. She made sure her breasts weren't hanging out - she just wanted to look nice and friendly for now.

"It's nice to meet someone who's around my age. A lot of the people here are either way younger, occupied, or older than me." She smiled. "Do you have a family of your own here? Or is it just you?" She asked. (@Stew)


"Mhm..." Kendrick murmured, finally cracking a faint smile. Brad was almost intimidated by his voice, but he put a friendly smile on nonetheless. ".. First time we met, I was doin' guard duty. Well, I say met, but... yeah. We didn't really meet. I nearly took an arrow to the skull, though." He laughed quietly and then looked up at Conner, and then at Brad. ".. We kinda' got to know each other after that... Me, Dom, and him ended up leadin' our little colony after the old leader passed away." He explained, and then went back to eating his food. (@Beowulf)

Jared smiles and listens with glee as she talks, but then she asked him a question that always seems to haunt him. Jared stops smiling, his face and overall tone grow a tad bit grimmer as he ponders over the thought of his family,

"Uh, no, my family and I lived in Scranton for a while until I moved off to New York for college, they moved off to Texas and eventually all of this crap started up. I only had a mom, a dad, and a grandfather; early on whenever things were starting to get bad, I traveled down to where they moved and tried to find them. When I did find them, they were zombies; I never spent much time with my family so it didn't take me long to move on from the entire thing." He didn't mean to turn the conversation so dark but that's what he tells anyone who asks about his family. Jared suddenly shakes his head and turns back into his usually happy self,

"But, anyways. Yeah that's kind of funny that people do that; but never judge a book by its cover, am I right?" He says followed by a chuckle.

".. That's right." She smiled weakly and then looked down at her coffee for a few moments. ".. I lost my husband when this started. It was harder on my son, I think... He has night terrors a lot now, wakes up a lot crying for him, but... We get by, and I do what I can." She smiled at him and then sipped on her coffee. She looked down at her silver wristwatch on her right arm and then took a deep breath.

"I hate to cut things short, but I need to go and wake him up. If you don't mind waiting here for a few minutes, you can join us for breakfast, or maybe another cup of coffee if you're not feeling hungry." She smiled and sipped her coffee until half of it was gone, then she put the cup down on a coaster on the table and slowly rose up. (@Stew)
Caitlyn had started to remove the PJs and proceeded to insert herself into the warm and pleasant water. So nice. She tried to reach for the shampoo and unable to grasp it she threw a rubber ducky at it in hopes of the bottle falling at her. Well...she didn't miss. But she didn't get the ducky either.

Alex laughed a little and then reached up as he rolled his eyes, taking hold of the bottle of the shampoo and crouching beside the bath; he also took the rubber duck and plopped it back into the water for her. He then opened up the bottle of shampoo and put one arm behind her neck so that her head didn't go under the water when she leaned back. He smiled at her and then took a deep breath. "I'll wash your hair for you, sweetheart. You can wash everything else with the soap, okay?" He said. (@DryPunishment)
"Yeah, those were the days." Connor said, sitting quietly and remembering better days. "But, that was the past and this is the now." he said at last, perking up slightly. It's not that he wasn't sad about the whole thing. He just firmly believed in mourning for a short time then moving on.

"Mhm..." She nodded while poking the ducky.

Caitlyn reached for a sponge that she could probably put some soap on. Noticing one a bit to her left she took it and rubbed a bar of soap against it a few times. Allowing Alex to wash her hair,Caitlyn raised an arm forward and started rubbing the sponge on it. She did the same for the other arm.

"Mhm..." Brad said once again, getting up to boil some water in a pot above the fire. He stayed crouched there for a while, but then gave a sigh. ".. Yeah, now's now..." He added. ".. Some things are easier to move on from, but others..." He shook his head a little. "Not so much." He choked, once the pot was stable and in place, he got up and went back to his seat. He looked at James, but he'd previously explained that he was a mechanic and an engineer, of some kind, which would be helpful at some point along the line. (@DryPunishment)

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