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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Tom rolls to his side facing the two, putting one arm over their bodies to hold then, his other arm going above them so he could lay his head on it, he starts to play with Scarlets hair.
".. Can we go and wake Eric and Jenna up and then go and eat breakfast? I'm hungry, and I don't wanna' have yogurt again..." He smiled and shrugged a little, shuffling up to Tom and hugging him tight with both arms. ".. Can Scarlet cook us somethin' good?" He asked. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)
Tom smiled, "so, two more hours of sleep, then breakfast okay Carl?" He kissed the boys head and closed his eyes as well, softly playing with Scarlets hair
Carl frowned. ".. But I'm hungry..." He said as he pulled both of Tom's arms towards him and draped them over his body, sighing a little. ".. Do we really gotta' sleep for two more hours...?" He asked, shutting his eyes over. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)
"Yeah bud, just a couple of more hours okay? If you want you can have a small bowl of cereal to tide you over okay?" Tom kept his eyes closed
Caitlyn thought the movie was great. She'd never seen such effects in a movie before. Oh and the heroes of the movie were just as she'd expect if not even more heroic. The dwarf Gimli was her favourite. With his big axe and crazy good strength in fights. In the morning the first thing she did was use the bathroom. After that she began drawing Gimli. Now in much better action scenes than before.
He sighed. "No.. It's okay... I can wait." He muttered, hugging him tight as he slowly began to drift off to sleep. Maybe another hour or so wouldn't hurt him too much. (@DrCompton - Sorry, seeing as you didn't tag me I didn't get a notification, for some reason D:)
Tom woke up first and slid out carefully from the two, trying to keep them asleep. He went downstairs and gathered the stuff to cook. While Tom was no Scarlet when it came to cooking, but he did make a mean batch of scrambled eggs, and bacon was delicious anyways. He got to work on breakfast, he figured it might be a nice surprised for everyone, especially Scarlet. He liked the fact that she had slept in the same bed as her last night, although Carl had scared him crawling into bed, good thing he had put the pistol into the nightstand.
DryPunishment said:
Caitlyn thought the movie was great. She'd never seen such effects in a movie before. Oh and the heroes of the movie were just as she'd expect if not even more heroic. The dwarf Gimli was her favourite. With his big axe and crazy good strength in fights. In the morning the first thing she did was use the bathroom. After that she began drawing Gimli. Now in much better action scenes than before.
Alex heard all the noise upstairs and walked out of the kitchen to go and see what was going on. He went to Caitlyn's room and slowly creaked the door open, peering inside at her. He sighed and slowly approached, placing both hands down on her shoulders while crouching down behind her, looking over the top of her to see what she was up to.

".. Morning, sweetheart... You enjoy that movie last night?" He asked. (@DryPunishment)

Jared wakes up in his house, he hasn't been very social lately which is very strange for Jared since he's usually very outgoing, but it's been different lately. Jared sits up in his bed and stretches,

"Oh, Jesus." He says as he stretches, Jared then pops his back with delightful feedback from his spine, a nice feeling of enlightenment is what puts Jared in a good mood. He gets up and fixes himself some coffee, it could be a good day today if he plays his cards right. Jared takes a sip of his coffee and looks out the window,

"I should talk to someone today." He says to himself, and at that moment Jared started planning out a way to ease himself back into the social life,

"Ok, first I talk to Tom and his family, then I should talk to one of the other families to see how it feels talking to strangers." He says as he reviews his plan. Jared finishes his coffee and walks outside, but he starts to change his plan slowly as Jared finds himself wandering around the neighborhood in a nonsensical manner. He eventually finds himself back on his street,

"Well, I might as well just choose a random person and roll with it." He says as he walks up to the first house he sees. Jared knocks on the door to who he presumes is.... Oh! What was that kid's name? Ashton? Algernon? Oh well, something with an A, Jared will have to find that out later. He knocks once more just to be sure his knock is heard.

"Right... I'm going to run you a bath, and once you've had that, we can have some breakfast." He smiled at the young girl and then bowed over, planting a gentle kiss atop her head. He walked out of the bedroom and went to the bathroom; as soon as he turned the hot water faucet of the bathtub on, he heard a knock at the door. He took a deep breath and made sure his gun was still tucked into his pants, just in case. He made his way downstairs and opened up the door, peering upon the person who had been more than a stranger in the recent times.

"Holy Christ. Jared... Damn, man. I thought you died on us." He chuckled as he held out a hand towards him to offer him a handshake.


Carl merely snuggled up to Scarlet, still fast asleep and dreaming happy things about lush landscapes and gardens and other cool stuff like Eric playing guitar or Jenna playing her harmonica. It was quite nice, and if he was asked, he wouldn't deny that he needed the extra sleep. He smiled while he rested in a gentle snooze, his arms wrapped weakly around Scarlet while he waited for his father to finish cooking breakfast. (@Stew, @DryPunishment, @Soul OMU)
Tom set the plates out, then went to wake up Eric and he assumed Jenna as well. He knocked in the door, but didn't open it, just in case. "Eric? I made breakfast and I didn't even burn it. I set a plate out for Jenna as well." Then he went to his bed, opening the door and walking over to Scarlet and Jenna, "Hey guys, foods ready." @Soul OMU

Jared chuckles, he looks at the ground for a moment before looking back up at Alex,

"Yeah, I thought so too." He says with a smile. Jared caught a glance over Alex's shoulder of his house,

"Uh, that's actually why I came out here, I know I've been pretty quiet lately. So, here I am, looking for some intelligent conversation." Jared nods at Alex,

"Do you mind if I come in?" He asks before looking at the house next to Alex's so he wouldn't seem so intent on getting into Alex's house.

Eric groaned a little as he slowly rolled over to face the door; he was down to his boxer shorts, and nothing more. He rubbed his forehead with his hand and then rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes, yawning as he called back to Tom. ".. We'll be right there, dad!" He yelled back, tiredly.

Tom found Carl snuggled up to Scarlet, but as soon as Tom spoke, Carl quickly awoke and sat up, rubbing his eyes. ".. Okay, daddy... I'm hungry now, too." He smiled tiredly and then reached up towards him, expecting a hug and a carry downstairs to the kitchen. (@Soul OMU)


"You took the words right out of my mouth." He chuckled a little and then opened the door fully. ".. I'm just about to prepare some breakfast. Caitlyn's going to be having a bath soon, so it'll all be ready for her once she's done. Hopefully. I'll make you a coffee and something to eat as well." He smiled a little and then stepped away, waiting for him to come inside before he closed the door over.

He lead him through to the kitchen and left him to take a seat at the table while he started fixing up a hot cup of coffee for them both. ".. So, what's with the sudden change of scene, then?" He smiled. ".. It's nice to see you getting out to socialize, I'm just curious about the sudden change." He said. (@Stew)

Jared is lead inside the house and into the kitchen, he takes a seat in a chair at a table. Jared listens to Alex's question and sniffs for no reason,

"Well, I just wanted to get out a little more. Lately I've been feeling strange, something's missing, but I don't know what." He says before shaking his head,

"I just assumed I needed to socialize, and now I'm socializing, I can't really tell if it's changing the feeling, though." He says as he puts his elbows on the table and leans forward,

"But, it's still good to get out, weird feeling or not." He says with an indifferent face.

"I loved it! The fighting and the wizards and that weird big-eyed hairless monkey man."

She kept on trying to draw the axe,but it always turned out too big or too small or too weird so she kept redrawing it.

"Okay...I guess I have to stay clean all the time."

Alex listened and nodded. He knew that 'missing spot' quite well. He felt it when all of this first happened, and it wasn't a nice feeling at all. He knew a way that could help him, though, and he knew that there was one other person in the town that he may get along with. Female, one young child, single - about the same age as him, too, if not younger.

He placed the cup of coffee down in front of him and then started cooking some bacon and eggs. He cracked two eggs into a pan and got a few streaks of bacon into a separate one.

"Wait here a sec." He said, he walked over to the stairs and leaned against the stair rail that lead up them. "Caitlyn! Go check your bath and hop in it if it's ready, sweetheart!" He called up the stairs, and then went back to the kitchen to dash some of the hot oil over the top of the eggs, as well as flip the bacon. He sat down opposite Jared with his own cup of coffee and took a deep breath.

"Honestly, Jared... I know what it feels like, okay? I know someone who you could get along with, I bet... I think what you need is to settle down... You're young, caught up in the middle of an apocalypse, and you didn't really have... anyone, from what I could tell." He sighed a little. ".. The most I can give you is advice. There's a woman that lives just across from us, she lives with her little boy - her partner was killed when all of this happened, and she doesn't get to socialize all that much, either. I think it'd be good for both of you if you went over and got to talking for a while once you've had breakfast here." He said, smiling quaintly at him as he sipped his coffee. (@DryPunishment, @Stew)

Jared nods as he listens to Alex's wise words, Jared now knows what he's feeling and is fully aware of what he's up against. Jared now notices that he feels the feeling currently, he takes a swig of the coffee and just about scalds his mouth,

"Man, I don't think anyone could've put it better." He says before taking a more careful sip of the coffee,

"But you're right, and I find it hilarious that you're calling me young." He says with a chuckle, this kid is something else,

"Also, thanks for the breakfast, I had a cup of coffee just before I left, but you can never have too much, am I right?" Jared says with a happy tone. He now knew what he could do to get rid of that pesky feeling.

"Hey, I just called you young because that's what you are. I never implied that I was older than you." He winked and stood up, walking over to the stove; he took a plate from the cupboard and then flipped the eggs onto the plate, alongside the crispy bacon that he'd made. It was cooked just right, and it wasn't too fatty, but wasn't too crunchy either. He smiled and walked over, placing it down in front of Jared alongside a knife and fork; he went to the cupboard and pulled out a bottle of Chef's homemade tomato ketchup and put it down beside him.

"Bon appetite." He chuckled and sat down opposite him once again, sipping his coffee.

"Still, trust me, I felt exactly the same at first. At the mall. I felt so... empty, even though I'd done all of that and helped people live on, and I got everyone involved on keeping each other safe... I still felt like there was something missing. Why? Because I hadn't settled down into a regular lifestyle. You can lie in bed all you want, but it ain't gonna' wash the feeling away - If someone my age gets lonely, I'm sure someone your age does as well. Believe me, once we got here, and me and Hunter took Caitlyn under our wing, I felt so... content... with life, and... everything, really. And in spite of what's going on, I'd say that's the best thing we could ask for, isn't it?" He smiled. (@Stew)
"Okay! I'm gonna do it!"

She purposefully waited a little while to fix that axe and then Caitlyn ran off to see if her bath was hot enough.

The little girl put two fingers in the baththub and got them out.

"It's still a little cold!"


Jared starts to eat while Alex talks, Jared was slightly nervous about talking to the girl across the street but he didn't want to feel like this forever, it was probably for the better, anyways. He was nearly finished when he spoke up,

"Yeah, I'd say that's the best." Jared finishes his food and lets out a sigh,

"Man, I'm kind of nervous." He says followed by a small shiver of anxiousness.


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