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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

DrTrollinski said:
Carl looked up at him and smiled. He'd dragged Scarlet into the living room so they could sit on the couch and hug while watching a cartoon DVD. Even after the pepto-bismol, it sort of flushed him out a little too much, so he wasn't feeling all that well, but he certainly felt a lot better despite being pale in the face.
"Hi, daddy... We're watchin' cartoons." He grinned up at him and sat up a little more, holding out his arms towards him and expecting a hug. (@Soul OMU)

"Awesome, let's go." He smiled and took her by the hand before leading her towards the exit of the room. "I'll probably teach you both chords today, then once we've done enough I'll teach you songs." He smiled at her. (@Soul OMU)


DrTrollinski said:
"Soon, hopefully." He said while looking around. "Let's just find a place to stay and we'll worry about fuel when we get there." He said. (@AvidElmV2)
(@AvidElmV2 - Sorry for the short post. I was on my phone at the time.)
Tom smiled at Scarlet then sat down next to her and Carl, "I think Eric is gonna come over and take you to play the guitar, if you're feeling up to it." He put his arm around Carl, "And then I've got a surprise for you a little later." He smiles at Carl, then looks up at Scarlet, "Hey you, thanks for helping out, sorry I kinda bolted this morning, I didn't realize he was sick." @Soul OMU
"That'd be awesome!" He grinned and hugged Tom tight. ".. And yeah, I was worried about where you were goin', daddy, and I had a bad tummy ache because of all the stuff we ate last night, and I couldn't go to the bathroom at all, too." He frowned a little. ".. But Scarlet gave me some medicine, and then I could go okay. I went, but... I still feel kinda' sick, but I feel better." He snuggled him and closed his eyes, his head set against his chest. (@Soul OMU)
"Jack." Adelaide repeated under her breath, as if it would make her remember any better. "Thanks Alex. Oh, and good luck to you too." She smiled and waved goodbye before walking down to Jack's house, two doors down. She knocked on the door and rocked back on her heels as she waited for somebody to answer. (@DrTrollinski )
A woman came to the door and opened it up. She was young, perhaps in her early thirties, with a head of black hair that glimmered in the setting sun. She looked Adelaide up and down and smiled - she recognized her, but she'd never actually gotten around to speaking to her before - she didn't know her name, either. She just occasionally smiled at her when they bumped into each other and/or walked by each other.

".. Oh--.. Hello. How can I help you?" She asked softly, with only her upper body poking out through a gap in the door. (@adelaide X)
Jenna blinks and follows after him as he takes her hand and walks her out of the house. "Uh okay, cool." She said softly while walking.


Scarlet waves hand. "It's alright, you didn't know and probably had other stuff on your mind." She said as she sat back in her seat on the couch.

(@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
Adelaide opened her mouth to tell the woman that she needed to talk to her son, but only realized too late she wasn't sure how to do so. She didn't believe the mother would be too pleased about a near eighteen year old requesting to talk to her son because it's 'important'. Besides, if she did that the mother may start asking questions and Adelaide was unsure of how much the parents knew and how much Jack would want them to know. Maybe he didn't want them to know he was depressed. It would be understandable if that was the case. Finally after a few moments of awkward silence Adelaide said, "I need help moving a couch and everybody seems to be busy. I was just going to ask if Jack would mind helping me.". It wasn't much of an excuse and there was many ways it could potentially backfire, but it was the best she could come up with on the spot. (@DrTrollinski )
She looked at her for a moment. ".. Of course. It'll do him good to get out - All he ever does is sit up in his room all day, so this would be good. One moment." She smiled at her and then turned and walked to the stairs, leaning against the wall as she looked up the stairs and called out to her son. "JACK! Get your shoes on and come down here! There's someone here for you!" She yelled. She received no response, but a few moments later a boy slowly came creeping down the stairs - his hair was closer to a dark brown, but still looked black like his mother's. He looked deprived of sleep, and he was way too skinny for someone that was his age. He was wearing a long-sleeved shirt and a hoodie as well, some blue jeans, and white sneakers. He walked to the door and then looked up at Adelaide, not saying a word.

".. You're going to go with her and help her move some furniture, Jack. It'll do you good to get out." She smiled and ruffled his hair gently. Jack stepped out of the door without saying anything and stood beside Adelaide, his head bowed. ".. I'll see you in a while, Jack." She smiled and slowly closed the door on them both. (@adelaide X)
Johnathan nods and keeps looking around. They looked around for about an hour before they passed a third police station. He stopped around the corner and got out. Maria stayed in the car for awhile before she got out herself, trying to find out what Johnathan was doing.Johnathan went into he trunk of the car and took his Winchester. "Mark, you coming? I'm gonna check this place out. We might be staying here for the time being." He closed the trunk and walked inside. He saw that Maria had the handle of her shovel pushed up against a zombies throat. She was forcing it stay there until Johnathan got in. "Help me!" Johnathan was pulled out of his trance when she said that. He wan up to the side of her and started to smash the zeds head in with the butt of his rifle. Blood flew everywhere and Maria had to close her eye's to avoid getting sprayed in the eyes by it.
".. Sure, I'll come along." He handed Cole off to Maria once the walker had been dealt with. ".. Put the windows up and lock the doors, lie down in the chair if you have to. We don't know what's lurking around out here." He said to her, kissing Cole's forehead before she took him. Mark stepped out of the car and joined John, waiting for him. ".. Lead the way." He said. (@AvidElmV2)
"Sure, that'd be cool."

All the while, Jay is cataloging everything Cross is telling him. A brother? Families? Hmm... interresting enough. It seemed there was no life here, but it was quite the contrary. Jay could already imagine the house he'd take up. Make it nice. He could imagine him, a beautiful 1950's era wife, a 4-year-old son, and a Golden Retriever on the front porch, sipping lemonade.

Unknowingly, Jay sighs and, to his extreme embarrassment, pitches an erection. Determined not to let Cross see his surprise boner, he says, "After you, then."

(Oh dear, I got a bit of a laugh out of that, rofl)

"Mhm." He lead him out of the house and out into the street, looking around. ".. This is the street everyone's living on right now. We have a family of four, a family of three, and a family of two." He explained, looking around. ".. We also have a family my two younger brothers are in, right next door. I, I have my own family with one girl and our--.." He thought for a moment. 'Friend's daughter' sounded odd. ".. adoptive daughter." He finished his sentence. "Let's think, the family of two's a young woman, early twenties, she's got her five-year-old son with her. Lost the man of the family when all this started." He sighed as he lead him down the sidewalk a bit, but then he saw Eric, his teenage brother, exiting a house with Jenna - whom of which was the same age as him and was his girlfriend.

"Ah. This is my eldest brother coming up now." He said, smiling. Eric walked up with Jenna but stopped in front of him. He'd heard the conversation of Hunter being pregnant, but he didn't comment on it.

"Hey, Alex--.." He scratched the back of his head as he looked over to Jay. His hair was dark brown, medium-length. He looked to be about fourteen years of age, quite well-built body, too.

"Jay, this is Eric." Alex introduced. ".. And this here's Jenna - She's a friend of Eric, her aunt's here as well." He explained, motioning off to her. He didn't know that the two were in a relationship, but oh well. (@Soul OMU, @Dastino)
Johnathan nods and walks off into one of the many dark halls. Johnathan steps to round the corner at the end of the hall, but stops when he hears moaning. He peeks around the corner and see's three walkers wandering around. One was eating the rotting corpse o a dead walker, another was banging its head against the wall, and the last one was walking down the hall towards Johnathan and Mark. Johnathan moved away from the corner and turned to Mark. "One.... Two...." He round the and fired a shot of at the walker walking towards them. The shot hit the walker dead in the chest and the noise attracted the attention of the other walkers. One of them started running towards Johnathan and the other fell over when it started to walk. Johnathan grabbed the barrel of his Winchester and turned it around, holding it like a baseball bat. He tapped the ground a couple with the butt of the gun before drawing back. He let the walker get closer before swinging it straight at it's head. It smashed into a bloody mess of rotting brains and flesh. Johnathan slowly lowered his gun and watched as the last walker slowly walked over to them, dragging it's leg behind it. He closely examined it and noticed that the whole leg was turned the wrong way. Johnathan doubled over and nearly puked at the sight. "That's gross man... Mark you take this guy." Johnathan turned around and walked behind Mark.
Mark sighed and quickly raised his gun from his side. Thank god it wasn't his shooting arm that had been hit. He aimed at the head of it and quickly fired two bullets, both of them striking it in the forehead and dropping it like a sack of bricks. Mark looked around after that and took a deep breath, sighing a little. He didn't like how dark it was in here.

".. Now what?" He asked. (@AvidElmV2)
"Uhhhhhh.. " Johnathan ruffled his hair and motor boated for awhile. In all honesty he hadn't planned on anything else other than this. "Well, after we board up the windows and stuff I could go look around for some guns or some ammo or something. This is a police station after all." Johnathan let go of his hair and walked back to the front entrance to see how Maria and Cole were doing. Once he got close enough, the smell of dirty diaper became obvious. He covered his noise and kept walking. Once they got back to the front room, they would that Maria was changing Cole's diaper. "Cole! What has Mark been feeding you!" Maria wailed out as she strapped a new fresh pamper around his waist. Once it was on she picked him up and bounced him around a bit.
(@John Abraus - Do you mind? I accepted you into the RP ages ago, so hop in wherever, but please don't do random stuff like that on the IC section.)


".. I've fed him formula milk." Mark chuckled. "Don't worry, once he's onto solid mashed food, it shouldn't be too bad." He smiled at her and then looked at Johnathan. ".. Boarding them will make too much noise. Just block 'em off. From what I remember, Police Stations have an emergency power and water supply that they run off during blackouts, and all that..." He walked over to a light switch and flicked it on. It did indeed work. That meant they had hot water here as well.

"Awesome." He said simply. (@AvidElmV2)
Johnathan sat down in a chair and processed this for awhile. "Power means that if we find a movie and a TV, we won't have to sit down and stare at a wall. And water means.." He jumped up from his seat and ran down the hallway. He had seen a bathroom around there somewhere when they fought those walkers. When he finally found it he jumped up and down with glee before putting his hands together in a prayer. "Thank you god." He opened the door and was surprised to see that the walls were lined with shower heads and knobs. He walked into the room and closed the door behind him. Dried blood splattered the wall but he didn't care. He was more focused on whether or not they had hot water here. He took his clothes off and put them in a corner where they wouldn't get wet. He turned one of the knobs and was shocked to see that he was right. "Yes!" His happy cries echoed throughout the room as the hot water sprayed out of the head, splashed onto the ground, and matted his hair to his head. So what if he didn't have soap? In the conditions they were in before, this was heaven.
".. You know? I might go take a shower as well. Keep an eye on Cole for me." Mark grinned as he ran off to the shower room and looked over at Johnathan. He was certainly enjoying himself; the showerheads had half-walls between each one which covered people's lower bodies, but nothing more. The look of the hot water was too tempting. He instantly tore off his clothes and walked over under the shower beside the 'booth' John was in - he turned it on, and oh, sweet Jesus. Hot water was finally his.

He decided to shower for a full ten minutes before getting out and walking over to the benches in the center of the room; he wrapped a towel around his lower body and then sat on the bench, feeling so much more fresh and clean than before. He was going to wait for Johnathan to come over so he could sit with him and talk about how amazing hot water was, or something. (@AvidElmV2)
Maria watched in shock as Mark ran off to join Johnathan in the showers. Her attention was directed to Cole, who was lying on the floor, face down. "Cole stop gnawing on the carpet!" She walked over to pick him up and he grabbed a large portion of her hair. She screamed out in pain as he tugged on it. Eventually, she was able to pry his hand away. They glared at each other for awhile before Cole bust out in laughter. Maria couldn't hold back her laughter and she joined him. Something about this kid made every bad situation great.


Johnathan stayed in the showers for another ten minutes. He was indulging himself in sweet embrace of hot water. When he did come out he had a towel wrapped around him as well and his clothes were draped over his shoulder. "From now on, I will always go to a police station when I'm in need of shelter. Always."He sat down on the bench next to Mark and smiled. He adjusted his towel and laughed a little. "So, how are you doing?" He was trying to make small talk but it was easy to see that he wanted to know if Mark was okay. With all that was going on, everyone was a little on edge. Even Maria at times.

(@DrTrollinski )
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(He's not old enough to crawl, so she would have had to have been holding him. He's only two months old.)


Mark had taken the bandage off of his arm before the shower and had gotten a clean one for once he was dry.

"I'm not too bad. I had to fish bullet fragments out my arm earlier, but other than that, I'm great." He said as he lifted a part of the towel and started drying his hair. (@AvidElmV2)
(I had forgotten how old Cole was! Thanks.)

"Cool. Don't wanna know how it felt.. So, anything else you wanna talk about?" Johnathan walked back into the shower room before Mark could say anything. He came back out with his clothes on and was zipping up his jacket. "Sorry, I just really wanted to change before we talked some more." He picked up his glasses from the bench and started to wipe steam off of them with a part of his shirt that hung under his jacket.

(@DrTrollinski )
When Johnathan came back in, Mark had just pulled his pants up and was now slowly putting on his shirt once he was done he walked back over and sat down on the bench.

"I'm worried, John... Really worried." He sighed. "I'm scared of losing you or Maria, and if I lost Cole you know I wouldn't be able to live with myself." He said. (@AvidElmV2)
Johnathan scowled and smacked Mark on the back of the head. "Don't think like that. Never think like that. We may have had some close calls, but that's it. We will always be here for you Mark and if something happens to me or Maria, the other will make sure that you and Cole stay safe. You got that? We will never leave you." Johnathan walked down the hallway and had his own moment of fear. What would happen if Maria had died? He quickly submersed the thought and drowned it with a bunch of other concerns. But he couldn't help but wonder how he would feel. He had never thought about it but the thought of going on without Maria was unbearable.
Mark nodded in agreement and then followed him, sighing a little as he walked down the hallway with his hands in his pockets. It was nice to know that he had someone to rely on - He liked Johnathan and Maria, and right next to Cole, they were the closest thing to family that he was going to get. He went down the hallway with Johnathan and looked over Maria and Cole, and then off towards the staff kitchen.

"We could go check the staff kitchen, if you want. They should have some stuff in there unless all the officers took it." He shrugged. (@Soul OMU - I tagged you in a post last night if you'd like to go back and respond to that :) )


DrTrollinski said:
"Mhm." He lead him out of the house and out into the street, looking around. ".. This is the street everyone's living on right now. We have a family of four, a family of three, and a family of two." He explained, looking around. ".. We also have a family my two younger brothers are in, right next door. I, I have my own family with one girl and our--.." He thought for a moment. 'Friend's daughter' sounded odd. ".. adoptive daughter." He finished his sentence. "Let's think, the family of two's a young woman, early twenties, she's got her five-year-old son with her. Lost the man of the family when all this started." He sighed as he lead him down the sidewalk a bit, but then he saw Eric, his teenage brother, exiting a house with Jenna - whom of which was the same age as him and was his girlfriend.

"Ah. This is my eldest brother coming up now." He said, smiling. Eric walked up with Jenna but stopped in front of him. He'd heard the conversation of Hunter being pregnant, but he didn't comment on it.

"Hey, Alex--.." He scratched the back of his head as he looked over to Jay. His hair was dark brown, medium-length. He looked to be about fourteen years of age, quite well-built body, too.

"Jay, this is Eric." Alex introduced. ".. And this here's Jenna - She's a friend of Eric, her aunt's here as well." He explained, motioning off to her. He didn't know that the two were in a relationship, but oh well. (@Soul OMU, @Dastino)
(Found it, @Soul OMU)

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