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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

"Well, I mean, if you wouldn't mind doing that I'm sure Scarlet and I would enjoy the time to ourselves." Tom smiled a little at Eric, "I appreciate it bud."
He walked over and hugged him. "Carl would definitely help out with that. I'll make some other arrangements for you, but that's a surprise." He smiled at him and pulled away. "When do you want Carl off the scene?" He asked with a chuckle. (@DrCompton)
"Well more likely tomorrow, like I said it's just measuring stuff today." He shrugged, "I mean, I could start cutting this afternoon if I hurry."
"Could do, I suppose." He said with a shrug. "Hold on a sec. I'll get some lemonade. Chef made some fresh." He smiled and went inside before fetching two glasses of cold lemonade. He then went out back again and placed a glass down in front of Tom, and then sipped his own.

"Seeing as you need him out the house tomorrow, I could always do the guitar lesson today. Might ask Scarlet for some help like you asked, as well..." He looked at Tom's lemonade. "You need anything else?" He asked. (@DrCompton)
Hunter heard voices downstairs and looked at Caitlyn. "Alrigh Cait me and your are going to stay up here... Can I see some of your drawings?" She asked softly while looking at her and smiling a bit. (@DryPunishment)
"Hmm? Yes Hunter! I'll be right back!"

She quickly bolted out of the main bedroom and rushed to her own room. Her little piece of paradise where she stored all her artistic material.

With incredibly swift moves she grabbed her drawings and came back to Hunter.

"Here they are!"

And she put them on the bed next to her.

There was a drawing of Alex,Caitlyn and Hunter, her monkey, the heart she gave Hunter the other day and what looked like scribblings of the LoTR characters.

@Soul OMU
Hunter smiles a bit as she looks them over before stopping at the one of her, Alex and Caitlyn. "So who's all this?" She said while pointing to it and looking at Caitlyn. (@DryPunishment)
((Hold on...*solves an ecuation*...Okay))

"That's you..." she pointed at the figure with longer hair. "That's Alex..." she moved her finger towards the tallest figure that clearly resembled a man. "And that's me...the smallest one in the middle!"

Towards her last sentence she had a 'build-up tone' and her very last sentence was very enthusiastic in nature.

"That's all of us!"

@Soul OMU
Hunter smiles softly. "It's beautiful Caitlyn... And you look lovely." She said while smiling at her while putting a hand on her head lightly. (@DryPunishment)
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Hunter smiles softly. "It's beautiful Caitlyn... And you look lovely." She said while smiling at her while putting a hand on her head lightly. (@DryPunishment)

"It ain't that far, I don't think." Connor said as he strode through the woods, setting a rather quick pace. "And if we keep going as we are, I think we should make it in no time." It was rather amazing how fast that old man was walking.

(@DrTrollinski )
".. Yeah, sure." Dominic said, his eyes scanning over the forest as they ventured through it. It was quite nerve-racking for him - he always told Daniel never to go too far from camp at night, and he'd stuck to that rule himself - Hell, if Daniel needed to go and pee, Dominic always made sure he was somewhere that they could see him just in case. This was hell for him. ".. Do you know how much further it is?" He asked. (@Beowulf)
Tom shook his head and grabbed the lemonade sipping it, "Nope nope, it's all good pal." He smiles at Eric and went back to his drawing
"Not a clue, but it shouldn't be much farther." Connor said encouragingly. "And remember what Brad, I think his name was, told us. Those things hate bright light." He may have sounded confident, but the way he turned his head as if to see everything at once gave him away.

(@DrTrollinski )
"Alright, I'll go get Jenna and I'll see how good of a teacher I am." He chuckled a little and patted his shoulder before turning around and dashing off out of the back yard and over to Jenna's house once again. He went in through the front door and went upstairs; he pushed in through Jenna's door and looked at her.

"Hey, Jenna. I was about to give Carl a guitar lesson and I wondered if you'd like to sit in on it - You did say you wanted to learn." He smiled at her. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton - Doc, once the guitar lesson's started, I'll give you the chance to move things on this time. I don't want you sitting around waiting for all of us to brush it all up :P Whenever you're ready to, to be honest :D )


".. I've got a flashlight!" Daniel chirped as he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a black military-standard flashlight. He flicked it on and sent a bright beam shooting across the path ahead of them. ".. There's more in the bags, but I grabbed one in case it got dark on the way." He smiled simply. (@Beowulf)
"Alright then, hand 'em out to everyone." Connor told him. If what Brad said was true, then the flashlights would provide more safety them their guns and bows. "We should be approaching where we met Brad in the first place right about now."

(@DrTrollinski )
".. Okay, that's fine--" Dominic was interrupted as a rumble of thunder tumbled down upon them and bounced around the forest. Wonderful. Kendrick was absolutely terrified of thunder, but he didn't say a word. The way he hesitated on continuing, as well as the fact that his face flushed of color all revealed what frame of mind he was suddenly in, anyway. ".. Let's hope we get there before it rains." Dominic said. (@Beowulf)
Tom walked inside his house to look for Carl and Scarlet, once he found the two he smiled, "Hey guys, what's up?"

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