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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

".. Hah, Scarlet was telling me how she's allergic to those." He laughed a little. ".. I'm allergic to something in pepto-bismol, so make sure I don't end up getting some of that in me." He chuckled a little and lied backwards, his head rested on one of the pillows. He reached out and took hold of her hand. ".. Me and dad are gonna' be building Carl a treehouse in the yard." He smiled warmly. ".. Also, Carl's all better now. Scarlet gave him some pepto-bismol and it sort of flushed him out." He shrugged. (@Soul OMU)
He put one hand down on her leg and kissed her again whilst rolling onto his side. ".. I wanna' go out to the movie theater later on. See if we can get the place running for Scarlet and Tom." He smiled a little and then yawned.


".. About what you said earlier, Hunter... I won't treat you like you're fragile, but..." He put a hand down on her stomach. ".. I'll be treating the little one like they're fragile, alright?" He smiled and leaned over, kissing her. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna smiles a bit and rubs noses with him. "Alright, sounds like a Plan." She said while looking at him.


Hunter smiles a bit and kisses him back. "I'd be angry if you weren't.." She said softly while looking at him. (@DrTrollinski)
".. Trust me, I'd be angry if I wasn't." He chuckled a little and held her hand. "You want me to go make you some breakfast?" He asked as he sat up a little and spun around to sit on the side of the bed. (@Soul OMU)
(Can't remember if you reaponded or not, so here is another one just in case. Or how it all turned out, in case J replied.) "I'll pack my things." he said as he made his way to his tent. Packing was a simple matter. Roll up the sleepig bag, throw clothes into a bag or backpack, and except for his tent he was good to go.

(@DrTrollinski )
(The J's backing out as he's too busy to spend time on here. He said we can keep his character as an NPC seeing as he's a useful character to have in the group.)

Daniel had gone around packing all of his stuff up, as had Kendrick and Dominic. They'd packed everything from blankets and sleeping bags, to weapons and flashlights - all of the essential stuff, including the mess kit Daniel picked up, was packed, but everything else had been left behind - which only ended up being the tents anyway. The four of them approached Conner and stopped in front of him.

"Good to go?" Dominic asked. (@Beowulf)
"I hate leaving the tents behind, but we have to get to that cabin before it gets dark." Connor expressed. But then again, they could also come back for them in case they had to. "But othwr then that, I'm good to go. And we best be going now."

(@DrTrollinski )
"I agree..." Kendrick said, looking around anxiously as he brought his rifle to his front. ".. We don't want to get caught off guard by one of those things, so let's get moving while we've got the chance." He said with a nod. "Lead the way, man. You know the forest better than any of us." He said; Daniel stuck close to Dominic's side. (@Beowulf)
"I hope so, Mark.. I really do. " She was trying to show him as much affection as possible while they were alone in the house. She let go of him and walked outside to see how Johnathan was doing. She walked back inside and sat down on the couch next to Mark and dropped her head. Johnathan came back inside two hours later. "Okay... I think I did it.... I think!" He smiled and nodded to Mark. "All I gotta do is load our stuff up. Get ready to move out." He takes all their canned foods and puts them in the back seat. Once he finishes putting all the food and supplies in the back, he checks the surrounding house one more time. After that, he walks back into the house and sit's down next to Mark. "Hey... Don't worry. Were gonna be fine. You'll see. This trip together will bring us closer. As close as two cannibal midgets in a fat guys rib cage! Err.. 4 cannibal midgets in a fat guy's rib cage!" Johnathan stood up and walked out side. He was giving Mark sometime to himself until he was ready to leave.

(@DrTrollinski )
"Alright..." He smiled softly and then handed Cole off to Johnathan. ".. Hold him for a moment... I just want to go get freshened up." He said, standing up once Johnathan had taken him. He wandered off to the bathroom and closed the door behind him, before reaching into the medicine cabinet and taking some tweezers from it; he doused the tweezers in mouthwash - it didn't do much, but it got rid of most the dirt and germs on it. Then he took the bandage away from his upper arm and looked at it in the mirror. It was ghastly, but he knew there was something stuck in there. He could feel it.

He slowly went in with the tweezers, biting down hard on a hairbrush as he did so. This was torture. He dug around inside the wound, letting out quiet cries as he did so - he kept going until he plucked out a bit of shrapnel of the bullet. He gasped in pain - he felt his legs shaking. He dropped the shrapnel into the sink - blood was everywhere, but there was one more part. He went back in, and finally plucked out one last piece. It tore flesh out with it, but he knew he needed to get rid of it. He tossed it into the sink and then tossed the tweezers aside, crying out loud as he spat the brush onto the floor. He gasped for air, leaning over the sink, he cried for a few moments more and then vomited into the sink for a few moments, sobbing as he splashed some water onto his face and his wound. (@AvidElmV2)
"Alright then. Stick close and walk fast. I plan on being there by dinner time." Connor said as he retraced his steps back into the woods. "The walk isn't hard on an old man like me, so you should be completely fine with it."

(@DrTrollinski )
Johnathan sat in the car and hit his hands on the steering wheel in a steady rhythm. Maria was outside, playing with Cole. He laughed and cried as she tossed him up into the air and caught him. She was laughing herself. She always wondered what it would be like to have a baby brother. This was as close as she was gonna get to having one. After awhile she sat down on the front steps gasping for breath. She sat down with Cole and waited for Mark to come out so they could this place.
"Yep, on it." Dominic said, he kept Daniel close while he walked alongside Conner. Kendrick was simply keeping his distance a little and kept his eyes out of anything out of the ordinary. (@Beowulf)


Once Mark was done he wiped his face and bandaged his wound again. He went out and picked up his backpack, before going outside and finding Maria. His face was flushed of color, and his bandage was wet with fresh blood, but he forced a smile and then climbed into the back of the car and looked at Johnathan. ".. Alright--.. I'm good." He said. (@AvidElmV2)
Maria tried not to look at Mark's arm, but she knew that he had done something to his arm. She got into the passenger side of the car and stared down at Cole. He started to reach out to Mark, and Maria turned around and gave him up. "So, where now?" Johnathan was reading a map he had found in a house and circled a couple of the place's they could go. After flipping a coin about three times he decided they would go to Argonne, Wisconsin. He rolled up the map and put it in one of the cup holders. He rubbed his hands together and did a little prayer before turning to Mark with a smile. "So uh.... Exactly how do I do this?"
".. Do what? Start the car and drive." He chuckled. "Stick to the main highways, make sure we keep going along far enough, and then it's straight up. Easy stuff, man. It'll take us a couple of days to get there, but... We should be alright." He smiled and shrugged as he took hold of Cole. Mark was visibly shaking, but he held Cole close. (@AvidElmV2)
Johnathan nodded and turned back to the car. He prayed one more time before stating the car. The engine made some weird noise and Johnathan cringed. The second time he tried to start it, the engine turned over and Johnathan had his own little celebration. He waited for a minute or two before deciding the car was gonna work fine for awhile before reviewing the map. He took a road out of town and found his way to the freeway. "Okay. Here we go.." He slowed down a bit and checked his map one more time.
".. Alright...On the way there, let's stop at one of those service stations and see if we can stock up on some food." Mark said as he lied back, Cole looked up at him with wide eyes again and made cute babyish noises. Mark smiled at him and tilted his head a little bit. ".. Aww... Look at you. You're gonna' grow up to be a big strong boy, aren't you?" He grinned at him as he tickled him gently. Cole laughed crazily while he did it, but eventually he stopped and just started cradling him in his arms. (@AvidElmV2)
"Okay then. Service station No problem." Johnathan off the freeway and looked around for a gas station while they made their way down the road. Eventually they came across a Kangaroo. "Here we go." Johnathan stopped the car and parked next to it. He got out of the car and walked to the back of the car. He opened the trunk and pulled out a shovel. Johnathan pulled up his shirt and took his revolver from the waistband. He aimed it at the gas stations door. He walked in and was instantly overwhelmed with the stench of a death. He covered his noise and groaned. "It smells like somebody died in here!"He turned around and was surprised when he saw a body that looked like it had been thrown over counter like a rug. "Oh... "

He walked over to the body and jumped backwards when it raised an arm to try and grab him. The corpse fell over counter and hit the floor with a loud thud. When it hit the floor it raised it's head to look at Johnathan and blood flowed from it's mouth. He wouldn't have been surprised if it said brains from what it looked like. "Ripped clothes.. Jacked up face... Blood coming from the mouth? Buddy.. I've never seen the original, but you look like a 'Night Of The Living Dead' type of zed to me." That was when he noticed the thing didn't have any legs. "I feel really bad for you. Here, leg me give you hand!" He raised his shovel into the air and smashed it down onto the zombies head. "Oh!" He stayed in there for awhile, making jokes.
Mark walked in after a while and then walked up to him, looking at the Zed's body.

"Huh." He said, holding Cole close. Under one arm he had some wetwipes and a diaper as well. ".. Cole needs another diaper change, and I need the bathroom. So... You mind coming and keeping an eye on Cole once I've changed him?" He asked as he began walking over to the baby changing room beside the bathrooms - he took Cole inside and started to change him on the table, putting a clean diaper on him once he was done. He waited for Johnathan to join him, and then he patted him on the shoulder as he walked out.

"I'll be back in a minute." He said as he walked out and into the Men's Restroom. A few minutes later he returned. ".. You find any food?" He asked him, looking over both him and Cole. (@AvidElmV2)
Tom managed to sneak all the way back, into the backyard, and started his work, laying out wood and looking at the tree. He sat down with some paper and drew a rough draft of what he wanted. He figured first he'd make the base, then with Eric and Alex he'd be able to set it up in the tree and secure it more, from there it'd be much easier to build it up. Just like he had done with his dad. He would have to find smaller tasks for Carl, because he knew the boy would want to help in every way possible. (Sorry I didn't reply today! Work was stupid busy for me, anything important I missed? (@DrTrollinski )
(Nah, I wouldn't worry. We've had a slow day - I made sure that our side of things didn't advance too far. The only thing you missed was Alex and Hunter finding out that she was pregnant, but that hasn't been revealed to everyone yet :) @Soul OMU)
Jenna looks at him. "Mmm... I think I'm going to stay here and read... This is a good book." She said and kissed his cheek. "I'll see you at the movie theatre thought."
"Heh, for sure." He smiled. ".. And come on, we can do better than that." He grinned and leaned over, giving her a bit more of a lively kiss on the lips and then stood back up. ".. See you in a bit, beautiful." He winked at her and then dashed out of the room and dashed out of the house. He ran down the side of the house and into the back yard where he saw Tom with all of the planks of wood.

"Dad!" He called to him as he walked over. ".. You all ready to get started?" He asked as he looked over the stuff he'd brought back. (@Soul OMU)

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