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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

"What do you mean the good kind of sick? Isn't sick supposed to be bad?"

Once again her innocence betrayed her. She hasn't been talked to about babies and whatnot. Most of what she got out of her parents was the good old story about the stork.

@Soul OMU
"No, no... Honey-.." He took a deep breath. ".. Hunter's pregnant, sweetheart... That means that... Next year in... January... We're gonna' have a baby here with us." He put on the best smile he could and gently rubbed her shoulder. (@DryPunishment)
"Do you know if it's a boy or a girl? That would be really cool to have a girl...I'd have like...a little sister,right?"

She was hesitating as to call the baby by 'sister' and 'brother' because she didn't really see Hunter and Alex as full-on parents yet.

She looked up at Alex then at Hunter and smiled.

@Soul OMU
"We don't know yet, no. In fact, we won't know until they're born, I'm afraid." He smiled and kissed the top of her head. ".. As I come from a family of boys, I'm going to place a bet and tell you that you're gonna' have a little brother in nine months time." He laughed a little and then lifted her onto his lap, smiling a little as he did so. ".. I think you'll be a great big sister, Cait." He smiled. (@DryPunishment, @Soul OMU)
"What if there's two?" She wondered. Caitlyn gasped. "What if they're twins? I'll have to take care of both when I grow up,no I'm not ready yet."

She put her palms on the sides of her face and looked around.

"I need to practice!"

@Soul OMU
".. Twins are rare, sweetheart..." He assured her, rubbing her back. ".. You won't have to take care of them all by yourself, remember? They'll have me and Hunter to take care of 'em. You'll be there for the other stuff." He grinned and playfully poked her stomach. "You're gonna' have a whole nine months, which is almost a year, to practice, and you can practice with us two, don't worry." He smiled and set his head down atop her own. (@DryPunishment)
"Rare,but there's still a chance!" Her eyes glimmered for a second.

"I'm gonna...do we have books that teach you how to take care of babies?"

She took Alex's nose again with a swift move.

"Got your nose again,Alex! You're too slow!"

He grinned at how excited and enthusiastic she was. He was taken by surprise as she 'took' his nose again. He slowly looked down at her and then grabbed her, launching her back onto the bed before sitting just over her - this way she could escape him. He wasn't actually sitting on her; he just had his legs on either side of her so that she had very few places to squirm away to.

"Well. There's a punishment for taking people's noses, and you know what that is?" He grinned playfully and then started tickling her all over her upper body. ".. You get tickled! Forever and ever!" He said, laughing as he continued to tickle her. (@DryPunishment)


".. I..." He went over and sat down beside her, sighing as he bowed his head and tucked his legs up onto the bed. ".. I just went and visited Hunter and Alex, but--.. When I was about to go into their room to see them, they--.." He took a long pause and gulped. ".. Hunter's pregnant, Jenna--.. I don't know how it happen, but I'm almost certain that Alex used a condom that night, so something must have went wrong with it, or something!" He said, sounding upset. He was going to have some responsibility as well, seeing as he'd be the uncle of the child. (@Soul OMU)
"No! Please no! I'll return your nose! Here it is!"

She loosened her fist where she had Alex's nose. Caitlyn couldn't stop giggling.

"Take your nose! I surrender!"

She tried to set herself free,but she couldn't move Alex's legs off of her arms and she kept giggling.

Jenna gasps in surprise and covers her mouth. "What...? But... Bringing a child into this... Oh my goodness..." She said before taking a deep breath and calming down. "....it's... Possible the condom was out of date... Or broke..." She said while running a hand through her hair.
Alex reached out and 'took' the nose back from her, stuck it on his face, and then smiled. ".. Ah... I'm tired after all that." He slowly fluttered his eyes shut and then collapsed down on top of her - he made sure he didn't completely distribute all of his weight onto her, but he was on her just enough to stop her from being able to get out. He lied perfectly still and shut his eyes, his head next to her own. (@DryPunishment)


".. I know--.. That's what I was thinking..." He said in a slightly shaky voice, shaking his head and taking deep breaths. ".. I just--.. I know everyone else is gonna' give him hell for it, but it's not his fault... I know I don't see him much, but--.. He's still my brother, and I don't want everyone to treat him like he's some sort of--.. Some sort of criminal..." He sniffled and quickly wiped his eyes, his head remaining bowed. ".. I can't believe it--.. I'm gonna' be Uncle Eric..." He said in a near enough whisper, looking only more upset. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna lightly wraps her arms around him. "Hey... Shhh... That's still about a year away... Anything could happen in that time Eric... Such as miscarriage, or still born baby..." She said softly and looked saddened. "And it's not his fault or hers... They were drunk, they thought they were safe... Plus didn't you say Tom gave him that condom? Tom probably didn't know." She said softly while rubbing his back. (@DrTrollinski)
"You're heavy..." She said in an overly serious tone. It was clear she was joking.

Caitlyn hugged Alex and tried to lift him up,but couldn't. He was really heavy.

"This is hard."

".. Jenna... The last thing I want to think about is her having a miscarriage, alright?" He said, this time more sternly. Before long he went back to hugging her tight and near enough crying. ".. Tom didn't give it to him, but Alex didn't know, I swear... He didn't do it on purpose..." He whimpered quietly, his head on her shoulder. (@Soul OMU)


".. Aw..." He rolled over so that she was lying on top of him instead. ".. How's that? Make sure you don't crush me, now." He chuckled softly. (@DryPunishment)
"That's better..." She looked at him and put her arm under her jaw.

"I don't think I can crush you! Not now at least."

(Big plans for when she grows up :) )

Caitlyn sat on him for a while and then got off.

(@DrTrollinski I'm gonna take a little break if that's okay with you)
".. I know, I know..." He started crying all of a sudden. ".. I'm not ready for this, Jenna--.. I'm not ready to lose someone else!" He sobbed to her, clutching her tightly. (@Soul OMU)
".. What if something happens to them, Jenna? What if something happens to Alex?" He sobbed in question. ".. I can't--.. I can't be the one who--.. who raises their kid... I can't..." He sobbed again, slowly rocking them both from side to side. (@Soul OMU)
Jenna holding him while rocking him. "...hey... Everything will be okay... And if anything were to happen to them im pretty sure Scarlet and Tom would help." She said while looking at him.
".. I guess, I just--.." He took a long deep breath. ".. I remember when Carl was born, and--.. Things were hard enough then..." He sighed a little. ".. I'm just scared, Jenna... I'm glad I have you." He smiled sadly and gently kissed her cheek. (@Soul OMU)
"Yeah, thanks, Jenna..." He slowly rotated his head and gave her a slow and gentle kiss on the lips, followed by taking a deep breath and setting his head on his shoulder. ".. You eaten anything yet?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)

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