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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

"Ah, that's good. I remember when I was a little older than Carl, eight or nine, my mom gave me some of that stuff when I was off sick - It actually made me worse because I was allergic to an ingredient in it." He smiled and laughed a little.

Carl stood up from the toilet and pulled his pants up - he then flushed the toilet. Thankfully it didn't get blocked, and he felt much much better now. He walked over to the sink and started washing his hands with soap and hot water.

"You got any crazy allergies that I can know about?" Eric asked. (@Soul OMU)


Alex was still waiting, his arm glued around Caitlyn's side. He was so tempted to start biting his nails, but he couldn't give away how worried he was any more than he already had. (@Soul OMU, @DryPunishment)
Scarlet smiles a bit and laughs. "No... Just to kiwis which is very odd... I can't eat them but I can be around them... Funny enough they are Jenna's favorite fruit..." She said while leaning back.


Hunter comes out of the bathroom slowly, mind still whirling.

"Oh, god... That must have been awkward." He said with a laugh. Before they knew it, the bathroom door creaked open and Carl poked his head out, smiling up at Scarlet. Eric looked at him - the relieved look on his face alongside the smile showed that he'd been successful in the bathroom this time. Eric could hear that, anyway.

".. I feel better now, Scarlet..." Carl muttered quietly, smiling up at her. (@Soul OMU


Alex saw the look on her face and slowly stood up, walking over to her. Judging by the way she looked, he'd already guessed what the answer was going to be. He put both of his hands on her shoulders. ".. What did it say...?" He whispered in question. (@Soul OMU)
Scarlet smiles a bit while looking at him. "That's good to hear buddy. I'm glad your better." She said while ruffling his hair.


Hunter looks up at him. "...it's positive..." She said softly while staring at him, doesn't know what else to say. (@DrTrollinski)
He smiled up at her and then turned to Eric. ".. I'm sorry for cryin' a lot, Eric." He said, shrugging.

".. Ah, it's okay, bro. From what I could hear out here, it sounded like you had the right to cry before you went." He laughed a little as he crouched down in front of him. "Now give me a hug." He said with a grin. Carl flew forward with joy and curled his arms around Eric's body, laughing as Eric gently tickled his side. ".. Love ya', bro. Go easy on the junk food next time, eh?" He said, Carl pulled away and giggled a little, but then nodded. He turned to Scarlet and went and hugged her as well.

"Thanks for helpin' me, Scarlet." He said. (@Soul OMU)


Alex looked at her and gulped hard before taking a shaky breath and hugging her, gently rocking them both from side to side. ".. Okay--.. Okay, we can do this, don't worry--.. Don't be scared. I'll help you through this, and we'll be ready, okay? We'll be ready for when it comes, and--.. Yeah, things will be fine. I'll make sure of it." He said, gently rubbing Hunter's back as he spoke. (@Soul OMU)
(I got fever. I'll get back to posting when I finish my hw)
Scarlet hugs Carl back. "Your welcome darling. I'm glad I could help." She said while holding him and smiling a bit.


Hunter lets him, lightly wraps her arms around him as she rocks with him. "...I know... I know that.. " she said softly while closing her eyes. (@DrTrollinski)
(Np @DryPunishment)


"Heh, what would we do without Scarlet, eh, Carl?" Eric said, Carl grinned at him and then looked back up at Scarlet.

".. I dunno'... We'd all have bad tummy aches and no one would be able to fix it and watch movies with us." He smiled and then warmly hugged her again, giving a happy murmur under his breath. Eric laughed a little and patted Scarlet's shoulder.

"Looks like you're in his good books, Scarlet." He chuckled. ".. Do you know where Jenna is? Has she not come back from next door yet?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)


DrTrollinski said:
".. Alright, dad... I'll wait for you in the back yard." He smiled at him and hugged him for a moment, followed by patting him on the arm and walking out of the store to run back home. ".. Me and Jenna will run out to that movie theater at some point soon, as well!" He turned around to yell that while walking backwards. (@DrCompton)

Carl instantly ran into the bathroom once she'd walked him to it and slammed the door shut behind him. He sat back on the toilet once again, and then he was silent for a few moments. From where Scarlet was standing, she could hear that he was having no trouble going now. By the sounds of it, though, he'd probably be in there a while. (@Soul OMU - There's also a post I made where Alex went out and got a pregnancy tester. He put it down beside Hunter, but he didn't say anything, so you can RP that accordingly, if you want to, of course.)
(@DrCompton, @Soul OMU - I'll tag this for you guys tonight before I head to bed, you can get it whenever you're free.)
(@Soul OMU, @DrCompton - for whenever you guys reply, I'm at school right now and I'm on Tapatalk. I finish about and hour and thirty minutes early today, so hang with me if responses are delayed :)
(Look guys, I'm really sorry, but I don't have time for this any more with school work. You could probably keep James as an NPC, seeing as he's useful as an engineer / mechanic. Thanks for the good fun though, it's been a pleasure o/)
((Hey, DrTrollinski! Thanks for the opportunity! If no one objects, I think I'll start now))

Desmond County, Iowa (10:02 A.M.)

Jay somehow got the Prius to work again after several weeks of it being in critical condition. It had taken a lot of spare parts, and he'd even had to find an instructional booklet on his make of Prius, but now he could finally leave bum fuck, Iowa.

He wipes grease and car oil on a rag, sighing in content. This stupid car was fixed, and he could leave. He has a vivid memory of his trusty Toyota breaking down on the highway, and Jay having to push the damned thing into a smal city called Desmond and into a maintenance garage. Well, at least he had something to do. The Undead weren't too much of a problem; he only worked at night and didn't use any powertools.

Jay quickly gives the grey Prius a runaround, making sure his muffler was straightened and he had antifreeze in the engine. He nods and silently congratulates himself on a job well-done. If only Dad could see him now...

Making haste, he loads all of his stuff into the backseat excluding his 1911, which he always keep on a holster on his thigh. The maintenance garage echoes his sounds, making Jay feel as though he were in a cave. Once finished putting valuables in the car, Jay hops into the front seat. He loves the feel of the leather sets against his back. He presses the push-to-start button. At first it does nothing but click. Starting to get anxious, he presses it again.

With a gentle purr, the car comes to life. Jay can only imagine how the Prius feels, having fuel and motor oil course through its veins. Saying farewell to the maintenance garage, Jay opens the garage door. Ignoring the 4 Undead in the way, Jay cruises off, whistling the theme to Super Mario Bros. He drives down the street, deftly avoiding any decommissioned vehicles.

Up ahead on the freeway lies a surprise.
"I'll go check on her. I want to stop in and see Alex, though, I haven't seen him for a while." He smiled, hugged Scarlet, and then bowed down and hugged Carl. "You need my help with anything before I go?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)
"Alright, see you guys in a bit." He smiled. He then turned and walked out of the house and made his way next door - he let himself in and then peered around inside. Weren't Alex and Hunter awake yet? He slowly stepped in and looked around.


Alex pulled away from Hunter and sat down beside Caitlyn again. He put an arm around her shoulders and sighed a little. "Okay, Cait... I'm going to be honest with you.. Hunter's sick, but it's the... The good kind of sick." He said with a sigh. (@Soul OMU, @DryPunishment)
Hunter got back in bed, sitting up with her back resting against some pillows. "...Alex if you start to treat me fragile I am going to be so upset with you... Because I'm not fragile." She said while huffing a bit. (@DrTrollinski)
Alex looked away from Caitlyn and put a hand down on Hunter's leg. "I wouldn't do that. It upsets me that you think I would." He sighed a little. (@Soul OMU)
Hunter watching him. "Still I think it's an instant reaction for some guys because their wife or girlfriend is carrying their child." She said while putting her hand on his.
(I think we should wait for Dry for a while before we continue there.)

Eric was stood right outside the bedroom door. Yeah, he was eavesdropping, in other words. He was shocked when he heard what Hunter said - He backed away, one hand over his mouth. How could Alex be so careless?! A child being brought into this world?! He was furious. He didn't want to believe it, and mostly wanted to run in there and beat the hell out of him, but he hadn't seen Caitlyn, so he assumed that she was in there, too. He knew that Caitlyn meant a lot to Alex and Hunter, and vice versa, so why did they want another kid? How long had they known? He remembered from Sex Ed that it takes about a month to realize you're pregnant. Didn't Alex use a condom that time at the mall? Jesus Christ...

He slowly walked away and went back downstairs, and then instantly ran to Scarlet's house and ran in through the door.

".. Jenna?! Jenna, you in here?!" He yelled. (@Soul OMU)


They seemed young. The hostages, I mean. It was on the off-ramp leading up onto the highway - two large armored cars put together in a v-shape, and in the center of the V there were several people; three men, all armed - on their knees in front of them were two kids. Well, one was a teenager, by the looks of him - he had gentle facial hair that had remained untrimmed for probably months on end, and beside him was a young girl. She was no older than seven or so, on first glance. They both had their hands behind their heads, too - The suspects in whatever was going on here almost looked like cops, but more... Savage. They wore leather jackets, had cuffs on their belts, and all of their heads were shaved. All of them had beards, too - two had goatees, and the one in the center of them all, presumably the leader, had a longer bear that went down to his chest.

".. Put the girl in the back of the van." He grumbled as he lightly curled a part of his beard around his index finger. The girl looked up with tear-filled eyes at the boy beside her. They both went pale, but the boy paler, because he knew what was going to happen to her in there. He manically shook his head and looked up at him.

"Please..." He choked - the girl screamed and cried as one of the men grabbed her and dragged her back by the hair and body. ".. I'm begging you. Don't do this to her - We didn't know where we were, alright?! We were just passing through!" He yelled at him, but promptly got punched in the jaw and went down with a groan.

"You shut the fuck up. You want to pass through, than you have to pay the price... It's been months since we've had a woman to ourselves. Sorry, son, but the world's different now."

"She's just a little girl!" He shrieked at her. "You let her go, you fat bastard!" He snarled, he was quickly picked up by the collar and then hooked in the stomach.

"That was ru--" The bearded man got a punch square in the nose and he quickly backed off as blood gushed from it - he held up his hands to both of the other men. ".. This little shit's mine." He said. (@Dastino)
Jenna currently sitting in her room reading when she hears him. "Hm? Yeah I'm here... I'm in my room." She said not looking up from her book, sitting on her bed.
Eric instantly shot through the house and ran upstairs to get to Jenna's room, gasping for air by the time he charged through the door. ".. Jenna, we have a bit of a problem, but if I tell you, I need you to promise me that you won't say anything to anyone else, okay?" He gasped, looking a little worried. (@Soul OMU)
(I'm here! Sorry...I had a slow day today. Needed to pay the doctor a visit and the queues can be quite large! I'll get to posting immediately)

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