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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Tom stood and stretched, "Yeah, I mean, maybe.. Im just gonna do mostly measuring today, once I get the base ready then I'll come around and find you and Alex to help me get it into the tree. Now, I may need some help finding some idle tasks to keep Carl busy, but to not let him know that he's underfoot."
".. So--.. What would you propose we get Carl to do? Maybe he could help paint the boards, or something? You know, with some wood finish paint." He shrugged a little and then sat down against the tree. ".. Any other ideas? I don't know what else we could get him to do." He said with a shrug. (@DrCompton)
Desmond County, Iowa, Nearing Wisconsin

Jay merges flawlessly onto the freeway, Beyonce caressing the interior of the Prius lightly. He thanks God he was able to fix the car so soon. He can still smell motor oil, and is positive he'll never be able to remove the black stains from under his fingernails.

He pulls the Toyota into the middle lane, where there's the least amount of abandoned vehicles. As he drives on, he passes a few signs; one's advertising burger joints long gone, one's telling you where you could find gas, and one stating Jay was only 12 miles from the Wisconsin border. He's always wanted to go there. Eat cheese and such.


Suddenly, a boy around 13 or 14 comes into the middle of the highway, waving frantically. Jay slams the brakes, his car just a few feet from the boy.


Immediately, Jay's Admiral Ackbar senses begin to tingle. It's a trap, obviously. But, knowing he still had an ounce of humanity, Jay kills the engine and steps out of the car. All the while, his hand inches toward his Colt.

"Your friend is bit, you say?"

"Please help! He's suffering." The boy rans back to an upturned pickup and scurries into a shattered window.

"Fuck me..." Jay walks over to the pickup and peers in. He takes out his handgun, ready to fire. Inside, clutching a nasty leg wound is another boy. He's sweating profusely, and is already starting to look the rotten tone all the Undead have.

"Sorry kid. Nothing I or anyone else can do." Jay pats the un-infected kid on the back as a sorry-ass attempt to cheer him up. He also whispers into his ear, "I recommend shoving that nice knife you have there into his brain."

With that, Jay walks back to his Prius and begins to drive off. As he passes, he looks at the 2 in the pickup and can't help but feel sorry.

Not sorry enough to waste a bullet or any of his dwindling supplies.



As the afternoon sky gradually turns redder, Jay decides to find shelter. He'd entered Wisconsin about an hour ago, and was sure he wasn't being watched or followed. Plus, he was tired and could eat.

He decides to go in a random direction until he finds a decent house. He comes to a crossroads perfect for that. One street goes north, one south, one east, one west. West seems perfect, so he turns right and continues west. Soon he finds a large neighborhood relatively clear of the Undead.

He chooses a nice, small one. He parks the Toyota in the gravel drive and proceeds up the walk, toting his supplies. But as he gets closer to the door, he hears...


He quickly closes the gap between himself and the door. He pulls his Colt and tentatively knocks 3 times.

"Hello? Anyone home?"

"Yeah thats just it, I dont know either." He sighs and looks around, "Which is gonna suck cause you know he'll be looking for something, and it'l crush him if anyone just says go back into the house." He sighs, "Ill ask Scarlet a little later, she might be able to pull him a little."
(@Dastino - I think you missed my post.)

(@Dastino - I don't believe your first post told me where you were, so you may as well ignore it as I may have gotten confused.)


".. Hm--.." Eric thought to himself for a moment. ".. I could--.. I could give him a guitar lesson to keep him occupied for a while?" He suggested, shrugging once. He looked at the planks of wood - it was amazing that Tom was going to this much effort for Carl - It was nice. (@DrCompton)
DrTrollinski said:
They seemed young. The hostages, I mean. It was on the off-ramp leading up onto the highway - two large armored cars put together in a v-shape, and in the center of the V there were several people; three men, all armed - on their knees in front of them were two kids. Well, one was a teenager, by the looks of him - he had gentle facial hair that had remained untrimmed for probably months on end, and beside him was a young girl. She was no older than seven or so, on first glance. They both had their hands behind their heads, too - The suspects in whatever was going on here almost looked like cops, but more... Savage. They wore leather jackets, had cuffs on their belts, and all of their heads were shaved. All of them had beards, too - two had goatees, and the one in the center of them all, presumably the leader, had a longer bear that went down to his chest.

".. Put the girl in the back of the van." He grumbled as he lightly curled a part of his beard around his index finger. The girl looked up with tear-filled eyes at the boy beside her. They both went pale, but the boy paler, because he knew what was going to happen to her in there. He manically shook his head and looked up at him.

"Please..." He choked - the girl screamed and cried as one of the men grabbed her and dragged her back by the hair and body. ".. I'm begging you. Don't do this to her - We didn't know where we were, alright?! We were just passing through!" He yelled at him, but promptly got punched in the jaw and went down with a groan.

"You shut the fuck up. You want to pass through, than you have to pay the price... It's been months since we've had a woman to ourselves. Sorry, son, but the world's different now."

"She's just a little girl!" He shrieked at her. "You let her go, you fat bastard!" He snarled, he was quickly picked up by the collar and then hooked in the stomach.

"That was ru--" The bearded man got a punch square in the nose and he quickly backed off as blood gushed from it - he held up his hands to both of the other men. ".. This little shit's mine." He said. (@Dastino)

(@Dastino - That's what he saw on the highway, but... Yeah. You can ignore that now.)
"Well aren't you and Jenna planning to do something today?" Tom looked over at Eric, "I mean appreciate you offering that pal, but I dont wanna ruin anythign you got planned bud." Tom looked back at his drawing and drew some more. Tom was a pretty decent artist, he should've been an architect
".. Not until later on we haven't. Don't worry about it." He smiled and shrugged. ".. I can find something to do with Carl. We could start off on the guitar, and then work our way up. Jenna could probably sit in on that seeing as she was interested in learning as well." He smiled and leaned back against the tree, his head resting against it. ".. Or..." He thought for a moment. ".. He could come to the movie theater with me and Jenna. We had a plan to try and get things up and running there." He smiled. (@DrCompton)
Johnathan had a bag of Doritos hanging from his mouth while he searched the fridge for something to drink. "See anything Cole?" Cole had his head in the fridge to. He was pressing it against the warm glass. After awhile Johnathan came out with a Gatorade. When he saw Mark he smiled. "Doritos?"
Alex heard a voice downstairs. He quickly sprung out of the bedroom door and closed it behind him, his gun hidden behind his back as he slowly walked down the stairs and made his way over to the front door - he saw someone there. Someone new. A new arrival at the town - It was a surprise. It may not have been a pleasant one, but it was a surprise nonetheless.

".. Hey--.. Who are you?" Alex asked as he placed his hand on the side of the door. (@Dastino)


"Doritos sounds good." He smiled and took the bag from him. "Alright... You want to head out, or do you want to keep looking around for a while? I'm all good to go if you are." He said as he opened the bag of Doritos and ate one of them. A little stale, but still decent. He had some color back in his face now, but he was still shaking a little bit - he hadn't quite gotten over what he did to his arm just yet. (@AvidElmV2)
Johnathan walked over to Mark and handed him Cole. "I wanna check around a bit." He went into the storage room and started to rummage through everything until he found a Twinkie. "Ooh. Fluffy delicious goodness!" He clapped his hands and picked it up. He tore the plastic off of it and literally shoved the whole thing into his mouth. "Mmmmmm... Mmm... Oh.. My.. God..." His face twisted to shock and disgust. He picked the wrapper back up and checked the expiration date. It had expired about a year ago. "Hostess!" He spat out the Twinkie and washed it down with some Gatorade. "I will never trust a Twinkie again!" He walked out the room and was about to leave the store when he saw that the cash register was open. He walked over and saw that there was a 20 dollar bill in it. He took it and jammed it into his pocket. After that he walked outside and got into the car. "Okay, so Wisconsin right?"
"That's right." He was gently rocking Cole. ".. Straight to Wisconsin. No other." He smiled down at Cole and then up at Johnathan. ".. Let's go, eh? We should get moving before it gets dark. I hate being outside in the dark nowadays." He said, a little anxiously. He'd always feared the dark since the night he lost everyone. (@AvidElmV2)
Johnathan noticed that the sun once almost down. "Okay... Let's get moving." He picked up speed as the sun went down and moon came up. Soon, they would be back on the freeway. Then he remembered something that they should have looked for in the small town they had left. "Mark, did you happen to see me or Maria come back to our place with a flashlight after a scavenging run?"
"I don't recall... Why?" He asked while preparing a bottle of formula milk for Cole. He had Cole in his little car seat, and he was happily blabbering away. (@AvidElmV2)
Johnathan's face flushed. He stopped the car and stared at the road ahead ."Because if we run out of gas, at night, without a flashlight.." He turned around to Mark to show how concerned he was. "What's to stop those things from getting in here?" Johnathan turned back to face the road and kept driving. With every passing moment he sped up. He checked the rear view mirror every once and awhile. He was panicking and the only thing he knew he could do now was drive fast and protect Mark and Cole no matter what.
"Hey, relax... Stop by a military surplus store or a hunting store in a town and grab a few flashlights there." Johnathan assured him as he picked Cole up and put the bottle into his mouth. "We'll be fine, don't worry." He smiled and patted his shoulder. (@AvidElmV2)
Johnathan nodded and forced himself to calm down. "Okay. We got some time before the sun sets." Johnathan got of the freeway once again and started to look for a hunting shop. Every once and awhile his panic came back but he pushed it back down and kept looking. About an hour later he found a hunting shop on the corner next to a burnt down Walgreen's. The windows of the shop were broken and bare mannequins sat in display cases. Johnathan got out the car and wearily looked down the street. He could have sworn he saw something moving. He ran into the store and covered his nose but no smell came. He pulled his magnum from his waistband and held it by the barrel. He walked over to a bunch of display cases, all over them opened and empty. Finally he found a flashlight in the storage room on the floor. H picked it up and turned it on. The light flickers on and off for awhile before giving out a steady beam of light. "Here we go.." He turned to look around a bit more and found a bow lying on the floor. He picked it up and saw the the bow string had been cut. "I think I can fix you..." He walked out the front door and waved the flashlight to Mark. "Look what I got!" That was when he heard the growling. He turned to look down the street and was shocked to see that a hulking figure was running on all fours right at him. He instantly turned on his flashlight and pointed to at the monster. "Nice doggy!" He walked over to the car door as the beast whimpered in distress. It would only be a minute before more heard it's cries and came. Johnathan fumbled with the door handle as he opened it from behind his back. After awhile, he finally got the door open and jumped into the seat of the car. He closed the door as the dog came to it's senses and started to pounded on it. He shoved his foot down onto the gas pedal and let the dog chase after them. "Let me add going outside at night on my Never Will I list! Right next to trusting Twinkies!"
"..Hey--.. Who are you?"

Jay is genuinely surprised when someone actually ANSWERS, a teen with light brown hair. It's obvious his gun is hidden behind his back, and Jay doesn't mean any harm, so he slowly takes a step back, raising his hands in the air.

"I'm not here to rob you, okay? I'm Jay. I heard voices and... well, I can't deny I wasn't curious."

"Thank Christ for that." Mark said. "Honestly, we need to go and find somewhere fortifiable to hole up for a while. For the night." He said. "We need to find a relatively high building and go to one of the upper floors." He added. (@Dastino)


Alex looked over him for a moment. "Jay. Okay." He said, creaking the door open a little more. "I think you should come inside and we can talk." He said, his gun now being held at his side. It was an M1911, but it was painted in the American Joe style. (@Dastino)
Jay nods curtly and walks past the teen into the house. As he does, he notices his very patriotic 1911. Jay stops in the main hallway of the house, waiting for the boy. It's quite nice, a little homey, and it has the presence of many people living here at once.

As he waits, Jay thinks to himself. If he were that boy, who'd never given him his name, for obvious trust reasons, Jay would've kicked his ass to the curb. Or, invite him in, then steal his shit.

Maybe they ARE robbing you. You'll wake up out in the cornfields, naked and alone.

Jay quickly silences his paranoia. Someone, an actual PERSON, has accepted him into their base. He must be graceful.Jay also notices the calm voices he'd heard are gone. The people those voices belong to are probably hiding or initiating some protocol where they tie him up, bludgeon him, then force-feed him poisoned tuna.

"So... anyone else here? It sounded like it."

".. Yes, there's more people here." He patted his shoulder and nudged him forward a little. He lead him through the house and into the dining room - he sat down at one end of the table and then motioned a hand off to the seat that was opposite him. ".. Please, have a seat - You look very... on edge. Something playing on your mind? The abnormality of this place? The fact that there's not a single walker for miles out, and there's no broken cars, doors, windows...? Anything like that come to mind? How there's no blood on the streets, anything like that?" He smiled, but warmly. ".. You've found a very good place, Jay. Tell me, how did you find us here?" He asked. (@Dastino)
Jay nods. There ARE more people. Suddenly, he's lead to a quaint dining room with a beautiful table. Maple? Oak? Cherry? He sees the other kid sit then motion to the seat across the table. Jay obliges him, and sits. He doesn't remove his pack, so it makes it a bit awkward to sit.

"Well... yeah. I thought it was strange there wasn't... well, anything, for a few miles. I just thought, there might've been some military who set up here then left. I dunno. And the circumstances in which I found this place are strange themselves. I decided to drive my car in a totally random direction until I found somewhere I could sleep and find fuel. Oh, I never asked... what's your name?"

He smiled once again, holding out a hand across the table to offer him a handshake. ".. Alex. Alex Cross. I suppose you can call me the leader of the group that resides in this town... It wasn't easy getting here. We started off in our hometown of Woodruff, in a shopping mall... We had to go out for food and water, and we spilled blood doing that - We lost people, fought off savages and crazed... Dog-human hybrids. Whatever the hell they were." He thought for a moment. ".. Something that may come as a surprise even more, is that we have clean running water, power, and gas - Everyone has running cold water, and that's just a mystery that never got solved, but you may be sitting in a house in a town that's the only place left in the country that has all of those features. Mind-blowing, isn't it?" He smiled. He had a light beard on the grow, but he hadn't made much progress with that yet. (@Dastino)

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