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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

Carl looked up at him and smiled. He'd dragged Scarlet into the living room so they could sit on the couch and hug while watching a cartoon DVD. Even after the pepto-bismol, it sort of flushed him out a little too much, so he wasn't feeling all that well, but he certainly felt a lot better despite being pale in the face.

"Hi, daddy... We're watchin' cartoons." He grinned up at him and sat up a little more, holding out his arms towards him and expecting a hug. (@Soul OMU)
Adelaide smiled at the man and took a seat. "I slept alright." She answered with a small shrug. Even after a month of being safe within the town she still found herself waking up every few hours or at the slightest noise. After months of living in the mall with the constant worry of the possibility of being attacked in your sleep she still have yet to sleep completely through an entire night. However, it had gotten better over the last few weeks. "How has your morning been?" She asked Chef before picking at the breakfast in front of her. (@DrTrollinski )
"It's been alright so far, dear. The usual for me." He smiled and poured himself another cup of coffee, sipping on it a few times as he sat down opposite her. ".. I see that over the past month you've all been making progress on a wall around the town. I must say that I like the gates you've managed to create over anything." He chuckled a little, but it then faded off into just a simple smile. (@october_rain)
Adelaide took a small drink of the coffee. It burned her tongue slightly, but it wasn't an unpleasant sensation. She smiled appreciatively at Chef. "It's coming together well, but I can't take much credit for it. It's mostly José; he's a genius when it comes to anything involving construction." She shook her head and took a small bite of her eggs. "If it wasn't for him it would probably end up just being string wrapped around wooden poles hammered into the ground." (@DrTrollinski )
".. Indeed, the man seems very fluent with work like that." He said in agreement. He glanced around the restaurant and then took a long deep breath. ".. The new families that arrived have settled in well. Or, the newcomers, rather... Some of them aren't really families any more. You seen that one small one that came in? The mother and father with the boy that's just a little younger than Eric? Well, I've been hearing conversation, turns out their youngest child died when this started, so the boy lost a sister. If you look into his eyes, you can see how he feels about it... He seems very... depressed." He sighed a little and then scanned around. ".. And then there's the single mother with the little boy that's Carl's age. She lost her husband..." He sighed once more and sipped his coffee. (@october_rain)
Adelaide nodded in agreement and finished off her eggs. She listened intently to the stories about the families who recently moved into the town. She shook her head sadly and frowned. It didn't matter that people were dying everyday or that everybody here had lost loved ones since the beginning, each new story of loss left the same empty feeling. It wasn't right for those people to lose their family like this. Adelaide couldn't help but think of the children who would grow up without their fathers, mothers, or siblings. She set her fork back down onto the near empty plate and twisted her hands together in her lap. "Chef, do you think things will ever get better?" (@DrTrollinski )
He thought for a moment and then looked at her and smiled as he set a hand down on her shoulder. ".. Time is the healer of all wounds, but no matter how much time you have, it will always leave scars." He said softly, sighing. ".. I think things are already on the road to getting better, especially in this place... I can see it. Five years into the future, and... This place will be famous for what it's done for the people that are left. Personally, no, I don't think things in the world are ever going to recover from this, but we can still have our own chunk of it that remains prime." He said, taking his hand away from her shoulder and looking at her again. ".. What people need is hope, and the ability to leave things behind and move on. That's when things start to change. Not when the nonexistent military come in and clean everything up."

He shrugged and drank his coffee for a few more moments, carefully inspecting Adelaide's face.

".. I'm just a chef, Adelaide. I don't know much about people, or what puts them at ease. I simply know how to treat people nicely." He sighed. ".. I've noticed that other peoples' happiness seems to make you happy, in most cases. It would be a plausible option for you to act as the town's therapist, or something. In these days people have even littler hope than before, and... as for that family who lost their young daughter, judging by the look on their boy's face, I fear that it won't be long until they lose him as well. I don't think any of us want that to happen." He explained. (@october_rain)
Adelaide blushed at his suggestion and shook her head. "I don't think I could do that." She paused and chewed on her lip. Finally with a sigh she said, "I would like to help them. Quite frankly, I would love to be able to help anybody. I just don't think I could. I never know what to say and I certainly don't know how to comfort somebody." Her mind wandered back to before this all happened and her friends who would tell her their problems and her only responses being well, that sucks. She couldn't see that helping a grieving boy any. (@DrTrollinski )
".. I think he'd even be happy with someone to talk to, even if it's not professional. The parents seemed to have moved on, but he hasn't... He's got no one else to turn to, and everyone else has got their hands full." He sighed a little. ".. You know that you have the potential. We've all lost something in this. All of us." His voice went a little darker towards the end of statement and he looked down at the ground between his legs. ".. I hate to pressure it, but... The difference between you trying or not helping is the difference between him recovering, and him not being here next month. I'm sorry, Adelaide, but sometimes... the truth is necessary." He sighed. (@adelaide X)
Adelaide groaned and frowned at Chef. "Did you actually just manage to guilt trip me into this?" She shook her head. "Fine. Fine! I'll do it." She picked up her fork and finished off her breakfast quickly and washed it down with the coffee. (@DrTrollinski )
"I believe they live three houses down from Alex and Hunter. It's not a guilt trip, Adelaide... I remember being in a similar spot to him, and you'll find with people like him that don't get over it, that there's usually something behind it that everyone else doesn't know about." He sighed a little and patted her shoulder. "Good luck." He whispered before getting up and wandering back into the kitchen. (@adelaide X)
Adelaide watched Chef leave with a frown. She didn't even thank him for breakfast. Adelaide picked up her used dishes and put them in the dishwasher. She left the diner and started making her way towards Alex's house. Now the only real question was is the boy's house three doors to the left or to the right? (@DrTrollinski )

(( I'm going to have to go, but I should be back within the next couple hours!))
Johnathan nods and checks the fuel gauge to see how long it will be until they have to stop. To his dismay, it was half empty. They would have to find some gas soon or risk being stranded out here. "Mark, what's the chance that we'll find some gas soon?" He got of the freeway and started looking for a two story building. If he couldn't find one, he would just go looking for a police station.

(@DrTrollinski )
"Well, shit."

Running water? Fuel? This is either too good to be true, or Jay Harold's found himself somewhere nice to stay. He sees Alex, that's his name, extend his hand for a handshake. Jay is reluctant at first. Everything's PERFECT. Running water. Fuel. No Undead.

But why does it feel as though everything isn't what it seems?

Of course, the part of Jay's psyche that craves food and sleep overpowers the logical part, and he shakes Cross's hand. He can't help but notice they're strangely sweaty.

"Well, would you mind showing me... the others? Just wanna know who I'll be stayin' with."

Adelaide stood outside of Alex and Hunter's house and glanced back and forth between the two houses, both three doors down from the one in front of her. Both houses had no lights on and she couldn't see movement within either one. Plan A: "See which house looks like it's being lived in" is a failure. Adelaide sighed in defeat and made her way up to the house before her. Maybe Alex knows. She thought before knocking on the door. (@DrTrollinski )
(@Dastino - ignore my post above, that can apply after our RP.)

"Well, you'll find at least one of my younger brothers next door. If you want, I'll take you and introduce." He smiled at him and slowly stood up, wandering off towards the exit of the dining room. "We have quite a few families here, you're the first person to come here in the last couple of weeks, but everyone who arrived before you has settled in well.
Adelaide smiled up at Alex apologetically. "I'm sorry to bother you. I was just wondering, that family with the young boy about Eric's age, do you know which house is theirs?" She brushed her bangs back out of her face and glanced over his shoulder at a boy following Alex into the hall. She didn't recognize him. "Newbie?" She asked turning back to Alex. (@DrTrollinski )
"Soon, hopefully." He said while looking around. "Let's just find a place to stay and we'll worry about fuel when we get there." He said. (@AvidElmV2)


"Yeah he is." He said, scratching his head. They live two houses to the right of this one. Why do you ask?" He asked her. (@adelaide X)
Adelaide stuck her hands in her pockets. "Chef thought it would be a good idea for me to talk to the kid." She shrugged and glanced to the house that Alex said the family lived in. From where she stood she could see the downstairs lights on. At least she knew they were home. "Well, thanks." She spun on her heel and made her way back down to the sidewalk before stopping and turning back around. "What's the kid's name?" She asked, blushing slightly. Adelaide felt extremely rude for not knowing and needing to ask, but she hasn't spent much time around the other newcomers of the town. Calling the boy 'Kid' the entire time didn't seem right either though. (@DrTrollinski )
"Right, the kid's name's Jack."

Alex smiled at her and then turned around to see where Jay was, but then turned back to Adelaide. "Nice to see that you're willing to help him out, that's good of you." He smiled. "Good luck." He said. (@adelaide X)
Jenna raises a brow but smiles a bit. "Sure, I suppose I got nothing better to do." She said as she got up and closed her book while looking at Eric.


Scarlet smiles a bit. "Hey Tom." She said while looking back at him, sitting with Carl.

(@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)

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