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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

DrTrollinski said:
(Oh dear, I got a bit of a laugh out of that, rofl)
"Mhm." He lead him out of the house and out into the street, looking around. ".. This is the street everyone's living on right now. We have a family of four, a family of three, and a family of two." He explained, looking around. ".. We also have a family my two younger brothers are in, right next door. I, I have my own family with one girl and our--.." He thought for a moment. 'Friend's daughter' sounded odd. ".. adoptive daughter." He finished his sentence. "Let's think, the family of two's a young woman, early twenties, she's got her five-year-old son with her. Lost the man of the family when all this started." He sighed as he lead him down the sidewalk a bit, but then he saw Eric, his teenage brother, exiting a house with Jenna - whom of which was the same age as him and was his girlfriend.

"Ah. This is my eldest brother coming up now." He said, smiling. Eric walked up with Jenna but stopped in front of him. He'd heard the conversation of Hunter being pregnant, but he didn't comment on it.

"Hey, Alex--.." He scratched the back of his head as he looked over to Jay. His hair was dark brown, medium-length. He looked to be about fourteen years of age, quite well-built body, too.

"Jay, this is Eric." Alex introduced. ".. And this here's Jenna - She's a friend of Eric, her aunt's here as well." He explained, motioning off to her. He didn't know that the two were in a relationship, but oh well. (@Soul OMU, @Dastino)
Jenna lets go of Eric's hand momentarily to brush her bangs out of her eyes. "Howdy." She said while looking from Alex to the newcomer. (@DrTrollinski, @Dastino)
".. You two can carry on. I'm just showing Jay here around." Alex said with a soft smile. Eric nodded and merely lead Jenna onward to the house and pushed through the door; he lead her upstairs and into the spare room that had the four guitars stood there. ".. Pick a guitar, I'll go get Carl." He said as he walked out of the room.


"What kinda' surprise are you gonna' have for me, daddy?" Carl asked in anticipation as he pulled away to lean against Scarlet again. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)

(@Dastino - That's for you above, too.)
"Hey Jack." Adelaide greeted the boy with a small smile. She wasn't sure how to approach the topic of his sister. Especially since this was the first time she ever actually spoke to him. Jumping right to it didn't seem right. "How are you?" (@DrTrollinski )
He shrugged. ".. I'm okay." He replied simply, stepping away from the porch and walking with her. ".. You wanted my help with something?" He asked, his hands and wrists hidden in the front pouch of his hoodie. He kept his head bowed as they walked along. (@adelaide X)


DrTrollinski said:
He shrugged. ".. I'm okay." He replied simply, stepping away from the porch and walking with her. ".. You wanted my help with something?" He asked, his hands and wrists hidden in the front pouch of his hoodie. He kept his head bowed as they walked along. (@adelaide X)
DrTrollinski said:
".. You two can carry on. I'm just showing Jay here around." Alex said with a soft smile. Eric nodded and merely lead Jenna onward to the house and pushed through the door; he lead her upstairs and into the spare room that had the four guitars stood there. ".. Pick a guitar, I'll go get Carl." He said as he walked out of the room.

"What kinda' surprise are you gonna' have for me, daddy?" Carl asked in anticipation as he pulled away to lean against Scarlet again. (@Soul OMU, @DrCompton)

(@Dastino - That's for you above, too.)
Jenna nods and follows Eric. "Uh okay... Uh I have no idea what to pick." She said softly while looking at them.


Scarlet puts an arm around him and ruffles his hair a bit. (@DrTrollinski)
"Can't be much farther." Connor called over the sound of thunder. And it shouldn't have been. They've been walking long enough, so you'd think they'd be closing in on it.

(@DrTrollinski sorry for not replying. I have a brand new computwler that can play Skyrim. Level ten orc.)
(Sorry for the late reply).

Jay follows Cross out into the front yard, where he shows him various houses on the street. Apparently, one man has an adoptive daughter.

That's nice.

Suddenly, 2 people are in front of Jay and Cross. He introduces them as Eric and Jenna. Jenna seems cool enough, not pretty, but sort of, well, cute. That Eric, though... Jay can tell by his ugly demeanor, permanent stankface, and all around-

"Little shit."


Shit. Jay has no fucking self control and just called Eric a little shit. Out loud.

At least that made the erection disappear.

(@Soul OMU)
(Third time you've said that. Don't worry, it's fine.)

"Just tell us when we're close." Kendrick snapped, but he sounded more scared than anything. He continuously darted his eyes around the forest in search of anything of danger. The thunder was just making him nervous. (@Soul OMU)
(Can we get a small 1 h timeskip for Hunter and Caitlyn's side?)
(If you'll let me then yes,but I need to get out of school. 2 more hours after which I get a bigger break. I'll be able to write it then. Is it okay?)
1 hour later.

Caitlyn was on the bed next to Hunter drawing on the bed. The room was rather silent as the only thing making noise was the crayons on the paper. She decided to hum "twinkle twinkle little star".

Hunter didn't seem to be annoyed by it so she went on for a moment.

After some time she stopped.

"I'm hungry...should I go and look for Alex?"

@Soul OMU
Jenna smiles a bit and nods as she starts to look at the strings to figure out which one would be easier for her while Eric goes to get Carl. Eventually she found one and carefully picked it up. (@DryPunishment)
"Are you sure? Alex is probably already down in the kitchen."

She couldn't hlp it. All she was taught about pregnant women was that they were more vulnerable than others. Cait had no idea what being pregnant meant.
Eric walked downstairs and went into the living room to find Carl; when he walked in he looked in and smiled at him.

"Hey, buddy... Mind if I steal you from these two?" He asked, Carl looked up at him and smiled at him.

"Why, Eric?" He asked, Eric sat down beside him and put an arm around his shoulders.

"Because... I'm gonna give you a guitar lesson while daddy works on something, how does that sound?"

He grinned. "That'd be awesome! Let's go!" He climbed onto his lap and laughed as Eric swept him up and rose from the couch.

"God, you're heavy..."

"Nuh-uh... You're just weak." He giggled. Eric laughed.

"Hey... That's not very nice." He said as he nodded at Scarlet and Tom and carried Carl upstairs, sitting him down on a chair beside Jenna. (@Soul OMU, DrCompton)
Tom watched as Eric took Carl upstairs and smiled, then plopped on the couch beside Scarlet, "I guess maybe you and I can keep watching Cartoons?" Tom smiled a little at her, "Or you could help me build a treehouse for Carl? I just need some help measuring if you're not to busy, Red." Tom watched her for a moment, not moving from teh couch. @Soul OMU
Hunter gets up slowly. "Of course I'm sure. And I think Alex went out hun because I heard him talking outside with Eric and Jenna not to long ago." She said while stretching a bit.



Jenna smiles a bit while holding a guitar on her lap. "About time you came back, hello Carl." She said while looking at them.


Scarlet smiles a bit as she watches Eric and Carl before turning her gaze back onto Tom. "Either works." She said as she looked at Tom.

(@DrTrollinski, @DrCompton)
"Hi, Jenna!" Carl said with a grin. Eric picked up a guitar that was similar to Jenna's own and positioned it in Carl's arms; he then dragged a chair opposite them and smiled a little as he picked up his own guitar alongside three picks. He handed one to Jenna, one go Carl, and kept one for himself.

"Okay, guys... Today we'll start off with the chords. You both familiar with the guitar?" He asked. (@Soul OMU)
"Okay, so, Carl, pick the strings from top to bottom." He said, Carl grinned and slowly picked the strings of the guitar, going downwards. He smiled brightly as he did so.

"Cool, so, what do you notice as you move down the strings?" Eric asked.

"They get louder!"

"That's right, the pitch gets higher. Jenna, if you hold a string down on the first fret and then play it for us, you'll see how it changes." He smiled. (@Soul OMU u)

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