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Fandom The Battle's End (A.U. After Fire Emblem: Awakening)

Emilia Knight

New Member

After Grima was defeated, the 'chosen hero' vanished. No one knew where they went, or even if they were still alive. Yet the search continued for quite some time, but they were found and returned to the castle village just as Chrom had sworn.

"Come on! We're going to be late for training again and this time I'm not taking fault for it. If Chrom gets mad, it's on your head!"

The voice of the young female rang out across the tent that the few people shared. It wasn't much, but then again what was expected from people who were travelling across the Ylisse countryside? The girl wore the robes of a mage, though also had a sword strapped to her hip just beside her fire tomb. Her auburn hair was tied back into a simple bun, with a braid that kept most of her bangs out of her emerald green eyes.

There was a lack of motion from the people inside the tent, so with a huff, the girl stormed out of the tent. Where she went, no one inside the tent would know.

A young male who was curled up in his blanket couldn't help but start laughing as the female stormed out of the tent. He was the girls twin brother, yet they couldn't be more different. Slowly the male pushed himself up into a sitting position and shook the shoulder of the person next to him.

"We best be going before she does something stupid."

The male with in high spirits, for someone who seemingly just woke up, but he couldn't help it. It was the day that they would be tested to see if they had "it" to be a Shepard. The auburn haired male stepped carefully over his companions so that he wouldn't step on anyone. Though the thought was pushed aside when he seen a wave of water headed right for him.

The male tried to avoid the water as best he could, however he seemed to get the brunt of the cold river water. His chipper-ness went out the door as he whipped his head up to see Fredrick standing in the doorway of their tent with a bucket in his hands, and the male's sister standing beside him.

"You better start running Elise, I swear to the Gods-"

The female couldn't help but laugh at the face that her brother made when the water was thrown at him and their companions. She knew that Fredrick didn't like it when people were tardy, so she knew that he would be the best person to go to. She knew how her brother would react, however she didn't know how the others would, and was a little worried that they would get her back worse than what she got them.

The female pushed that out of her mind as she heard her brother speak, and her the movements and curses of the others. A sly smirk pulled at her rose coloured lips. Elise knew that her brother's threats were hollow.

"Or what Yorrin? I dare you, do your worst. Besides, I gave you fair warning. Didn't I?"

The female stuck her tongue out at the male and who ever else was paying attention and turned to walk back to where the trainers were waiting for everyone with breakfast. She sat with the few people who were awake and chatted with them as the others slowly got themselves ready for the day.

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Luc was laying down by a tree with his hood up. His arms under the back of his head, his legs crossed and his snore wasn't very loud but it could be heard. Luc felt the sun's warmth on his skin which woke him up. He groaned and sat up. "Stupid sun..." He whined rubbing his eyes.
Pru walked from the camps nearby forest, her bow in one hand and some boar and rabbits slung over her shoulder. It was a good hunt this morning the air was still and cool and tracking the animals wasn't difficult. Normally such good hunting would get her excited but after leaving Plegia the joy of the hunt was lost to her. She unceremoniously dumped the carcasses infront of Luc." Get them cleaned while i get food started." She said in a monotone voice walking towards the fire.
Luc wasn't listening because he was sleeping. Then smelt the carcasses and covered his nose. "Oh! Gods, what's that smell!?" He asked in disgust.
"Breakfast, lunch and dinner for the next couple of days. I need help preparing them so get to it" She replied flatly cutting vegetables and boiling some water. "Get to it before flies and whatever get to them first."
Luc sat up and yawned. "Aye aye, captain." He said sarcastically. He stood up and started to clean them. "These are a lot of carcasses. How long were you hunting for?"
As he nudged his mare forward along the road, Matthias stared around at the ample countryside Ylisse had, fields of flowers, clear rivers. Obviously the land was so fertile that these valuable farmlands could be left unowned, it was very calming, a nice change of pace from the tracts of trampled grasses and crops Valm sported like scars from the bloody civil war. All that aside, Matthias nudged his horse, Meredith, down the path. He hadn't come to stare at the scenery, rather he had come to join the shepherds, and by that, come home in glory, and sporting a handsome bride as well. After the war he heard the stories of how much marrying there was within the shepherds, surely he would find only women who qualified as the greatest of warriors and the most eligible of brides. As Matthias and his horse trotted down the Northroad, the Capitol of Ylisstol slowly came into view.

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