The Barren Mother

Jut to warn, I'm going to be away this weekend and as a result it's very unlikely I'm going to get a post up over that time
^ i can only sympathize.

I won't even be able to post this weekend because I have to go home, so... lol.
as far as i know im not doing much of anything


too bad i think that it would be better if i waited for someone else to post
hey look a post

I shouldn't be awake right now. Might reply soon, will need to see about it. Weh, exams week.
Yeah, I just decided to squeeze out a post because pfft who needs to be on time to Spanish anyway?

i was deathly afraid for a moment because i thought i might be taking an exam but we're good lol

but in all seriousness apologies for the wait i don't REALLY have an excuse unless you want to count the midterms that i didn't study for

So I couldn't help but notice that the person who suggested our rule of activity (/exaggerated throat clearing) hasn't replied in recent history, themselves, and I'm thinking that I want to do some revision on the rules of activity here.

Basically, I want to get rid of that whole 'post within blah blah blah' days rule because it put unnecessary pressure on whomever's turn it is to post.

I don't think that anyone getting left behind will be a problem for this role play with regards to what is out of their control, so I'm considering abolishing the post order altogether, because we're all competent enough role players to not do anything stupid haha.

If things get out of hand, I'll let you know (or give a warning, depending on the severity of it).

With that being said, I think it would be okay if we just do all of this at a laid back, leisurely pace.

As long as you're still interested in the role play and keep coming on regularly (and since we won't have to wait on anyone in particular, the role play won't die), then you'll be fine.

What will get you kicked out is, of course, breaking the rules, and/or just dropping off the face of the earth and being out of contact with me, like in the present case of Lucky, Sunflakes, and Bree.

Let me know if you want to have a yay or nay on this revision to the activity standards (which, personally, I think I vastly prefer given my personal circumstances).

With that being said, the above mentioned are going to be dropped from the role play and I'm going to open up applications again.

We'll do the same collaborations with the new people as we did previously (as we've lost our dog owner and tree house guy, and also any semblance of kindness that existed in the group before lol), but this time we won't put any sort of pause to the role play.

I'll get on organizing all of that in a second and recruiting people again, so... hooray for fresh meat!

I'll also be striking out their previous role play posts (it honestly won't be too hard to exclude them, since they had only posted intros with minimum interactions), and we can pretty easily pretend that they were never there.

No, you don't have to revise your other posts or anything.

@White Masquerade I was wondering if you're still interested, as I said I would notify you ~?

So, yeah.

/flees to do stuff

@SkyGinge @Ghost @Tenome @eheu
Haha :five: 
Okay, so is there like a overview I should read? I got the shared history part, but is there a storyline to follow? Or we're just interacting?
Ahh, right, the role play tabs, I forgot.

The overview is basically the first post of the ic thread.

Rules and everything.

Then there's a plethora(-ish) of stuff to read for characters on the sign-up, since I'm doing that whole character gallery thing here, too. cx 
Okaaaaay since no one commented on the whole rules thing I'M TAKING THAT AS CONSENT AND WE HAVE OFFICIALLY BECOME LENIENT.

Post order is abolished.

All that noise.

Ah, that reminds me!

I forgot to harass ask you @White Masquerade if there was any position in particular you were pining for?

/vigorous eyebrow waggling
*is here until computer runs out of battery, which is in like 6 minutes*

wait, i did what now?
OH my. Had no idea this was a horror Role-play. e.e

I'll try my hand at it. Speaking of hand, someone might need to hold it. Tree-house, Main neighborhood, and first friends are open? I'm a bit confused with the options except for Tree-house.
Ehh, semi-horror.

Mostly a bromance tbh ahaha.

like right now we're just goofing off a lot

but yeah darker themes will come into play eventually


Oh right, we DID lose our first friends, didn't we?

But yeah, I guess all of the options are open.

There's a neighborhood where most of the kids in the group live in and that's generally their meeting place, so that's why it's called the main neighborhood.

The group of characters that we have is a group of friends that's formed over an extended period of time, so the first friends would be like the original people that had befriended each other, then they gradually started dragging more and more of the kids into their group.

Then there was also the things with the dog.

It's like their family would officially own the dog, but it would mostly be shared with the group and would like stay the night with so-and-so on a whim and just generally tag along on most of their misadventures.

then there's the thing with the treehouse

Does that help at all...?
No no no, the person who had the dog poofed.

Does that post I directed you to say otherwise, or is it somewhere else?


/poofs to search 
fixed :'D

ahaha :'D

but yes yes those are mostly things to consider post-character creation

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