The Barren Mother

ughh sorry i misinterpreted your silence and got frustrated please forgive meeeeeeeeee

Like, in your last reply... I had tagged you before, then Bree had tagged you and you had only responded to her, so I thought you were ignoring me hahah a.

I meant unrealistic in the course of events that you believed you had absolutely nothing to collaborate with others about, if that makes sense?

Either way, I've been battling to figure out the way these alerts work and I thought I had it figured out, in that tagging always worked, but I've been wrong before. ;-;

Anyway, I could be wrong, but me just skimming over I think it was just me tagging you last on page eighteen and then eheu on nineteen.

again apologies for being rude ahh

Ah, yes, there is a posting order.

It won't ever be directly stated, as the order is liable to change because of the three day rule thing.

It's basically the order of what has been posted... just regarding characters that are interacting.

i have yet to find an efficient way to explain this

Either way, how it is NOW is Decay, Sunflakes, Lucky, Ghost and then myself... and everyone else is free to jump in.

Ah... should I keep the first post updated with the posting order?

maybe that should be a thing ? ;w;

why is my roommate so louddddddddd

it's uber distracting and irritating and blargh
also it might make more sense to note that in mine and pie's latest posts, we switched up the order

because i asked pie if i could go first, because i had an idea id wanted to do

I'm writing up a post, but the end of this week is going pretty frantic so it might not be until the end of the weekend that I post it. I also have yet to hear from some people about character interaction information, though I'll try to keep assumptions at a minimum.

Yay for resuming of RP!
It's fine, no need for forgiveness or anything as I can understand why you would see some things as you did :') I think I do remember you tagging me actually tbh but clearly just forgot to respond to it at the time and then completely. I'll see to responding to all that stuff in a second :') In terms of tags, I've found them to be really inconsistant in terms of actually alerting people you've tagged them. For example, I remember getting tags for some of these ones (like your latest one), but definitely didn't for Eheu's :/ And it's alright, no rudeness taken xD I don't want you to feel bad or anything because in any case I still should have replied, regardless of the circumstances, so I'll see to doing that now.

And thanks for trying to explain the post order thing. I can't claim that clarifies much for me tbh (or at all, for that matter xD ) and I imagine I'll end up doing a wrong post somewhere along the line, but hopefully things will work out. In terms of a responce for the main RP, I might have time to work on one tonight, I might not, otherwise expect something around the weekend. Now time for replies!


I actually remember now why I didn't end up replying to this; because I pretty much agreed exactly with what you'd said and didn't have much else to add xD So yeah, apologies for not even responding with a 'sounds good!' before, apparently that was what I forgot, lol. Sorry if that's a disappointment; think that's about where we'd end up between the pair of them seeing as they're no more than acquaintances :')

In terms of what elaborate prank Rod would have pulled back, it would have been something really clever. I mean, because he'd have spent all his time looking up pranking things, he'd end up so knowledgable in it and go to all the efforts of getting it done. I could also have been something quite reckless, seeing as Rod would be completely oblivious to any pain/annoyance he might be causing. Yet I don't think he'd have the awareness to pull of something wordy (and besides, nobody would believe him if he were to say somethign a little abstract as fact), so it'd likely have been some kind of trap set up specifically for Nick. There would also be the strange moment where he felt no elation to pulling of the trick, and others would be confused as to why he even bothered to do it, because he'd just be stood there like 'Hmm, it worked."


Apologies for the wait! :( Anyhow, I quite like the idea that Rod 'inspires speculation', as you put it; I can quite easily imagine Emily having conversations with people when she sees him wondering about what he gets up to, seeing as he's literally never seen out of school. I also agree that she'd probably not think much of him besides that passing interest, although I'd doubt she'd specifically think of his as 'the odd one with the machines' seeing as she wouldn't ever see him with any machines, other than maybe school computers, so maybe she'd think of him as some kind of cyber-nerd, seeing as he'd be able to type uber quick and a real tech whizz.

I can see her trying to make idol conversation with him, but seeing as he'd be so focussed on whatever his current interest would be, his answers would largely be either vague or very peculiar, and the fact (pretty sure I did state it) that he doesn't get provoked by anything would soon bore her from him.

I doubt she would show an outward interest in being around him though. Like, you know how in schools there's always that one weird kid who pretty much everybody hates/is mean to just because everybody else is? Rod would indefinitely be that guy, so even if she did find something about his calmness quite refreshing and surprisingly unhatable, from what I read of her I doubt she'd actually go as far as to make it public. Now that they're all older she'll probably show it a bit more, but yeah, as a whole, I think that passing intrigue would roughly show up her feelings towards him.

If anybody else has anything they want to discuss or anything then don't hesitate to ask.
Okay, sorry for the delayed reply.

i've been lazy tbh l o l


l o l i didn't even catch onto that until you mentioned it 
oh, and with that being said, it's your turn @LuckyMisfortune



Read and understood.

I don't really think Emily will allow anything to stop her from trying to approach the people she wants to approach, so...there's that.

On impression: noted. Maybe his image will tilt more towards the book-person archtype? His goggles will be the defining trait for Emily then.

She'll try real hard to get out of him where exactly even he goes when he's out of school because Emily runs around a lot and it's eventually going to provoke some curiosity if there's one person she never comes across. It might also be worth noting that she'll probably not deliberately try to provoke him - in fact she doesn't really do that to anyone? It's only that what she does when she approaches people often lands on the annoying side. If perpetual indifference is the case here then well, Emily will be happy with all the peculiar answers she'll get from him when he asks.

I agree with settling the passing interest part, then.

Also, posted IC (I'm...allowed to do that now, right?). This post had been sitting there for like forever until I dug it up to write the last parts, so apologies if it's too heavy on reactions and lacking in quality and consistency. Will attempt to improve.

I believe that also means Emily is introduced and my position in the posting order is settled.
Ah, it's fine, don't sweat it ~

and yes you are allowed to post lalala

and i updated the posting order to include you so yipee
Ah ok, that makes a little more sense now :') but yeah, keeping the post order and such up on the overview would be incredably helpful :')

And I agree with that conclusion also! Nick would almost definitely know immediately that it was Rod, because Rod isn't the most inconspicious of people. He'd have hidden or whatever whislt it was going on, but he'd come out of hiding straight after success and make it fairly obvious it was him. So yeah, conclusion reached!

And @eheu Read and understood ;P Goggles would probably be a defining trait, yes, but I'm not sure where she'd get the whole book-worm thing from, although of course she is free to speculate as she pleases. Other than that, pretty much agree with everything as before :')

I may get up a post today, but it's looking like I'm gonna be largely busy, I'll try to find the time thought :')
IC too much to handle.

I'm currently wondering how we'll eventually manage to steer this heap of random tomfoolery that's going on in the IC into the direction of the actual planned storyline of the roleplay, though?
Idk maybe it would work better if your character didn't respond to characters who weren't talking to her

I was hoping someone at least questioning why she was even there or otherwise diverting the topic away from the hilarity. Welps. My miscalculations.
Don't worry, it'll get there.

We're just doing this lunch... nonsense, which will either lead up to their plotting now or after school.

/waggles fingers

Plot isn't everything.

Besides, we have some people/characters that are mia at the moment, so... 
Hmmmm not sure if I should bother with an activity sweep or not.

idk about having new characters and going through that whole process again aha
I was just talking about Bree and maybe Lucky not having posted in a while.

and partly sunflakes but she's prolly having health issues

Well, I'm going to tell you guys right now this role play is a lot more character driven than plot driven, at least for the time being.

We WILL get to the plot, but it might not be a while.
Yeah, but I shouldn't be exempt from that rebuke even if my character is an outsider. And tbh I had several free hours this afternoon where I could have posted but didn't, so there's no excuse for me. Although it'll pretty much be 'The Adventures of Rod the Loner!" on my end if this character-over-plot is happening, at least until he has reason to join them. Also the two types of development can be interlinked quite well and would probably solve any disputes if both were pushed equally.
It's a little more difficult for your character to jump in haha.

I just flat out haven't heard from them in days, so I have no idea if they're still interested or not.

I understand that, but I had designed this role play to have that sort of imbalance, and I apologize for not having stated so in advance.

Either way, with how everything is, I don't want to break character or do anything unnatural to hurry the plot along.

I've never been one to create plots that you jump right into, if memory serves, because I would much rather develop things slowly.

In theory, these shenanigans shouldn't take too long to resolve, so it's not like it's NOT going to happen. 
pfffffffft lolololololol
Heck yeah ~

it's okay shenanigans are ~*~*~ fuuuuun ~*~*~

gosh if this happens to him every day


xD It would probably be fairly common, but I was thinking it wouldn't be all the time, otherwise people would prbably be uber-mad at him 24-7, and dinnerladymancreature would have been more cynical and less surprised. So I'm going to make it only happen when he's at the peak of an obsession, like now, so that he isn't always quite so much of a walking bombsite (although he will be for all of the RP). I was also thinking now he'd have semi-depression periods at the end of each interest, where he'd be really restless and stuff.

But yeah, all that development ideas from one post. tbh that probably did more for me than all the planning did XP
Lolol, yeah, I figured as much.

If that did happen every day... oh man, I think people would clear a path for him. lol

ahaha that's how i am with my periods of obsession

the semi-depressive part

not the walking bombsite aspect xD

Oi, don't hate on my planning methods.

/whacks with rolling pin
/puts away rolling pin

don't let me catch you using such treasonous words again

i'll cut u

Uh, excuse me here.

I'm one place after Decay in the post order, yet it seems like it's been a while since the last post was thrown up - I remember reading something about conditions under which early posts will be permitted when the preceding user in the posting order hasn't responded for a certain while, but I can't seem to find it at the moment, so I thought I should just ask.

Would it be acceptable for me to conjure and advance with a post now? Or should I wait some more?

Sorry about confusion on my side, ugh
Ah, sorry eheu, I meant to update the post order. x___x

I THINK I put the post order thing in the rules?

In any case, yes, you're good to post ~ c': 
The rule was somewhat obscure, as it was hidden in the out of character rules, so I apologize for that.

In any case, I have updated the rules that the fifth rule in the 'in character rules' will clarify the policy on post order.

I'm going to try to contact the people I haven't heard from in a while and give them a few days to respond before they are dropped and we look for replacements.

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