The Barren Mother

wow we skipped so many people
ohai :'DD

That's fiiiiiine.

You're free to post whenever ~

/too tired to say something actually intelligible
my post is a mess I moved so many sentences around and deleted and added things after it was written and its a bad mess but i don't care im not fixing it

Ooooh, Pine. You know you don't mean that e.e


Don't embarrass me in front of Ghost and Tenome! AH!

whispers back i only serve one person

and said person is not a person

said person is a candle

or am i not enough ;DD

okay fine that was lame

Some of the people are going to come back to the ooc thread VERY confused. LOL
Well, some people should have technically been kicked from the role play a while back. ;w;

It's technically closed until I get off my butt and do an activity sweep.

I'll let you know if a spot opens up (which would probably be like two or three spots actually lolsob)?
Ooooh, a new person who seems to be not really new new because they are pie's friend but just new to me?

Hello, hello!

It's nice to meet you!

You disgusting bed-wetter.
Bit of a status report here: I am truly sorry for the unreported absence. A few things came up after I said I was going to write up a post and stopped me from actually doing so. Am conjuring the post now, apologies for the inconvenience.
lolol i cant wait

mostly because of what happened with orion
A very short, devoid-of-meaningful-content post.

All the characters in this RP are terrible people.
that's fine i laughed by the end ;w;

All the people that were role playing decent people are the ones who have disappeared, it would seem. xD

or maybe it's just de

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