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Realistic or Modern The Barren Mother // Small Town Mystery Role Play [ one spot left ❧ ]

weaboo candy is candy from japan/candy commonly associated with weaboos lol

it is of utmost importance duh lol ?????
eeeeee i'm glad you think so eheu <3

hmm nick and candy

like he doesn't have anything against it

but he's definitely more of a spicy food/chip/energy drink junkie smh
Reservations, but... it's still kind of an application thing.

No writing sample, but... y'know... c':
Just got on my pc a bit ago, a few things to do before I get back to this, sorry for the wait ( ^~^")
Pine-chan want to save me a spot?


I will try to finish by tomorrow so you can either critique me or downright reject me. Either way I would be honored. c:
Hey, it's fine, no rush. n wn

really i have plenty of other things to be doing with my time rn

laffs honored?

there is no honor here

BUT ANYWAY yes I will. c':

Were you wanting to role play a friend inside the group or ?
i honestly cant wait to see what sort of people are going to be stuck with nick orion and noah ahahHAhah
I should be getting my character done by tomorrow, my phone won't let me edit my item so I will have to get on a computer tomorrow.
*Sigh* I regret to inform that though I'd love to join I've lost my will to, though I'd hate to drop I think I'll have to, my muse for the character I was creating was lost with the erasure of the item... Sorry...

I do hope to rp with y'all sometime but I just don't feel up to it at all, undskyld...
Ahh, I've been in your boots before.

I 110% understand, it's totally fine.

Thank you for the honesty ~ n wn

and happy role playing (where characters will not be deleted)
Mm, honestly, I wasn't going to say anything but I couldn't just leave you hanging, I don't like to do that to people but I'm...

Still pretty shy. *Walking contradiction, truthfully an introvert, woops*
need sleep

but i just did laundry so i should prolly fold that stuff


party pumpin' all up in this thread whoop
Yas, yas that would be good!

Do I just enter on the character sign up, because it seems to be barren

Get it? barren?


Oh, nope, its cool, I sees now
will do ~

Ah, no. lol

We're doing submissions through the character gallery and I'm editing links into the first post on the thread and what not.

That post will have instructions and what not and is very worth a read. /nods

(I'll just warn you though we're p slow with this role play.)

haha puns

eep ninja'd because phone

shoop da woop

i find it funny when people treat their wall like a blog and like leaves a status saying "logging off for the night"

like how many people are you talking to that you couldn't have just told them

and how desperate are they to know your whereabouts that they would go to your wall for it

i'm a jerk

/cries into hands

and where do you think YOU'RE going, thread?

/taps foot + looks at scornfully

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