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Purely out of curiosity, I clicked here, and this is what I see.
Wow, hey Stew, hey... Pine, do I know you? I feel like I should I'm so sorry, my goodness.
No, pointless curiosity isn't all that drove me to pounce on the link like some sort of deranged house cat click the link, I am genuinely curious about what's going on up in here. *Munches on cookie* I smell a mystery afoot, mmyes.
Wait. Afoot? A foot... I'm sorry, I seriously need to lay of the sugar. ANYWAYS.
So, so, okay. (Wow, I can't even bifocals... Focus.)
*Deep breath* Ohokay, mm, one, I am seriously glad I didn't forget a person... Two, am I too late to join you in your mystery? Because mystery is like, amazing, just saying. MYES. Um, yes.
Like, woah, that title contradicts the mood of the thread, wow. Soooooooooooooo, am I able to join y'all? When I've calmed down, of course, I wouldn't want to be a hyper burden. That's no fun.
Do you mean for me to catch you up on the role play thus far? xD
but no no we still have spots open, although technically with you joining i guess they're filled?
I really should update that.
BUT yeahh the role play isn't totally serious (and, as a matter of fact, it's all rather goofy atm), it'll just have some darker themes in it but mostly it's a bromance because I'm a total sap for those hnng.
being silly is fine yes yes
I'd be interested in hearing this suggestion yesyes butidkwhatiwoulddowithathemesong. 8D
Nay, I'd be capable of finding out on my own if my personal desire was as such. *twitch*
My silliness is okay? Okay, that's good, because even when I calm down I like to fool around a bit, lolmm.
Woah, theme songs are cool, I am curious Stew, Stew, what are you thinking? Because I'm thinking food sounds great right now.
Woah, what? Stew, do you need a hug? I love hugs. Let's party.
Wait. RP, yes. Mm, wait, does this mean. Does this mean you'll give me a chance? Oh, yay, waow, hi. Can I just- *you have no choice, I am hugging you through the interwebs*
BUT keep in mind, even as silly and loosey-goosey as ooc is, this WILL be an advanced role play, so certain quality of posts are expected and blah blah blah.