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Realistic or Modern The Barren Mother // Small Town Mystery Role Play [ one spot left ❧ ]

Ahhh thanks. The moment i laid eyes on that image..... i knew it was perfect

Yeah I can't think of any characters off the top of my head that are, it's a little disappointing

The only thing missing on him is what grade he's in so ~

to avoid messing up the pretty format you have atm you can just put it in other/misc

/pets format

what is aro/ace i don't know how to interwebs ahhhhh

asexual ??
yeah, aromantic and asexual
Ah, okay, that's what I thought ~

I've seen a decent amount of those...

ehehe but that's mostly just the person i shamelessly stalk so nvm
there's not a lot in actual books and shows and etc., so thats what i meant

usually in things on the internet characters are more diverse, which is really cool ( ^ o ^
Well, to be fair, you wouldn't figure out too often in a movie or something that someone is asexual if they just... don't.

Also, perhaps I'm being assumptious, but I don't think it's a thing that's all too common irl.

but i'm sure it's just the writers not thinking about it

i almost want to attempt this now

Spellcheck doesn't recognize assumptious as a word why??
yeah, i know those things

and no you're right its really not common

yes you should attempt it

though i think it wouldnt be really different than making any other character

idk man spellcheck is wack
I haven't really dabbled in different sexualities primarily because romance isn't a big thing for me and... after all those years of role playing on neo, you couldn't say blahsexual or gay or anything, so it was just assumed that all of the characters were straight if you even dared attempting romance in the first place. xD

yep that's my excuse and i'm sticking with it

for real tho

i think i have something of an innate fear instilled in me now for whatever i'm posting here not directly relating to the role play being considered spam but it's like more interesting than bumping so what do??
well, my characters have different sexualities but i never rp romance anyways ahah

!!!!!!!( ; A ;

i didn even realize this wasnt the ooc
Quick question: Does this mean I can post in the RP thread now or is there something else I have to do? :P
looks like pies not online rn but she added matthias to the cast so im 99% sure you're accepted, and can post
What Ghost said.

Apologies for the confusion. xD  
i thought that role players role playing chicks was a thing

i feel so lied to
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Haha, perhaps.

It's fine though.

I have patience.

/steeples fingers

all good things come in time

/mutters to self


In any case, I feel rather bad for the others, since it will be more difficult to bring them in and what not, but it gives time for the story to progress such that they can enter more easily, so ~

aaaaaaaand i suppose it's time for me to go to class

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Contacted Pine about that last opening. Working on a sheet briefly.

Glad to meet you all. Hopefully I'll have the chance to write with you in the near future.

Thanks you.

My apologies, the role has just been filled (I should update this thread soon but my phone is dying eep).

If you would like, however, I can contact you if a spot ever opens up?
Aaaaaaaand we're open again!



The female role is still taken (which may change in the future?), but I said I would let you know, so in case you were interested otherwise...

Here I am informing you now. xD
I am also interested in one of the "friend" roles! I can't PM you, unfortunately since I just joined. Should I just post in the character sign-up, or...?
Hello Bree, welcome to RpN!

I'm 90% sure that Tia was interested in the female role (that isn't open), but in case she wasn't, she DOES have dibs, so I'll give her twenty-four hours to respond to whether or not she is interested.

Um... since you can't PM me, either post your character and short description here or in the OOC thread... AFTER I declare that you have a spot for sure. xD

Apologies for the complications!
Either a spot in the group of friends or just some other kid at the school who manages to force himself on the misadventure... it would be a male.

BUT if you'd rather just wait for the female spot to open up again (if it does), I'm a-okay with that.

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