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Realistic or Modern The Barren Mother // Small Town Mystery Role Play [ one spot left ❧ ]


and thank you for the continued interest ~ ;D


Okay, so if you're still interested, I'm reserving the spot for you now ! c8
Alright, sweet ~

I may be hopping off soon, but I'm looking forward to it regardless. cx

after all of that

we've been talking about character relationships

and discussing things like whose backyard gets to have a tree house in it starting with my super long post of tagging people on page thirteen of the ooc thread, so that might be worth looking into after you're done ~ cx
Okay this might be annoying, but I'm at 8 posts right now, and only need 2 more to send PMs. 
So sorry for spamming. xD
http://www.rpnation.com/showcase/brian-hopkins.4307/ (Don't hate me for using Nick Jonas as an avi.)

Brian Hopkins is a laid-back football player with a lot of family issues, but that doesn't hold him back from dominating on the field. Talked about for all the wrong reasons, he doesn't really care what people say anymore and is living his life the way he wants to.

lol it's fine

Ohh, he seems fun ~

I'll put 'im up now. cx

feel free to join our discussion now

vry vry important stuff going down haha

(it's actually kinda' mandatory

starting on my last post of page thirteen of the ooc thread like i said)
Sorry for the absence, I was stuck in the hospital all day. I'll reply to this in the morning (I hope to anyway, haha).

and that's fine ~ ;w;
My baaaddd, haha. I just saw the Barren Mother title and commented, haha. And things should be fine ~ I shall know tomooorrroow.

pats u they're their 
bada bing bada bump 
screams from under the crushing weight of boredom
someone please join pines rp

ill draw your oc

*crosses fingers behind back*

bad recruitment thread

stay OFF the second page 
will make you shudder with antici-




........ -PATION
Quite possibly, my good sir ~

/gravitates toward fellow 2-D fan

Any position you were particularly interested in ? c:
I would feel good playing a strange role, possibly something that includes killing things. *actually secretly wants to be a murderer for the first time because this time there aren't that many people to ship my character with*

Why did I just get the image of some bratty little kid stomping around on a bunch of bugs in my head?

Anywhooooo, the main characters themselves would actually be rather normal, I'm afraid. :S

so far it's a pretty douchey bunch but otherwise-

Just kind of a matter of being in the group of friends or not.

Minor characters can prolly get a little weird, but idk about murdering and stuff, unless that's a plot point that I choose to control ehehe.

Well, if there ever is any murdering going on, I would like to take control.

Well you see I haven't actually thought that far ahead in the plot and in fact I have no idea where this role play is going atm so I'm just filling it with nonsensical drivel until it comes time to where I have to sit down and figure things out but I'll see if I can fit you into my plans somewhere!

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