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Fantasy The Bad Guys (Old)


Totally human, I swear!
Budding minds may become the next great dictator, but not everybody is here willingly, some kidnapped in order to fill in a quota at this high school for future villains. Whether your parents enrolled you, you came on your own, or you were kidnapped from wherever you were before this…. Well, you’re stuck here, like it or not.
Welcome to Sunbreaker Institute of Villainy.

Francis: I endured a long ride in what might have been the back of a pickup truck. I couldn't tell, being inside of a sack. I dared not kick or writhe. I yowled once, but the response was a loud, close, lupine howl. Eventually I was dumped, and my sack was opened. I was just inside the threshold as I rubbed my sore limbs. On my side was an ominous shelter. On the other side was the footprints of wolves or dogs, a bark now and then. The poison green wall of the vestibule had a few messages scratched into it, which I tried to examine only to hear a breathing above me. No, it was a surreal growling. The men, one of which had the head of a fox, shooed me down where a stream of others was also going, along a poison green wall adorned with the portraits of bandits, serial killers, and politicians.
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Carlie: I readied myself for another year at Sunbreaker, remembering all of the mishaps of the years before. Whether it was having to smell Dr. Sullivan's barn in preliminary mad science classes, braving IEP meetings with my pushy parents, or hiding out in the bathrooms where it was nice and quiet instead of having to listen to the newcomers react to the assembly. In accordance with careful planning on my part, and arguing with teachers on my parents part, I was already hiding out in the girl's bathroom near the main entrance.
Ka'El MorningStaer
"get out the van" a man said as he kicked me out of what I know knew to be a van. "Nice doin' business with ya Mr.MorningStaer" I heard the man speak again. once I was on the ground I felt the power binding cuffs being taken off and the heard the squealing of tires as the van sped away. I pulled the bag off of my rather messy hair and looked around, trying to figure out where I was. "the hell?" I muttered as a I saw other people walking into a large building. I sighed an stood up, making sure to dust myself off before making my way over to the people. as I look around, I started to notice some of these 'people' weren't even human "a Vampyre?!?" I almost said to loudly earning a crude glare from said vampire. not really liking the glare, I gave him on of my own which was(because of years of practice) far more intense than his. The Vamp ended up turning away and walking inside the building without even giving me a second glance. "so where exactly is here..." I asked more to myself than anyone else, but it would have been nice if someone were to help me not look so awkward. but in my defense I was just shoved in the back a van and forced to ride close to Seven hours(if my math is correct) to get to this stupid place and I don't even know where or what this place is.
((sorry if this is weird im not used to typing in first person while IC))
It's alright, and by all means do whatever you find comfortable- I did say all styles are welcome.
Francis: "A Vampire!?" I heard somebody shout. Somebody was just as surprised to be here as I was, or maybe they were only surprised to see some Parahumans. I moved to the side of the hall and stayed still. The other new person would probably pass, and to make sure I found him, I made my face fade into a blank surface. Still, not everyone was even looking, so maybe he wouldn't.
Ka'El MorningStaer

I was utterly confused on where I was and I was tempted to take on my giant Jinn form just to get some answers because if I didn't get answers, people were gonna start dropping like flies "Alright! that's is, someone tell me where the hell I am or I will light this whole place on fire and burn it to the ground" I shouted loud enough for everyone to hear me. my eyes started to turn red from the anger that was rising inside me, giving me more....motivation to burn the place down. and I wouldn't have minded killing one or two people in the process but that would be their fault for not telling me where I am and why I was brought to this place. I would much rather be reeking havoc on some poor mans dreams or making deals this humans just for the fun if it.
Ethan: I stepped out of the car and hurried to a new year of villainy training, when what do you know, a total newb was shouting. I approached him, which was easy given that he was making a scene. Whoa there! You're at Sunbreaker Institute of Villainy. They kidnapped you, didn't they?
Ka'El MorningStaer
"Institute of Villainy?" I asked turning around to face this person "and yes they freaking kidnapped me" I exclaimed to the boy "what the hell is a institute of Villainy?" I asked letting my eyes turn back to their normal Yellowish-blue "I mean I do some bad things because it's in my job description but I've never seen myself as a villain" I huffed moving a piece of hair from my face half tempted to tie it into a pony tail so when I started burning things it wouldn't get in my way.
Ethan: Well if you're a natural at evil, what's there to complain about? Anyway, here they teach you how to be the best villain or henchman you can be, unless they rank you expendable but if your claims are true then you probably have noting to worry about. I shifted the position of my tail under my shirt- not the smartest thing, but I can't hold it in one position forever.
Ka'El MorningStaer
"So you are telling me that practically every one here is not human and like to do bad things?.....well this should be fun" I smirked and held out my hand gesturing a handshake "My Name is Ka'El MorningStaer I'm a Jinn, Vetala if you want to get more technical" I shrugged still holding my hand out waiting for the boy to accept the gesture "I'm gonna go on a whim and say you know things about this place that you could tell me"
Ethan: I shook his hand, glad he didn't seem to notice my tail twitching under my shirt- It was now still, anyway. Well, they have an assembly that explains everything, so I might not really need to. The auditoriums's down the hall, the one with all of the paintings.
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Ka'El MorningStaer
"Well Thankyou....whatever your name is" I stated with a shrug, I mean the guy didn't tell me his name so I didn't bother asking again. Maybe I would let him escape before burning this place to the ground...after I go find out what this place actually is . Mental note: find the idiots who dragged me here "well shall we go?" I asked pointing to the door "or do you have other arrangements" I did a weird suggestive thing with my eyebrows and mentally groaned.
Ethan: To the auditorium, right? I'm Ethan, by the way. Then I started down to the auditorium, The assembly should start any minute.
Sam: I had woken up, confused and with a bandaged neck, in the back of a van, in a heap with other teenagers, and the only one awake, even by the time we reached the hulking structure. To my surprise, a woman helped me out of the van, smiling and welcoming me to Sunbreaker Institute of Villainy. I'd heard of evil schools, but I wasn't completely sure they were a thing. I had no idea what it would really be like. Or did I? Certainly articles on the internet weren't going to be all that accurate, and at any rate I hadn't read one about this school. But god, the sunlight seemed strong- I could barely see through it, as though the light itself were a fog. Once I was indoors, it was a relief, but my eyes still needed to adjust- I bumped into another student, blonde, and muscular. I'm sorry! I just don't know what's wrong with me today.
"Nice to meet ya Ethan" I stated giving him a small(fake) smile. I felt someone bump into me and I whipped around to yell but I then saw how disoriented he looked "did you get shoved into a van too?" I asked raising a questioning eyebrow. Because it seems like people just got taken from wherever they were and dropped of here.
((Sorry if my post seem short, currently typing on a mobile device))
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Ethan: And then came a clumsy, fat person with copious eye shadow.
Sam: Actually, Yeah. I don't think it was the same van, though.
Francis: I got tired of waiting and continued down the hall, with my face back in sight and existence.
TamraYou know, this place is larger than I expected; Mother did say they were well equipped to deal with all types of people. Ooh, look all the supple minds to pick. I can't wait to see what everyone can do. With a simple "Bye, Mother," I head to the front gates on my mockery of a witch's broom. They seem to know what they are doing. I'll follow them and blend in so I can just "appear" next to them. This will be great. I hope I get the Evil Nutrition class, Mother and I always did agree that I am the sole chef of the house....well, basement...Apparently, I've been standing here too long as a rather large...thing...shoved me toward the auditorium, mumbling something about don't get lost "little black sheep," which lead to me meeting a student sooner than expected. I nearly fell over someone standing on the wall. "Oi, watch where ya standin'!" I say instinctively.
(only have time for one character. If I recall, Francis was standing on the wall. Sorry, something went down. Only post from me for the night.)
Francis: I immediately went into apologetic mode, but then she yelled at me. I shouted back. Look how about you watch where you walk!
"Well I would think not, I was the only one in my van" I shrugged shaking my head "when I find out who decided to bag and tie me, they will pay with a very very violent death" I stated, steam practically rolling off of my hands as I held a fist up to give emphasis to my statement "but anyways I'm Ka'El" I ended up changing my demeanor very quickly so I didn't seem too homicidal to the new person
Tamra"How can I watch somethin' I can't see, huh?" I replied quickly to the faceless boy. It's not my fault that he stood there, or that I got pushed into him. I'd better not fight, though. Last time, I got expelled mom punished me in her personally sick and twisted way. A way I would rather not experience again. Either way, let me not. "You know what, I don't need no 'invisible enemies right now, you know?" I would offer a handshake, but I just saw an easy target to make my personal servant. I flash a wink his way and attempted to head toward my target, but I managed to trip over another person. They seemed agitated and kept moving. "Jerk" I said from the wall I used to catch myself. I don't think I'll even make it to the auditorium when they say to be there.
So what exactly does being one of Tamra's mind slaves entail, between mere obedience and full on zombie slave mode? 'Cause depending on where it's going, I'd be happy to follow along.

Sam: I decided to ignore the vow of vengeance, Nice to meet you.
Ethan: I'm Ethan.
Sam: Nice to meet you as well. Either of you know what we're doing here?

Francis: A strange feeling came over me, which I didn't have time to identify before it retracted itself from my mind. You know, sometimes people are just clumsy, sheesh. Nothing wrong with it. And I'd know too, being clumsy myself. In fact, I'm sure any other day I'd have bumped into her instead of the other way around. The doctor calls it dyspraxia, not that everyone's heard of it.

  • Her little mind slave trick can be full zombie mode, but that requires a lot of conditioning from her magic, otherwise it's simple obedience. As she can't attempt to immediately enslave the mind, yet. Also, sorry if I continuously mention her attempting to enslave minds. I've begun to realize I've said it every time. Most times that she attempts to control another person it's just bodily obedience, bypassing there mind, but one can resist her charm spell with enough will power. Currently it isn't too difficult to resist her charm, but she isn't a push over. If that makes sense.
Not bad. I'm on board, although Francis is the sort to resist if he can identify it.

Francis: I held out my hand to shake, Francis Sato. I showed my face again, figuring it'd be rude not to. Introducing yourself to somebody and just keeping your "face" a creepy blank surface would be creepier than I cared for.
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  • TamraFiguring that one ally is better than, I accept his handshake. "Nice to make acquaintances with you!" I put on my largest toothy grin. "So whatcha standing on the wall for?" He looks like he is waiting for something. "It seems odd that you are just posted here."

(When will the auditorium thing start? I am assuming that you are waiting for the current active students to get acquainted.)
Yessiree. That and for majority of the characters, Minus Carlie, to go to the auditorium.

Francis: Well, I kind of froze when I heard somebody making a fuss behind me- not you but somebody else- And I just stood there, kind of not wanting to move forward until I found out what's going on. Sometimes I get complacent, you know? And I have to catch myself before I get into some kind of danger. then I grimaced at the realization that I might have said too much, that I'll come off as either some weirdo or a liar.

Rosemary: With the beginning of the new year, I stood around the edge of the auditorium, watching the students load into their seats. They were much like cattle, and at least a quarter of them were kidnapped. Perhaps they felt helpless, or perhaps they were curious.... Or just stupid. Or hopefully, they knew what was going on and were glad. Usually the kidnapped students became expendables, as they were either without potential or just not evil, but that was not a universal occurrence.

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