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Fantasy The apocalypse

"ok that should be everything" she says "ready to get going its probably going to get dark soon and I'd like to make dinner 
Alice flinched a little at him talking. "A-Are you r-real.." She asked after a long, unbearable silence. "I don't like it when my eyes play tricks on me..Please tell me..my hallucinations Can't tell me that they're real..please tell me...That you're real.."


Max laughed, "Yeah I'm real." he said, getting his med kit out and patching her up, "So, where'd you come from? You a wanderer like me?" he asked.
Alice was very tense and shaking from paranoia. "W-Well I was just..sneaking out to calm d-down...I have a base set up..It's a cleared out apartment building nearby.." She said quietly, wincing as her cuts stung.

(Lol, it's fine ^-^ @CERBERUS177)
Max slowed down his patching and simply just wrapped them after disinfecting the wounds, "A base? Huh...that's cool. Any room for another person?" he asked, "I'm a good hunter, and I have fighting experience." he told her, keeping his past behind him. "I'm Max by the way." he said, moving onto her knees.
"well I won't say I'm the best cook but I do what I can" she smiles grabbing everything and heads out t door
"Y-Yeah..There's my room, I'm usually on the roof so, you can stay there, the rest is dedicated to a few people that just moved in and storage." She said, her knees stung a little less since it stopped bleeding so much.
"oh I hope Alice will like the meal" she smiles in her usual clearly mood they adventy make it back "I'm going to go start cooking can you please go place my stuff I'm my room and find Alice please" she smiles going into the kitchen area
"Alright...just so long as there's a separate room and all." he told her, wrapping her knee up, finishing up, he took a out a very small needle, and stuck it in her arm, "That's morphine, should hit you good soon, It's enough to numb that pain, since they were minor wounds, I know you'd be uncomfortable with the wounds  being rubbed by the patches." he said, he always had little pick me ups for wounds like her's, while also carrying around ones for major wounds.

Alice flinched at the needle, feeling a little weird that he was nice to he ralready. "I have a question...Why are you being so nice to me already, we just met.." Alice said shyly. "N-Not that it's bothering me! I just...I'm very confused by it..." Alice added quickly as she felt her limbs go compleatly numb "O-Oh dear..." She studdered

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"Yea I hope so too. Sure I'll go put this stuff in your room. I'll try to find her though I don't know where she is" He said. Then he wandered off to Crystals room and placed the pack down on the bed and left the apartment in search for Alice
"thanks" she smiles and starts pull out some old can foods close to there expiration date and beings to mix them to make some sort of soup
Alice flinched at the needle, feeling a little weird that he was nice to he ralready. "I have a question...Why are you being so nice to me already, we just met.." Alice said shyly. "N-Not that it's bothering me! I just...I'm very confused by it..." Alice added quickly as she felt her limbs go compleatly numb "O-Oh dear..." She studdered

"Well you haven't tried to kill me. And your arms and legs will be numb for a minute, after that, only the wounds will be numb. " he told her. Starting the small fire again to keep warm. 
Arctic notices smoke in the sky and wanders over to the source of it. When he gets in sight of it he sees Alice but he also sees someone else nearby her and approaches them "Hey Alice we are making dinner back at the apartment. Wanna come?" He then turns to the other guy "Hey who are you?" He asks.

@BloodyAlice666 @CERBERUS177
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Alice shivered as a cold breeze swept by and blew out the fire quickly, She blinked as the darkness swallowed them.

He grabbed a large bundle of matches and tossed them on the fire, lighting one and setting the whole thing ablaze, then he put larger sticks on it, making it last longer, but burn brighter. "That should do it.... I don't think I caught your name. " he said, if the fire went out again, he'll carry her to her base. 
The wind didn't seem to go away but it didn't blow the fire out, any stronger and It would, "Oh..sorry..It's A-Alice...Now that you mention it..I didn't catch yours either." She said quietly, a small sense of panic filled her as she felt like something was missing.

Alice looked around after hearing a familiar voice, although due to it being so dark out she couldn't see who it came form. "A-Arctic?" She asked, hoping she had gotten the name right.
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"Yea it's me Alice. How you holding up? Crystal is probably still preparing food for us. I'm sure this guy can come along if he wants to." He offered
The wind didn't seem to go away but it didn't blow the fire out, any stronger and It would, "Oh..sorry..It's A-Alice...Now that you mention it..I didn't catch yours either." She said quietly, a small sense of panic filled her as she felt like something was missing.

Alice looked around after hearing a familiar voice, although due to it being so dark out she couldn't see who it came form. "A-Arctic?" She asked, hoping she had gotten the name right.

"Its Max. " he said, then slightly jumping when tthis'Arctic' person came out of nowhere, "I'm Max, your friend here, Alice, got hurt so i patched her up " he told him. 

Arctic notices smoke in the sky and wanders over to the source of it. When he gets in sight of it he sees Alice but he also sees someone else nearby her and approaches them "Hey Alice we are making dinner back at the apartment. Wanna come?" He then turns to the other guy "Hey who are you?" He asks.

@BloodyAlice666 @CERBERUS177

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