The Apocalypse is upon us. (Zombie Roleplay, Open!!)

Maddie smiled at Jay's remark. "Yeah I Saw." Maddie replied, slipping into the passenger side. Maddie turned and glanced in the back seat, blade open. She leaned back forward and smiled. "So, where are we heading?" She asked, brightly. Maddie pulled her seat belt and clicked it. "Don't wanna get a ticket now do we?" Maddie smiled jokingly as she glanced around for crawlers. Maddie locked her door. "You know I don't think she wanted to kill you, she just most likly, thought of us as the infected." Maddie mumbled reassuringly.
Vanessa sat down on a counter and pulled out a knife, delicately twirling it on the surface of the wood with a sigh as Mr. Kitty pawed at her legs and meowed.
Jay laughed. He liked Maddie. "I guess" He started driving "We're going....To the house me and my family were going to be staying at. Thy might still be there. Well, my sister at least"
Maddie's smile faded away slowly. "Oh.." She mumbled, glancing forward. "I didn't know you had family still alive." She replied, watching the road ahead. Maddie flinched as the car slammed into one of the dead walkers. She knew that one ment more. Maddie kept her eye's peeled incase she spotted anything out of the usial. Then again, what was usial nowadays? Crawlers and dead mostly. Maddie watched out the side of the car, glancing over to Jay occasionally.
"Well, I don't know" He saw her smile fade. "I saw my dad get mauled by Zombies, My mom is dead, so now only my sister" He kept driving.
Maddie shrugged allowing a small smile appear on her face. Maddie pushed her hair behind her ear. She glanced ahead, "Well it seem's were all pityed of sorrow." Maddie mumbled, as she saw a load of zombies. Maddie turned to the window. "Don't shift gears, or hit the gas pedal." She muttered, glancing backwards. "If we make to much of a noise they'll notice us, and trust me! They can tip a car over." She replied gingerly, Maddie exchaged glances from the horde to Jay. "We're in deep." She mumbled, before pulling out her blade. Maddie clicked open the pocket knife, just in case.
Mei saw a car coming, she hadn't seen a heathy human for a while now. She used her scope to see it was a girl and a boy. She figured they didn't realize fuel is hard to get now and to use it carefully if you had it. Mei continued following them with her scope to lip read if they talked, looking around every now and again incase somthing tried to sneak up on her.
Vanessa brushed her tongue along her lower lip with a sigh, her fingers now drumming against the wooden surface of the table as her source of amusement; which was her knife, was safely tucked away. Mr. Kitty sprung up beside her and sat down, his ears perked to make sure no danger came to the two.
OCC: *Facepalm*

Maddie jerked suddenly as he pressed onto the gas. "What are you doing?" She cried out, glancing back at the horde. The group of about Thirty turned to their attention. Maddie gripped her blade tighter. "We're doomed." She mumbled, under her plan. By now the horde had began to follow them. A few jumped on the car. "Jay! Hit The Gas!" She screamed out, sinking into her seat. Maddie glanced out the rearview mirror. More had began to chase them.

OCC: *Under her Breath! lol Not Plan
Nichole looked through her binoculars and sighed seeing some zombies. she grabbed her ak-47 and put a scope on it. she aimed and shot them down.
Mei saw the zombies chasing after the car, some fell to the ground. She guessed someone else was shooting. Mei decided to help out, she shot a zombie in the head, they became attracted to the loud bang. Lucky for Mei zombie's can't climb. She and the 2 people in the car were safe for now. "Damn zombies." She muttered taking care of the rest of them and reloading.
Nichole kept shooting them down and reloaded. "sayronara you son of a bs!"shooting them down. she pulled out a mirror sending a signal to the ones in the car.
Jay started going faster, until they heard a loud bang. Somebody else started taking them out.

"I-I'm sorry!!"

Jay drove a few miles until he found the house. A pretty big house on the beach.

"This is it..."
Maddie ducked in the front seat at the sound of gun shots. "Is somebody shooting at us?" She asked out, cover her head with her hands. Maddie glanced up occasionaloy as Zaombies dropped dead on the spot. The gun shots increased. Maddie was set on full alarm until she saw a flash from the distance. A signal. Somebody was helping them. Maddie glanced in the back seat and smiled devishly. "Got an idea." She muttered, Maddie glanced at Jay. "Drive normal. No matter what, don't stop." She advised. Maddie slipped off her belt and crawled to the back seat. She reached down and grabbed a few materials, flinching at each gun shot.
Mei saw the signals she ignored it, what was going on with the other 2? She wondered making her way to where the car was. The beach house was pretty, she guessed this was a good time to introduce herself. "I'm not bitten!" She called walking towards them, "I helped you back there." She pointed to the dead zombies.
The siblings where sleeping throughout the whole thing. They where still in the house they slowly woke up. Bambi yawned,"where is everyone?"she mumbled dazedly. Matt shrugged getting up then held out his hand to his sister,"I dunno but there not here so lets go"he said and began walking towards the door.(so what's going on =v=)
Name: Anton Yatzkov

Age (14+ Please!): 98 (He is in EXTREMELY good health however)

Gender: Male

Personality: Wise, and quiet. He only speaks when the time is right, and often speaks something important. He has provided much wisdom for people around the world

Appearance (Picture please~!):


Anton was born in Russia but moved to America later. He was in the top of his classes at the academy and graduated early. A Ph.D in Philosophy is what he got during college, and it have him much wisdom. 70 years later, he was caught in an apocalypse of undead, and now he roams trying to get to Atlanta, Georgia.

Starting Weapon(s): Dual Armor Piercing Revolvers

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