The Apocalypse is upon us. (Zombie Roleplay, Open!!)

Maddie let her hand fall to the ground as the girl backed away drom her, she still smiled broadly though. "Well, then." She mumbled after Matt introduced the siblings. "Nice to meet You Two. And let me be the First to introduce you, Welcome to The Apocolypse." Maddie smiled with amusment. She walked off and sat on an Isolated chair gently. "Well, with all that said. We need plans. Sleeping Shifts, Food Hunts, Invasion Practice. The usially." Maddie said causiolly shrugging. Maddie leaned her feet up on the small table. "We also should ration our food." Maddie reached into her bag that was on her back, and pulled out a journal with a pencil. "So, How about it?"
Vanessa Banesworth, being the stubborn female she was, just had to amble down the main street, holding out a gun she had gathered from a car that was abandoned just down the road. The lofty female cast her dark eyes across the shattered windows of shops, searching for movement. With a jolt, she spotted a zombie sprinting across the road, chasing a helpless cat. The female scowled distastefully and aimed the gun before she pulled the trigger without hesitation, blowing off the head of the zombie and allowing it's rancid body to crumble to the vilely holey pavement. The cat had came towards her, calico with green eyes glittering brightly. "How did you survive for so long, little guy...?" she whispered softly and kneeled down, brushing her fingers over the top of it's well-groomed coat.
Maddie turned to Jay and smiled gently. "Um, Sure." She replied, standing. Maddie stood to her feet and dusted off her shorts. As she rose, she glamced at the siblings. Maddie gave them a warm smile before walking out of the room. Maddie walked into the back room, Following Jay. As soon as she entered, she leaned up against the wall, closest to the door. Maddie smiled at him, as she crossed her arms. Maddie glanced at him kinderly. "What's up?" She called, out a sparkle gleaming in her eye.
((Did that other person fill out a form O.o ??))

Jay looked at both of them "Do you really think we can trust them? We don't even know them. They seem a little...weird to me" Jay started wiping his Machete while talking.
Maddie's smile faded, She watched gently as Jay spoke. Maddie glanced at both of them before thinking hard."Well, they are kind of odd. But then again, They are survivors and I don't know. We do need help, don't we?" Maddie smiled broadly, as she glanced around the room, Maddie listened to the moaning sound of the ouside world. "Two things, Why don't you trust them? And Do you really think they would turn on us?" She asked sweetly, pressing her lips together.
Bambi sat on the floor hugging her knees,"they don't trust us"she mumbled sadly. Matt nodded,"yeah but we won't stay too long if we're not wanted"he said patting her head. Bambi pulled out her katana and looked at the blade,"I wish this never happened"Bambi mumbled. Matt put his hand on the back of the blade,"its going to be fine"he whispered."but I'm tired and it's just been us...."Bambi said and Matt nodded,"we'll figure something out"he said sadly.
Jay smiled "Alright, alright" Then he looked at Maddie "Hey, do you want to come do something with me?"

Accepteeed :D
Maddie listened to the two argue quietly, until Jay had proposed truce. As soon as he asked her a question, Maddie smiled and nodded. "Love to." She replied, pushing herself off the wall. Maddie stood and stretched her arm's. Before heading out, Maddie leaned over and wispered to Nichole "Watch the siblings for me, Kay?" She mumbled, before walking back into the main room. Maddie smiled at the siblings, befor glancing back at Jay. "Ready when you are." Maddie pulled her pocket knifeout og her pocket and watched everyone quietly.
(XDDD I thought you said accepted to me earlier, so I just posted.)

Vanessa scooped up the cat and walked into a shop, stumbling in upon the others. Her eyes grew wide at the sight of humans or zombies. She hadn't had time to compile what they were but out of instinct, she ripped out the gun and aimed it at Jay, her eyes locked on all of them. The beat of her heart picked up until she realized they were human and slowly lowered the gun, but still kept it ready. "Humans or zombies? Have any of you been bitten or scratched?" she inquired, a strand of dark hair falling over her right eye.
Maddie jumped up as the door opened, and somebody entered. On first instinct she opened her blade and stepped forward. As soon as she saw the gun aimed at Jay, she lowered it. "Whoa! It's alright. Were Friends, Humans, Amigos." She smiled politely. Maddie raised her hands slightly in the air. "Don't shoot. Put away the weapon and shut the door." Maddie announced, as she approached the new girl.
Jay looked at Maddie "I need to get something so we need to go out. I noticed a car in the back we might be able to hijack.."
Vanessa scowled and used her heel to close the door, carefully slipping the gun behind her and placing the tip just in her pantline, allowing the tightness to hold it there before pulling her shirt over to hide it. She then wrapped both arms around the cat and gazed at the female who was now moving towards her. "Greetings."
OCC: Did everyone else miss the fact that She was About to Shoot Jay? Or Did I only catch that?

Maddie nodded at the Girl, "Hey I'm Maddilynn, Call me Maddie. I'd love to stay and chat but it look's like I Have a mission." Maddie smiled gently at the girl, before turning to Jay. "Sounds Dangerous..." She started, "I'm in." Maddie exclaimed with a massive smile. Secretly she hated confined space, so it sounded really good to get out of this small building. Maddie walked over by the backdoor, before turning back to him. "Coming?" She asked, humeroly.
Vanessa set down the cat and the feline just circled her. "Vanessa, but call me Ness or Nessa." She nodded her head as Maddie moved away from her and reached down, petting her new friend. "I think I'll name you Mr. Kitty."
When Jay gets to the car he looks at Maddie "Did you see that!? She tried to SHOOT me. I would rather trust the other two than her! God..."

Jay goes to the car and checks it out. He opens the door and finds keys. "Sweet" He turns the car on "Full tank of ready?"

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