The Apocalypse is upon us. (Zombie Roleplay, Open!!)

Maddie slowed to a walk a soon as she was sure that the crawlers had stopped following her. Maddie held out her exposed pocket knife, ready to attack anything that moved. As she walked down the street, she saw a building or two. She smiled at the thought of a safe house. Maddie walked to the door and pushed one it. The door was locked, she peered into the window. On the floor was a good amount of blood. "Definently not here." She sighed, as she walked to the next building. Maddie glanced around before turning to the door. Maddie pushed on the door, it gave a way slightly. She could barely see into it. Maddie pushed on the door again, hoping for it to give in. Maddie prayed no crawlers were inside and had taken interest in the moving door.

OCC: I'm Pushing on Ya'll's door. Or Nichole's safe house.
(( xD K))

Jay looked at Smokey "Not r-" He stopped at the sound of pounding at the door.

"I'll look.."

Jay walked up to the door and opened it a little, sticking his Machete out

"Who are you!?"
Maddie had jumped back at the sound of voices. Most certainly the sound of a girl talking to her. Maddie glanced heavily to the door. "My Name is Maddilynn. But you can call me Maddie. I'm not Bitten, nor infected." Maddie was on full alert now, she hadn't known of other survivors, she thought everybody else was dead. Maddie stepped back and glanced around for anyore crawlers. "Most certanly, Who are you?" She asked curiously. Maddie turned her back on the door, it wasn't safe to be facing awayfrom an attack. But, she couldn't risk one of the undead sneaking up on her. Maddie crossed her arms, in frusteration. "So am I Welcomed in? Or are you going to let me get eaten?" She sneered, Maddie knew she usially wasn't like this. But now she had heard noises headed for her, and she began to panic.
Jay looked at Maddie and Nichole "So thats your name.."

Jay looked at Maddie again and smiled, pushing Nichole aside

"Come on in. Im Jay"
Maddie smiled gently at the two pushing each other out of the way to introduce themselve's. Maddie nodded in there direction. "Nice to meet you Jay. Nichole. Lovely names by the way." Maddie announced as she stepped through the door way. Maddie quixckly glanced around as she noticed a pet in the corner. "Who's that?" She asked polietly, pointing in its direction. Maddie resealed her weapon as she slipped it into her pocket. Maddie turned and watched the two, move around. They seem alright,She thought to herself. Maddie had taken a couple of mental notes about the two. By their appearence, they must not be related, she observed. Maddie stood and waited for a reply to her question.
Nichole said"thanks and thats my dog smokey! say i boy!" his tail and butt wagged as he ran to Maddie and sniffed her. his tail wagged even more.
"Heh. That little" Jay smiles at Smokey. "So, Maddie, Whats your story?"

Jay examines Maddie and realizes something about her;

She knows how to survive.
OCC: Cake.. Hmm. I'm hungry now!

Maddie smiled at Jay's question. "My Story Eh?" Maddie glanced to the ground, before looking back up at the two. And well,the dog Smokey. "Once upon a Time!" Maddie exclaimed, letting her hands go into the air, like a fairy tail. "Well, where to begin. I'm originally from Washington D.C. Family moved here when I was younge. On the night of the infection, two men broke in and killed my mother.I Fled and have be on the move ever since. Haven't looked back." Maddie smiled at the two, she had broken off her words. As if to motion that she had said enough. Maddie glanced over at Jay. "Enough about me!" She said dazzeled. "What about you two? What are your stories?" As she spoke her eye's sparkled.
Name: Bambi Felchita

Age (14+ Please!): 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Cold, always on the watch, very smart but doesn't like to talk, but sweet and kind

Appearance (Picture please~!):

History: Bambi was watching her brother when the TV announced what was happening. She looked out the window to see zombies. She had read a book once and grabbed it. The Zombie survival guide. Bambi watched her parents bring up bags and bags of food enough to survive the first wave of zombies. Bambi watched her father break the stair case to there house. They lived on the top floor. They had cleaned the bathtub to store fresh water. As her father was kicking in the last step at the bottom a zombie grabbed him from behind and began eating him. Bambi jolted and her mother covered her mouth. BAM! Her mother shot her father and the zombie. Although they had survived the first couple of days her mother got sick and committed suicide. Since her father was a cop she grabbed two twin pistols and her Katana. She had practiced combat and knew karate and kick boxing. Her father was paranoid so she also learned how to use the guns and could shoot. Although she didn't like the thought of them. After 2 weeks she had eaten all the food with her brother. They decided to leave jumping on roofs so no zombies could catch them. They both were pretty damn good at par-core.

Starting Weapon(s): Twin pistols and Katana


Name: Matthew(Matt) Felchita

Age (14+ Please!): 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Kind, Cool, Calm, and a bit softer about the whole situation.

Appearance (Picture please~!):

History: (Same as Bambi) After watching his parents die he decided to grow up and pack the food for there journey and water in water bottles. He carried the first-aid and was very flexible. His mother was a nurse so she made it a thing where he learned how to stitch and take care of wounds. He was also put in gymnastics and like his sister learned how to use the guns but chose not to. Instead he choose to carry his bow and arrows. He knew how to make more if they broke. He also carried his Katana. In there family it was tradition to go and buy your own although the law wouldn't alow you to use it. It was like a family traditional ornament to take up space.

Starting Weapon(s): Katana, Bow and Arrow.
((Sorry Rpnation didnt feel like working..))

Jay looked at Maddie with Amazement. How could somebody be so...happy in the Zombie apocalypse? Well, whatever. We need somebody like this.

"Well, I was on a plane with my parents and it crashed blah blah blah Saw my Dad get mauled by zombies blah blah the usual"

((PoisonousKandy, accepted)
(Thank you TT^TT*is happy* I've been dieing to do a Zombie style rp)

Bambi slowly crept to the door. She had heard voices and had checked the surrounding area. If they where people inside that ment food. As well as company other then her brother. Matt looked around a bit on the roof then leaned down,"nothing"he whispered. Bambi nodded and pressed her back against the door and knocked. Matt watched looking around he spotted a zombie stand up in the far corner due to the noise and shot an arrows into it's forehead. He looked down at Bambi waiting for the answer. Bambi looked at the crack in the door trying to see how many shadows where inside. He was just trying to guess how many."3"Bambi whispered up at her brother.
Name: Mei Jeevas

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Personality: Will kill anything, opinionated, logical, believes the devil is mightier than god


History: When Mei found out she was adopted she felt alone and betrayed. She left home the same day, it has been only 6 months since then. Mei can't remember her life before she was adopted and she doesn't care about it. She has learned many skills to survive, she can go a week without foor or water and she knows how to build traps with very little resources.

Starting weapon: sniper rifle and poison.
Nichole said"saw a girl getting eaten by a zombie..shot zombie point blank in the head did the same to the girl to end her suffering...."​she looked down and sighed pushing her half eaten cake away. she wasn't hungry anymore. Nichole had her gun out and unlocked the door. "come in and hurry!"shooting past the two killing the zombies.
Bambi quickly got in they were surprised to see zombies they where being very quiet. Matt jumpe off the roof and ran inside. They looked around once they got inside."you were right"Matt whisphered,"yeah sorry I couldn't tell you genders"Bambi whispered back. Matt rested the now on his shoulder and Bambi rested her hand on the hilt of her katana,"hello"they said and bowed.
Bambi nodded and threw her bag to the ground stretching a bit. Her back hurt from carrying all the food and water. Matt chuckled,"I'm Matt I'm 18 and this is my sister Bambi she's 17 it's nice to meet you"he said with his usual greeting. Bambi took out a granola bar and began eating it."do you have anyone that's injured in your group or needs any kind of medicine? We've been traveling around giving supplies and medical help for a place to sleep"he said smiling. Bambi stood quiet and handed Matt a Twinkie. Matt ate it,"sorry we're a bit hungry we haven't eaten in a while."Matt said. Bambi jolted backing away. There was still fresh dear meat in her bag that she needed to cook,"do you have a grill?"she whisphered blushing and avoiding eye contact.
Nichole nodded understanding. she said"its fine and im Nichole 15...follow me..." leading bambi to the back where tge grills were. "there you go if you need anything else please ask..theres some propane and coal use whichever..."going back to the front. she ate some more cake. Smokey hopped into her lap wanting her attention.
Matt looked at the dog,"cool you guys have a dog! We found an owl while it was still alive he's probably searching the perimeter now"he said. Bambi began grilling the deer meat to create deer ribs and some steak. Matt then sat down,"so how's everything for you guys? Low on stock?"he asked conseserned a bit about the two females and one male.
Matt blinked looking around,"a two years supplie for one person?"he asked,"the amount the food last sadly differs for the amount of people"he said then patted Smoky's head and scratche behind his ears."what's his name?"Matt asked then reached into a bag and found dog biscuits and threw one in the air for him to catch. They used dog biscuits to distract zombies they were thick enough to make a noise but small enough to throw.

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