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Fantasy The Amnesiac Prince Lore and other Stuff. [OOC]

I just mean, if Caym loves slavery and actively wants people to live in the slums... Vhan and everyone supporting him are just irredeemably evil or incredibly stupid, lol

If Caym and his government (all his ministers and advisers etc) are actually trying to help, that gives them a rational and moral reason to want to hang onto power... and reason for the public to support them too (otherwise why didn't the army/general public/mages guild etc kill Caym and his conspirators when they turned on the King and Queen 11 years ago? Caym's faction must have had popular support at some point in time).

The failure to stabilise the kingdom and the strain generated by that could be where the cracks are forming: people (in the government and outside of it) might be losing faith, getting angry, wanting someone to blame etc... and if Caym is getting more paranoid or ruthless in his attempts to fix the situation, he could eventually push away his core allies, if they were faced with a better alternative (eg, if Sky can prove himself a capable leader)...

...or, if "Team Villain” still believe in Caym, they might try to convert Sky to the cause if they believe Sky is good too... conflict can happen if Sky"s faction refuses or Caym intends to just kill him.

Or Team Villain might not believe in Sky (or just want to get this done whatever the cost) and straight up be antagonists hunting him (for the good of the nation, they believe).

It all depends on where the story goes! But at least if both sides have good points, it'll make it interesting for the characters to have to decide what to do. 😊😊😊
Back then, Caym did change a lot of minds, even though he was a minor noble at the time, people did still listen to what he had to say. He, like others, was frustrated with how King William didn't send support when major conflicts were going on along the borders. Caym was like 'Hey, let's gather some people of well-known names, and even the common folk, and go and air our concerns.' then that happened with the murders.

For a time, Caym was doing his best given the situation and was doing quite well, but now that the kingdom is under a lot of strain, people are starting to lose faith in him, and they are asking questions like 'Why haven't you stabilized the core yet? Things were a lot smoother back during King William etc.' it tends to get to a person lol, hence why he seems always angry. He's trying to stay ahead of everything but everything is collapsing around him.
Okaie dokie. Since everyone has posted. Does anyone wanna make a posting order or just wanna free flow? Lol.
Okaie dokie. Since everyone has posted. Does anyone wanna make a posting order or just wanna free flow? Lol.
I think maybe at this stage where the groups are still a bit separate, it's fine to be independent of each other/free flow post...

Vhan and Seri won't get to the bakery until around midday, so in the timeline, that gives everyone's character's a few hours up their sleeves to either get to the bakery or get away from the bakery, haha.
Lol. True. Maybe tomorrow, I'll make a post with Alex to introduce him to the scene. Kind of what's going on in the Slums since Sky's bakery and such is on the other side of town. *I'm trying to find a like fantasy city map to try and help for visuals.*
I couldn't change the names on it sooo. The Old Market is where the castle is. From there, it's mainly mansions and shops. Hydra's Ward is the slums, and the rest after that is just various houses and factories and such.
I have some map-making software... if you want to draw me a quick sketch of the general layout and the names you want for each section, I could knock something quick together on the weekend, if you like!
I would like that please, I think it would give everyone at least a general idea of how the lay out is and such.
Back then, Caym did change a lot of minds, even though he was a minor noble at the time, people did still listen to what he had to say. He, like others, was frustrated with how King William didn't send support when major conflicts were going on along the borders. Caym was like 'Hey, let's gather some people of well-known names, and even the common folk, and go and air our concerns.' then that happened with the murders.

For a time, Caym was doing his best given the situation and was doing quite well, but now that the kingdom is under a lot of strain, people are starting to lose faith in him, and they are asking questions like 'Why haven't you stabilized the core yet? Things were a lot smoother back during King William etc.' it tends to get to a person lol, hence why he seems always angry. He's trying to stay ahead of everything but everything is collapsing around him.
maybe the reason why there’s a lot of like, economical downturn is that the inter-kingdom wars have stretched on for a long while. Resources have to be diverted to the war efforts but it’s gone bad to the point where it’s become ruthless calculus. Without the power of the magic core there’s less ways of defending the kingdom and the threat of invasion is nigh, unlike in the beginning when magic was still stable and Cyam is able to do his best. Idk just throwing ideas in there
I guess it’s my turn to post for the bakery POV, I’ll get it up later :3 just finishing up an assignment for tomorrow
maybe the reason why there’s a lot of like, economical downturn is that the inter-kingdom wars have stretched on for a long while. Resources have to be diverted to the war efforts but it’s gone bad to the point where it’s become ruthless calculus. Without the power of the magic core there’s less ways of defending the kingdom and the threat of invasion is nigh, unlike in the beginning when magic was still stable and Cyam is able to do his best. Idk just throwing ideas in there
Yeah! Maybe there were border tensions early on... but even though they've ended, the kingdom hasn't recovered because the core has gotten worse...

Like, enough industries in the kingdom rely on magic (think agricultural machines and transport of goods, public transport, power and heating, plumbing, communications, medical equipment etc), there'd be a really serious economic and social impact.
Yeah! Maybe there were border tensions early on... but even though they've ended, the kingdom hasn't recovered because the core has gotten worse...

Like, enough industries in the kingdom rely on magic (think agricultural machines and transport of goods, public transport, power and heating, plumbing, communications, medical equipment etc), there'd be a really serious economic and social impact.

Exactly, and there’s only so much Cyam can do so maybe from the outside the people think it’s intentional, the masses not knowing about the kingdom core situation. He’s in a catch 22 because if he lets the whole kingdom know of the kingdom core situation, to explain himself, they’ll be displeased and angry at him, thinking why’d he take over the throne and kill the Odinsons in the first place if he knew about this, despite their death not being even in the plan (?) and riding the situation out without saying anything to explain himself is gonna give him hate either way. Poor guy, no wonder he’s stressed 💀 maybe that’s why a lot of people on Cyam’s side who was in on the coup against the Odinsons stick around because he legit wanted to do good for the kingdom, they’ve seen what he can do and what he’s done but thanks to the situation, they’re gonna be in the same boiling pot that’s the kingdom’s scrutiny.
Exactly, and there’s only so much Cyam can do so maybe from the outside the people think it’s intentional, the masses not knowing about the kingdom core situation. He’s in a catch 22 because if he lets the whole kingdom know of the kingdom core situation, to explain himself, they’ll be displeased and angry at him, thinking why’d he take over the throne and kill the Odinsons in the first place if he knew about this, despite their death not being even in the plan (?) and riding the situation out without saying anything to explain himself is gonna give him hate either way. Poor guy, no wonder he’s stressed 💀 maybe that’s why a lot of people on Cyam’s side who was in on the coup against the Odinsons stick around because he legit wanted to do good for the kingdom, they’ve seen what he can do and what he’s done but thanks to the situation, they’re gonna be in the same boiling pot that’s the kingdom’s scrutiny.
Yeesss exactly this! ❤️

With regards to the core, I got the impression that the common people know about it... not everything, but they know the Royal family keep it stable and use it to protect the kingdom in dire times (hence the perceived importance of the ruler having the strength of will to use it well) and they know it's passed on through the family line or by a ritual (unless all members are dead, I think)...

Sky told me about the conditions, but please correct me if I'm misremembering them, Sky:
1. Control of the core is passed on through bloodlines.
2. When the previous person in the bloodline dies, control of the core falls to the next in line.
3. A person can voluntarily pass on control to another through a ritual.
4. When all members of a bloodline are dead, control can be acquired by someone from outside that bloodline through another ritual (to convince the core your line is now the rulers??)
5. If no one is controlling the core, it becomes increasingly unstable.

So killing everyone in the royal family was a viable solution... but they missed the prince.
Killing him now is still a viable solution, but Sky said the instability of the core means that if the prince gets control, killing him immediately afterwards would be very risky. Caym'd need to wait awhile for things to settle if he still wanted to kill him.
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Sorry I haven't gotten back to you all until now, I sort of just showered and passed out last night 😂

Yeesss exactly this! ❤️

With regards to the core, I got the impression that the common people know about it... not everything, but they know the Royal family keep it stable and use it to protect the kingdom in dire times (hence the perceived importance of the ruler having the strength of will to use it well) and they know it's passed on through the family line or by a ritual (unless all members are dead, I think)...

Sky told me about the conditions, but please correct me if I'm misremembering them, Sky:
1. Control of the core is passed on through bloodlines.
2. When the previous person in the bloodline dies, control of the core falls to the next in line.
3. A person can voluntarily pass on control to another through a ritual.
4. When all members of a bloodline are dead, control can be acquired by someone from outside that bloodline through another ritual (to convince the core your line is now the rulers??)
5. If no one is controlling the core, it becomes increasingly unstable.

So killing everyone in the royal family was a viable solution... but they missed the prince.
Killing him now is still a viable solution, but Sky said the instability of the core means that if the prince gets control, killing him immediately afterwards would be very risky. Caym'd need to wait awhile for things to settle if he still wanted to kill him.
And you remembered all of it right :) As mentioned before, the murders were never supposed to take place, Cyam just wanted to air grievances about how things were handled with the growing tension about the war, and maybe convince William that he needed to step down and let someone else take the reins.

William and his family would have still been considering royalty, but just not actively ruling, so they would have lived on palace grounds, but like in another compound, and would have been considered like high advisors and the core would have still been stabilized until William did the ritual to pass the core onto Cyam. Once the war had been settled or they just found the time to do so with all the active fighting going on.

But things didn't go to plan and more or less a lot of problems landed in Cyam's lap he's been trying to put out fires ever since, juggling the gap now left in power, them still recovering from the previous war, and now new threats since the kingdom is weak.

No one knows the ritual since it's not written down, or they would have done it a long time ago, so Cyam is thinking, if I can find the prince since I know he is alive because the core isn't answering my pleas, maybe I can convince him like I was going to convince his father to willingly pass control. But the dude is so stressed and is thinking if that fails, I'll just kill him and it will automatically go to me.

Now if Sky does complete to ritual to gain control, Cyam would just lock Sky up until things are stable. [Ex: More or less give him free rein on a property on the castle ground, but guards watching every exit, etc. He's cruel but isn't going to let Sky rot in a dirty cell until things come down from critical.]

The reason he hasn't told the masses about the failing core is that he doesn't want to cause mass panic, things are already stretched to the limits and he doesn't know what would happen if things got even worse.
Yay, glad I remembered right! 😁

Surely the general public can tell that the core is failing, what with all the kingdom's magic becoming unstable?
Did Caym lie to the public at the start of his reign and say he had it under control and now it's being obvious that he doesn't?
That could explain it...
Everything Is Fine No GIF by Australian Survivor
< Caym

But yeah, the public can tell that the core is failing since the magic is becoming unstable, and at first Caym was like 'Okay, this is fine.' Since it was only small things that could have been explained away, but now, it's kind of hard to keep explaining away lol
Hahhaa oh no x)
So he lied about having the core under control...

That would certainly be against Vhan's advice: good, this will give them something to bicker over lol
Sky when the government is collapsing and he's just a baker:

Bill Hader Popcorn GIF by Saturday Night Live

Sky when the government is collapsing and he remembers he's the prince who needs to fix it:
Confused Little Girl GIF

This is kind of updatesish map of the Capital. StrangelyCharm is going to make it a look better xD this gives an idea of where things are located and where everyone wants to live etc.
Alex is that poor person in retail/a hospital setting that is just so done with things. Also, he totally said that line in Planktons voice from SpongeBob.

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