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Fantasy The Amnesiac Prince Lore and other Stuff. [OOC]

Also, as for this brewing rebellion, how much do we want Vhan to know about it?
I assume that he'd have some awareness (being the spy master)
I just thought of something sad on my way home tonight, while there are other survivors of that night, scattered as they are, or even just working for Cyam since that was the only job they knew, or has decent pay.

Alex is the only person left that is very close to Sky and knew what he was like on a personal level before things went down besides Sky's parents before their death.
Let’s hope he fulfils his oath somehow, team villain certainly will return the zeal 🥹
"No regards"

*Vhan is obliterated*
mortal kombat scorpion GIF

This letter is both sassy and informative. I love it. 😆

(They're both looking after the city... whilst trying their hardest not to actually stoop to cooperating hahahah)
Thank you ✨

They really can’t help it huh 🥲 they can’t keep away 😩✨ vitriolic best buds trope
Lol, true hahaha

Idk, maybe Vhan's weird tiefling biology will be useful here: my guy sits on the coals from the fire to stay warm (downside of high fire resistance? Always feel cold), eats egg shells and burned bread (delicious and cronchy!), can see easily in the dark (but bright daylight hurts his eyes a bit)... maybe stinky flowers are his vibe? Haha
Unintentionally does something pleasant for him 💀🤣
Also, as for this brewing rebellion, how much do we want Vhan to know about it?
I assume that he'd have some awareness (being the spy master)
Tbh they're in the super early stages, like your post said just probably just the name calling and general distaste towards Cyam so far (thank Ines for that, she’s not very subtle with her dislike 💀)
Hmmmm, Vhan will know who Alex is, unless he's also in a magical disguise...
Where is he working, these days?
He is working in a Clinic in the Slums, there isn't a fancy name for it for all people just call it the Slums lol. But back then, it used to be called the Santon District.
Also, as for this brewing rebellion, how much do we want Vhan to know about it?
I assume that he'd have some awareness (being the spy master)
Hm, maybe he is catching rumors and such that something is brewing? Could be hearing whispers that people are gathering but there aren't any major players he can pick out just yet.
Let’s hope he fulfils his oath somehow, team villain certainly will return the zeal 🥹
Same. You know he's not going to let Sky to far out of his sights when they are reunited.
What's our projection for the rebellion? Should I write Vhan's follow up on them as something that becomes a problem for Caym or keep them a non-threat without the prince?
Yeah. Like how fast the actual confrontation between the Oxen (I’ll just call the rebels that for now given their origins) and Cyam’s forces will come kinda thing
It's all good :) I think for now, it's going to be a non-threat, Just kind of like annoying vandalism stuff. I got a major plot thing in my head that will start turning up the heat on both sides once we get a little bit into the story.
For now then I’ll have Ines and her crew do a little friendly protesting to start off, try to see if Cyam will listen to their pleas/demands in a more upfront way
👍Sounds good to me, It's kind of a 'Hey, we are going to be annoying as hell until you come up with a solution to the problem' right now after the plot thing 'It's war time baby :3'
That works!
I'll have Vhan report to Caym that they're just malcontents: they have no power in terms of rebellion, but shouldn't be ignored (on account of the fact that it's the government's job to listen to its citizens and meet their needs, lol)
Caym isn't ignoring them [which is a lie, he is xD] but it's kind of now all snowballing because the kingdom is falling apart, and the one brilliant idea he had for a solution, isn't really the best when no one knows were the prince vanished. xD
And Ugh. I gotta love Tax Season. My Neighbors up the road run a tax office and for some reason, their net interferes with my net.
My thoughts about the current government are that they have viable policies but none of it matters if they can't stabilise the magic...
I'm think we need to give Team Villain enough reason to continue to support the government so that we don't get an "evil for fun" situation...

...they can lose faith in Caym over time (or not!) as the plot requires, but it's good to keep them motivated to fight for the status quo so that there's that delicious moral conflict later 😎😎😎
[will upload picture soon]

Full Name: Sorem

Nicknames: Sore (doesn’t like this one), Rem (short form of his name and also it means ‘place on a river bank’, which was where he was found), Officer (dislikes this but doesn’t mind if Ines calls him that.)

Age: 21

Race: Half-orc

Birth: Unknown

Height: 6’3”

Weight: 120kgs

Hair: Black

Eyes: Dark brown

Occupation: Former slave, ex-city watchman, currently a bartender on the surface, active member of the Oxen-free.

Parents: Orphaned

Siblings: None

Hobbies: Whittling, cleaning, swordplay, chess, and poetry.

Likes: Well-brewed beer, fine craftsmanship, not having to lead things, home style cooking, blankets, cleanliness, and Ines.

Dislikes: Drinking competitions (despite winning them a lot), unjust prejudice, the kingdom’s state, untidy environments, and having no direction.

Strengths: Values integrity, dutiful, calm, practical, Val is an entity of servitude, following those he believes in until the end as long as it’s for the good of the kingdom.

Weaknesses: Blames self too easily, is judgemental, especially when one chooses ignorance and too by-the-book. His superiors give a command? He will obey to the dot, leaving no room for flexibility.

Character Background: Sorem was found on the side of a river in a basket, only a note with his name, a necklace with a basilisk fang, and the thin fabric he was swathed in the only belongings he came with. He was raised within the slums as a slave, kept in a barn and released when he had duties to tend to. This built up a strong tendency of keeping by the book within Sorem, who was a meek young boy growing up. However, he wanted to leave the “family” he grew up in and prove to them as well as himself that his background can’t be the deciding factor of his ability to do good. He joined the city watch (the world’s equivalent to the police), endured the ill treatment, and grew in skill. However, none of his efforts were rewarded nor recognised. Not only that, but the city watch has remained complacent on bettering the kingdom’s safety. Crime rates skyrocketed with the growing unrest. Eventually, Sorem left the city watch, tired of the red tape that blocks him from trying to do any legitimate good. Hearing whispers of a growing rebellion amongst the common folk, Sorem joined. Immediately taken by Ines’ passion and resolve, Sorem placed his faith in her to do what’s right for the kingdom, even harbouring a growing affection for her.
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My thoughts about the current government are that they have viable policies but none of it matters if they can't stabilise the magic...
I'm think we need to give Team Villain enough reason to continue to support the government so that we don't get an "evil for fun" situation...

...they can lose faith in Caym over time (or not!) as the plot requires, but it's good to keep them motivated to fight for the status quo so that there's that delicious moral conflict later 😎😎😎
This ^
My thoughts about the current government are that they have viable policies but none of it matters if they can't stabilise the magic...
I'm think we need to give Team Villain enough reason to continue to support the government so that we don't get an "evil for fun" situation...

...they can lose faith in Caym over time (or not!) as the plot requires, but it's good to keep them motivated to fight for the status quo so that there's that delicious moral conflict later 😎😎😎
I was thinking that despite the state of the kingdom, Caym over time has prevented major battles along the borders and such, and other things, he just got a lot of irons in the fire and not quite sure how to put the irons to use.

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