The Aether Chronicles


I'll have my post up any minute now...Although I'll tell everyone, my posts will be shorter than a lot of people, if only because...Well, one, I have a lot of schoolwork, I'll make sure they're as high-quality as I can pack into 2-3 paragraphs though!
Oh don't worry, Giro. I can't speak for others, but my first posts are always a tad long, given they're used to set a scene. Once that scene is in swing, posts end up getting much shorter.
I dont think I'll be posting till.... friday night, maybe even saturday. Got plans for the rest of my day, and those plans involve lots of beer
Yeah, makes sense.

I have a small issue in that I don't really know what to do with my characters if their not interacting with anyone/anything, but that's just a case of laziness I guess.
Giyari said:
I dont think I'll be posting till.... friday night, maybe even saturday. Got plans for the rest of my day, and those plans involve lots of beer
Ew. Beer tastes like sparkling dog piss to me. ( :x )
Giyari said:
I dont think I'll be posting till.... friday night, maybe even saturday. Got plans for the rest of my day, and those plans involve lots of beer
I approve these plans ;D
[QUOTE="Arabella Rosewood]Beer tastes like sparkling dog piss to me.

I don't want to know how you found this comparison out... :P
Giyari said:
I don't want to know how you found this comparison out... :P
Everyone says that xD And no I never drank dog piss, but you can obviously smell it. So it tastes like the smell of dog piss. If that makes any sense. I just think if you're gonna drink, drink something good.

Like FIREBALL!!!!!
Hey Roo, can I have Laurence overhear Destiny and call her over? Seems like something Laurence would do, and sounds like a good hook for our characters to get to know each other. We could even collab over the conversation and post it: it would be grand.


[QUOTE="Arabella Rosewood]Everyone says that xD And no I never drank dog piss, but you can obviously smell it. So it tastes like the smell of dog piss. If that makes any sense. I just think if you're gonna drink, drink something good.
Like FIREBALL!!!!!

Fireball is great, but it does not taste enough like cough syrup. That's why I drink Jaeger
[QUOTE="Arabella Rosewood]...but you can obviously smell it. So it tastes like the smell of dog piss.

Fun fact! Beer tastes nothing like it smells! I will say though, I never used to like beer until fairly recently, used to drink cider instead. As for spirits, Jaeger is my go-to, but I'll drink a bit of everything :)

GOOD beer that is... cheap beer tastes like... yeah, it's not nice xD
Other option for people wanting to talk with Laurence and get some intercharacter action going: I could see Laurence trying to hit on Elsie, or getting into conversation with Skyler, if we assume that the stall Laurence is sitting next to is the one he is off too

EDIT: Being in college is the worst for a massive alcohol snob like me. Every fucking party it is cheap Bacardi and cheaper Coors/Miller Light.
Oh we talking about alcohol?

My mom used to be an alcoholic so I avoid the stuff usually

Last time I had it was when I was in Germany watching them win the world cup, our whatever. (I'm not into sports, can you tell?) Although that game was sorta interesting, at least people watching in the pub was.

Anyway It was just a few sips of my dads wine, red wine of sorts


Giyari said:
Fun fact! Beer tastes nothing like it smells! I will say though, I never used to like beer until fairly recently, used to drink cider instead. As for spirits, Jaeger is my go-to, but I'll drink a bit of everything :)
GOOD beer that is... cheap beer tastes like... yeah, it's not nice xD
I like the way beer smells, but not how it tastes

Except when hops are in the middle of being processed

It's nit necessarily the smell type, but the pugnacity of it

Makes me vomit, feel like I can't breath either

I still like to visit brewery's and wineries. They're fun to visit
FUCK! Fine, I'm going to have my OWN RP collaboration, with blackjack and hookers, and YOU'RE NOT INVITED!

[crying intensifies]
Slow rps are annoying. Rps that are too fast are irritating. There is no win here. #bored Know what? If no one is going to rp, Imma go watch Merlin! At least Merlin loves me!!!!
[QUOTE="Arabella Rosewood]Slow rps are annoying. Rps that are too fast are irritating. There is no win here. #bored Know what? If no one is going to rp, Imma go watch Merlin! At least Merlin loves me!!!!

All my stuff is serious and slow or


Maybe I should make a nice simple slice of life RP. Something for simple fun...
Ah, I apologize, my post is coming along, had to work on something...

I'd join a fast-paced, chilled out, Slice of life thing, if only because.
I think I'm going to get in on this ridiculous pileup in front of this merchant stall. Hilarity is inbound, and I need me some of it.
Still super short, I ended up re-writing it twice and removing a paragraph, due t it being unnecessary, I apologize.
[QUOTE="Arabella Rosewood]That's fine ^^ pretty sure mine took like 45 minutes to write because I kept getting distracted xD

I took around an hour or more. But that's because I tried to post while watching TV so I was writing a sentence then watching TV for ten minutes before I continued xD
Atom said:
I took around an hour or more. But that's because I tried to post while watching TV so I was writing a sentence then watching TV for ten minutes before I continued xD
Me too! xD except it was YouTube videos

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