The Aether Chronicles

Roo said:
But, are you ganna die soon?
Yes, because I'll be going to work where I have to stand for 6 or so hours, one of those hours cleaning an entire store.


Girouette said:
I'm working on it! It's more or less done, but I want to post more than two paragraphs....
It's all kay xD I'm just like most impatient person
Eh. I didn't have enough information to process to justify the length: I left in a lot of jumps in logic that could have been taken as read, but I wanted to establish his style of analytical thought. I can't wait until I have a more complex problem.

In response Keit's post, and any that follow, I need to make something clear that does not warrant a separate entry: Laurence wants you both to remain on the ground, and will not answer questions with anything other than "remain on the ground or I will use force" to either of the two lads he is pointing the gun at. If Cyrus stands up or makes sudden moves, Laurence will shoot him in the thigh, at which he is already aiming. His bullet will very likely hit a major artery and cause large amounts of tissue damage, which if left untreated for any length of time will almost certainly cause Cyrus to bleed out. Laurence will not shoot Erik, even if he stands up, but will later charge him with obstructing justice if he does not comply, and will tell him that, and will threaten Erik with violence if he makes to stand up.

He is also standing behind the market stall, ideally about 10 feet away from the two men, in a strong stance that will be difficult but by no means impossible to force him out of if he is locked in a melee. He has also dismissed Rose as a threat, and is not paying attention to her or, to a lesser extent, the crowd behind him, relying on his uniform, gun, and pronouncement to guarantee his safety. He is wary for additional criminals appearing out of the crowd, but not so much that he would be able to catch a particularly subtle assistant coming up behind him, provided the crowd did not react. He has largely dismissed the possibility of Cyrus having co-conspirators, mostly because of the ramshackle weapon he used, which implies a lack of planning, and the fact it was committed in a busy street in front of loads of witnesses, which implies desperation unfit for a person with additional help, or at least a lack of intelligence prohibiting advanced planning. In addition, his arrival was almost certainly unexpected, unless there is some devious scheme with him as the target, which is still a possiblity, if only a slim one, and therefore it is unlikely that even if there was backup for Cyrus, it would be prepared to subdue the unexpected threat quick enough to save his friend. If he were to shoot, he would immediately try and subdue Cyrus while preparing to stave off additional assailants.
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I'm back, folks! A medical emergency came up today and I had to be absent for a while, so I apologize if I've delayed anything.
I can't post for another hour and a half, but Laurence is going to shoot him in his gun arm (he would kill this dangerous lunatic, but I don't want to be a dick), then leg him, then work from there

Edit: not sure what I'll do, post in an hour and a half
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[QUOTE="Red Thunder]Oh no! Hope everything is okay!

It's all okay now! I'm the best around, nothing is ever gonna keep me down~
There we go. Cyrus, please don't go against Laurence again. I cannot explain him making silly mistakes again, and I really REALLY don't want to kill Old Man Henderson
Pentagon said:
There we go. Cyrus, please don't go against Laurence again. I cannot explain him making silly mistakes again, and I really REALLY don't want to kill Old Man Henderson

I assure you he lacks the game-wrecking BS and plot derailment of Henderson, but I couldn't think of anything else for his angry yelling during the scuffle.
Man, I would give my middle nut to be in a game on the Henderson Scale of Plot Derailment. I have done it a few times with RKKVs and Grey Goo in sci-fi games, but never seen it done in Steampunk
I think because of the unreliability of revolvers so far and because I dislike anyone getting shot or arrested so far. ..

Are you against saying that Laurence's gun has just internally and visually jammed?
[QUOTE="Arabella Rosewood]And I'm home from work *eating my free ice cream* Working at Cold Stone is the best.

Best. Job. EVAR
I think my gun getting jammed could be fine, though revolvers, even historical ones, are fairly fool-proof, and I did just clean it. A more Laurence scenario would be that he only loaded one cartridge, not expecting to need any more than that, or some other super contrived reason. If you don't want me to have a revolver at all yet, we can say I have some terrible muzzle-loaded thing that fires single shots, but Laurence would plan awfully differently around a piece of technology 150 years older than the one he currently has.
Revolvers are brand new and not the same as historical ones.

@The Out Of World Laurence's revolver just visibly jammed. So your character can notice this.

And I'm fine with people having revolvers but they're not always the best and currently the range on them is extremely shitty.
When you say "extremely shitty" do you mean worse than the very first ever cap-and-ball range of ~60 meters? Or something shorter than that. Because the kind of long arms we have are smoothebore flintlocks, and they only really have an accurate range of just over 100 meters, so for a handgun even the earliest cap and ball revolvers are pretty great by comparison. Also, I forgot to ask, do we need to partially disassemble the gun to load it, or are we going with the revolvers having a loading lever?

In addition, a jam with a revolver would most likely be a cylinder lock, which would be nigh-imperceptible. It would just prevent Laurence from cocking the hammer.

Also, if my gun jammed, I think Laurence would realize that, probably before the man who just got shot, seeing as he has bigger things to deal with for a few seconds. It seems out of character for Laurence not to go and rugby tackle the guy immediately.

EDIT: If revolvers are shitty enough to jam after one shot immediately after maintenance, I don't think Laurence would buy one. I sure as shit wouldn't.
Shitty range being these guns are not perfect and 3-6 times you will miss anything not within a twenty foot range. Stop comparing everything to real world tech.

And lever.
Sorry, it is hard to not compare things to real world technology when they are described in real world technological terms.

Maybe I am not understanding what you meant when you said revolver: I assumed cap-and-ball, because that was the first type commonly used, but maybe if you could tell me the specifications I would not mentally compare things to reality.

So they are multiple-shot revolvers with a hammer and a loading lever, which are horribly, horribly innacurate. They load paper cartridges from the breech, but are the only guns that do so, and they are rifled, and they are the only guns that are rifled. They are also catastrophically unreliable, jamming immediately after cleaning. What else would Laurence know about them?

EDIT:How did it jam, can Laurence tell?

You know, I am not sure I fit into this RP. I fear that I am, and will in the future, be ruining people's fun by constantly straining for logic. I'm sorry for wasting your time and being a shitty player, but I'm going to drop out.

Have a good game!
Quick! Someone summarize those three pages for me!

I'm terribly lost right now, so dear, wild Octavia will probably be lost as well.

Actually, she might be drunk. Or something.

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