The Academy of Secrets

Name: Zerxes Klement

Age: 18


Weight(optional): 275

Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc):


Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc): Student

Species: Water Spirit

Features(optional): He has a surfboard that is linked to him that's a solid black with red waves running down the right side. His surfboard has the ability to summon waves which Zerxes can ride with ease but only when hes the one riding. The size of these waves however varies depending on how hes feeling. He can also manipulate any bodies of water with ease and produce a hoover dams worth of water. He has the ability to turn his body into water and the ability to change the forms of water he is controlling such as steam or ice. His body can take massive amounts of pressure and he can breathe under water when hes not in water form.

Personality: He is an over all nice dude but have a cocky personality and can be a bit of a jerk. Also he is a bad loser and cant handle being shown up. He can often be melodramatic but is also quite spontaneous.

Secret/background story(the story of the character): When he was a boy he was always sent to a day care with at least 15 other children. One day during a nap time Zerxes had a terrible dream and while he was sleeping sub consiously started flooding the entire room. After all was said and done 11 children lost their lives and 4 ended up only injured. Zerxes himself was never found that day and had been living at the docks.

Anything else you want to add(optional): His surfboard is indestructible.
Accepted~! Woah cool ^^ 
The summary is from, I believe, the previous page.

Except now Justice, a villain that wants to get Soul came to get her again and then Yoi, the SDC chairman, a new character appeared and stuff.
Name: Maximus (Hatty when transformed)

Age: 17

Height: 5'7"

Weight(optional): 180 not transformed

Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc):





Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc): Student

Species: Demon

Features(optional): While in human shape he is entirely normal but when in demon form he is never without his hat, gigantic pocket watch, cane and cup of tea.

Personality: Human form: Maximus is a very chatty person who enjoys music and talking wit his friends. He is known to be quiet around strangers but normally enjoys company. He is smart and was close to the top of his class. When in his true demon form Maximus prefers the nickname hatty and is a bit sadistic. He enjoys popping out of thin air to annoy and or terrorize people. He enjoys a good cup of tea from the tea pot always floating at his side and hitting people with his cane. Never take his hat from him though or you may end up the new centerpiece at his tea table.

Secret/background story(the story of the character): Maximus is the son of two demons with an extreme obsession with humans. The day he was born his father gave him the top hat he now wears so proudly and told him that some day he would terrorize man kind. Purely by accident that was exactly what happened a few years ago leading to a mysterious legend about a demon wearing a top hat and smashing people with a cane. He has since attended the academy and occasionally terrorized the girls dorm by popping up and saying hello in the middle of night before disappearing and leaving behind a cup of tea. Back to earlier in his life Maximus was raised among humans while his parents kept hidden in a small town and lead normal lives, aside from terrorizing everyone in town now and again. Due to his raising he finds extreme joy in the fear of humans but now has a strong sense of protection for them due to the friendships he made with mortals.

Anything else you want to add(optional): Maximus likes sweets, give him sweets and he will like you.
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Name: James White

Age: 19

Height: 5 foot, 11 inches

Weight(optional): 200 pounds.

Looks:When he's human...


...And when he's not.

Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc): Student

Species: Human...but..

Features(optional): Eyes take on a bit of a reptilian aspect when

sufficiently angry enough.

Personality: A calm, mature individual who tends to be rather quiet and keeps a level

head during most tense situations. On the other hand, he is genuinely friendly and

caring, despising the idea of seeing anyone suffer needlessly, regardless whether they

are close to him or not. While he is capable of showing respect, he does have a sense

of morals and standards, and woe betide you if you violate them, because you DON'T

want to see him when you finally do piss him off...

Secret/background story(the story of the character): James is not the type who's totally

comfortable talking about his past, as he believes some things are better left unsaid. But

if one must know, he grew up in a human family and lived a relatively normal life for the

most part...or normal as it can be considering his parents were a pair of strict disciplinarians

who demanded too much from their son growing up, expecting him to earn everything he

was given and to excel at school.

He worked hard to earn their love and acceptance but nothing ever seemed good enough..details

get a little sketchy about how bad he was treated but the only important part is his family separated

when he was around 10 and he was sent to live with a foster family. After several years, he managed

to get his life back on track..but this is where his life gets really weird. It began with

a dream, a voice..calling to him..asking for his help.

You see, one day while out on a nature hike with some friends of his foster parents, they took a

trail that led up to the mountains..but that's when the accident happened. The young man fell into

a sinkhole on the mountain and ended up in a cave where he found the carcass of an actual dragon,

one on the verge of death. The dragon saw him but instead of attacking, it asked to be slain, to be

free of its coil and its suffering. It was the one who spoke to him in his dream.

Unable to bear the sight of needless suffering, James took up a very sharp rock chunk and impaled the mighty beast

in the heart, granting it the gift of death..or so he thought. The creature, in thanks, transferred its soul and power

into the young man, its skin becoming a suit of armor for him, transforming him into something not

of this world.

When he heard his friends in trouble, he left the cave and found them being assaulted by several

teens who looked ready to murder them. The dragon's soul awoke and he reduced them all to ash with

his flames, destroying part of the forest in the was only afterwards he realized what he'd

done and broke down. Soon afterward, he informed his parents who still accepted him despite his

change and the things he'd done.

A couple weeks later, a note arrived in the mail, an invite to a place for people like James. Now he

goes to find his place in the world, with the power of the Dragon Knight by his side..though he knows

the truth of what he's done, and what he is, will come out sooner or later..

Anything else you want to add(optional): Because of what he's become, James gains access

to all the powers of the dragon, from their enhanced strength and durability, to lethal Dragon

Flame, and wings he can summon for Flight. He also has a powerful sword and claws and

tail he can summon to fight. It is assumed that he can call upon the spirit of the dragon he is

joined with for assistance..but details about that are sketchy at best.

(Got no idea what his dragon should be called, any ideas?)
Come to the forest :) )) Be attacked by stuff and we will be there to save u lol

But do you need to be saved...? *wink wink*
Ah, Blanco gonna piss him off so badly....D: 
Oh, like right now, a mysterious figure is attacking ppl with arrows sooo :) ))
Name: Voce Di Follia

Age: 23

Height: 5'6

Weight: 130lbs

Looks: Shoulder length black hair in a messy emo style covering his right eye, purple eyes with a thin metallic silver ring around the pupil, pale skin, wears a tight fitting long 18th century jacket a purple v neck t shirt with black skinny jeans and a pants chain, black nails

Job In School: Student

Species: Living Vampire(feeds on life force energy)

Features: he has an ivory tonfa set called Severo and an obsidian scythe called Stretto which he has a special portal for each, he knows Chaos Magick(skill with light and dark also great for seals and wards)as well as a few elements he can manipulate, and a feral state that takes over if he loses control

Personality: somewhat talkative though not very sociable he always appears calm and happy, combatively he usually is strategic and defensive but when hi is on the offensive he is quick powerful and precise

Secret/Background: Born to a vampiric father and a mortal mother he was born with the ambilical chord around his neck which is what caused the silver ring around his pupils his mother died during birth and his father sent him off to an monastary in his homeland Italy and the monks there discovered his secret the first time he cried because his crying caused a nun to die of a seizure with this in mind they named him Voce Di Follia(Voice Of Madness) the only person unaffected by the cries was a young monk named Whitaker he proceeded to raise him and teach him the ways of Chaos Magick as was the tradition in the monastary and when seeing the great potential and intellect in the child he had a psychic teach him various mental based powers as well as to keep his feral state in check a local Mage taught him how to manipulate elements and he also learned weapons combat from Whitaker and Voce became quite skilled with the tonfa and the scythe the weapons he carries with him belonged to Whitaker on his eighteenth birthday Whitaker was out showing Voce around Italy and they got attacked by a gang of thugs and though Whitaker tried to defend Voce they overpowered and killed him enraged by the death of his closest and at the time only friend his feral state took over he grabbed Whitaker's Scythe and killed all five thugs and then when he managed to regain control he went to Whitaker's side and in his dying breath told Voce how proud he was of him seeing how he'd grown so much and he gave him his weapons and hand him a note and told him to go tell father Rydell that the time had come he carried his dead mentor back to the monastary and did as he was told father Rydell gave him a gray 18th century jacket and told him it was his father's and he put it on read the note it simply said "take care of this child my heart aches at the sight of him. Forza" so for the next 5 years he searched for his father and the answer to the one question that hung in his mind all these years…why and one day he came across a school and desiring more knowledge and power he decided to try and enroll
Name: Fennela "Fen" Alston

Age: 17

Height: 5 ft 0 inches

Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc):

Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc): Student

Species: Half - Demon

Personality: Fen is hardly ever serious with her constant trickery and bubbly smile. She is often found not following the rules and pulling pranks on other students. However, despite her constant jokes, she is extremely understanding, loyal, and will do anything for her friends.

Secret/background story(the story of the character): Fen was born into an extremely wealthy, well-known family. Though it wasn't a happy one. Shortly after her birth, her human mother fell into a deep depression and killed herself, leaving Fen in the care of her demon father. Her father saw her only as scum, a waste of life, and often referred to her as his greatest mistake. Since her mother was dead, she was to assume the position of the woman of the kingdom ... this basically meant she was to be locked away and never let outside. The only use for her was to have more children to continue the family blood line. However a kind, moral servant of the Alston family realized that this wasn't right. He kidnapped her, took her away, and showed her the outside world ... and ever since then she has been living freely.
Interesting! Accepted!

Voce and Fen The thing is this RP has gone super complicated...a challenge to keep up! U can do it! Lol anyway I will give u a basic summary and right now I believe Reito's on the dorm hallway free to start off a rp with tho I'd think she's online right now. Blanco is in his room too u can knock on his door to start off the rp. I will give u the summary if I got the time cuz kinda busy or Reito can do it~~(sorry Reito u busy too xD )
Name: Aura Edlaqua

Age: 17

Height: 5'4"


Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc): She has long, dark hair that falls in loose waves. She keeps it down all the time. She has light brown eyes, and she usually wears, oddly enough, a white dress that flows down to her knees. She has pale skin the color of porcelain. She

Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc): Student

Species: Half-Angel

Features(optional): She has two faded scars on her shoulder blades from wear she had torn out her wings.

Personality: She's as sweet as they come. A little quiet and shy, though. But that's what makes her weak. She's too nice.

Secret/background story(the story of the character): Being adopted, Aura didn't know where she came from and frankly didn't really care. Her adopted parents said she had this aura about her that made them feel happy, thus her name. By the time she was thirteen, two...bumps started forming on her back. She ignored them, but they started to hurt. Wings. White, feathery wings. ((This part will be filled in in the roleplay)) She eventually cut them off, attempting to be normal. Her light, blonde, silky hair faded to black, and her blue eyes hued to brown.

Anything else you want to add(optional):

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