The Academy of Secrets

Zero doesn't know who to turn to after I don't know walk away from Soul's proposal... 
Or I can drag my old girl Tavia out so she can welcome you to school........

Choose one. ^^
I'll go with the second. It seems a little more weirder if in only one day he learns the layout of the school completely
Name:Eury Rea


Height:5'4(5'7 in heels)

Weight(optional):120 lbs.

Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc):

Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc):Student

Species:Half blood child of Aphrodite

Features(optional):Eury has a birthmark on arm the shape of a troubleclef.She can also hypnotize people with her voice.

Personality:Eury is extremely flirtatious,seductive and will go after anyone who she thinks is handsome and worth her time.Girlfriend/boyfriend or not.She is also quite smart and clever.

Secret/background story(the story of the character):Eury grew up in a small house near the oceans,from a young age she was taught breaking peoples hearts was a good thing and that she should do it often.She at first she didn't approve of this,but slowly came around.

Anything else you want to add(optional): She is BI.
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So who is she supposed to be, Soul's love enemy or other?
Name: Brett Moreley

Age: 18

Height: 5'9


Job in school: Student

Species: Transforming Destrachan


Features: He has a large scar reaching from his shoulder to his waist on his back.

Personality: Brett is polite and an all around gentleman, but no matter how nice he is, he will push away anyone that tries to get close to him causing him to be pretty lonely. Though he does get over this by telling himself it is for the safety of others. He is also very cunning and can almost get people to do what he wants with just a few words (he's working on it though).

Secret/background story: Brett comes from a family of shape shifters. His family is known to turn into at least one mythical creature (the lucky ones are able to turn into two). Though Brett wouldn't call his "gift" wonderful. You see, a Destrachan is a blind, evil and cunning creature that feeds on death and misery. They live underground and lure any unsuspecting victims to their lair to torture them. Now you see why he doesn't want to get too close to anyone, if they ever got close to them he could possibly care them if they weren't careful.

Anything else you want to add: He's actually blind though can easily walk like a normal person thanks to sound waves that he makes by clicking his tongue like a bat. Being a Destrachan has it's pros and cons.
Alright so...

Basically we have Zero the school guardian and Soul and Reito as students and Blanco the student council president and Tavia secretary of student council

so basically at first Blanco forced Soul and Reito to join the student council and then Blanco and Reito started to yeah get together and they went to find out more about their pasts and increased their relationship and yep they slept together for one night. meanwhile Lenneth a new school guardian joined to school.

as for soul a dude called Justice went to get her to go back to I think her family but Justice is a scary guy a villain so she defeated him and yeah she's going to get together with zero. but when she proposed to zero zero rejected becuz of his dark past...

and anyway theres this new student called Vera and another called Q and Vera willingly join the student council but Q was forced too he poisoned Reito so Reito hate him really much but he's part of the student council so yay Blanco succeed in forcing him in.

by the way Blanco turned the whole school into a zoo but Lenneth turned it back

and then theres this guy called Emilio whos going to be the new chairman of the school discipline club but yeah Tavia's not going to let him become one well i guess it's becuz they don't want a new chairman but I know Emilio's a good(ish) guy he's fun. well either way hes still going to become one lol idk depends on the rp

and theres this new student called Talon whos lost in the forest

And theres this student council meeting about how theres lots of monsters inside the forest so they needa kill them off.

and right now the school discipline club's chairman is a mouse.
SilverBlack said:
Alright so...
Basically we have Zero the school guardian and Soul and Reito as students and Blanco the student council president and Tavia secretary of student council

so basically at first Blanco forced Soul and Reito to join the student council and then Blanco and Reito started to yeah get together and they went to find out more about their pasts and increased their relationship and yep they slept together for one night. meanwhile Lenneth a new school guardian joined to school.

as for soul a dude called Justice went to get her to go back to I think her family but Justice is a scary guy a villain so she defeated him and yeah she's going to get together with zero. but when she proposed to zero zero rejected becuz of his dark past...

and anyway theres this new student called Vera and another called Q and Vera willingly join the student council but Q was forced too he poisoned Reito so Reito hate him really much but he's part of the student council so yay Blanco succeed in forcing him in.

by the way Blanco turned the whole school into a zoo but Lenneth turned it back

and then theres this guy called Emilio whos going to be the new chairman of the school discipline club but yeah Tavia's not going to let him become one well i guess it's becuz they don't want a new chairman but I know Emilio's a good(ish) guy he's fun. well either way hes still going to become one lol idk depends on the rp

and theres this new student called Talon whos lost in the forest

And theres this student council meeting about how theres lots of monsters inside the forest so they needa kill them off.

and right now the school discipline club's chairman is a mouse.
So right now the setting is in the forest? ...... And how did the School Discipline Club's chairman become a mouse? ._.
Emilio and Tavia and Zero and possibly Soul are all in school, but yes most stuff will happen in the forest. u can choose

huh? well the chairman.....uh......lets just say he likes being a mouse lol.
SilverBlack said:
Emilio and Tavia and Zero and possibly Soul are all in school, but yes most stuff will happen in the forest. u can choose
huh? well the chairman.....uh......lets just say he likes being a mouse lol.
Oh... Okay then lol. Thanks for helping me get started! ^^

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