The Academy of Secrets

Name: Verity "Vera" Moon (Doesn't actually have a last name, she just gave herself one)

Age: 17

Height: 5'6

Weight(optional): 105 lb

Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc):


She has short blonde hair that barely reaches her shoulders and grazes her jawline. Her eyes are an electric blue and show her emotions. Quick to blush, her cheeks are almost constantly rosy. Although she is 5'6, for sylphs, that's not very tall. She is usually wearing either large, comfortable clothes like hoodies/T-shirts or preppy clothes like blouses/plaid skirts. Her clothes are always modest.

Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc): Student

Species: Sylph: tall humanoids that resemble angels/fairies and are associated with air

Features(optional): Can control air and become air; has feathered wings that are twice her body length that extend when she's flying and disappear when she's on the ground

Personality: Vera is the perfect student stereotype. Her thoughts are primarily focused on school and getting good grades. As a result, she rarely pays attention to anyone, especially those concerning romance. She is selfish and vain, though rarely shows it. She keeps to herself and never bothers anyone, even if she needs help. She even takes on extra tasks if she's part of a group project. Strictly vowing to not trouble anyone, she has grown to be independent. However, she is not socially awkward at all and is the ideal example of the difference between quiet and shy. Although quiet, she will not be afraid to defend herself and speak up. She is quick to scold herself harshly and is very judgemental of people. Even if her judgement of a person is wrong, it'll take a lot to persuade her otherwise. She's stubborn and sensitive, making her quick to anger if you hit the right weak spots. She hates being made fun of, but will endure it.

Secret/background story(the story of the character): Vera is the child of a sylph and a human, destroying both purebred families. She was shunned upon by both sides because she was different, a half blood. She mostly inherited her dad (the sylph)'s genes and the only thing she got from her mom was hair color and height. At school, she hid her origin and powers, tricking everyone to think she was human. At least she could be normal at school. At home, she showed everyone her good grades to prove her worth, but only her parents wre interested. The two sides of the families are defensive of their bloodline and was slowly drawing towards one conclusion: get rid of Vera, permenantly. Scared and nervous, her parents sent her to the Academy for protection.

Anything else you want to add(optional):

Great storyline! Accepted. Try to join in! The roleplay right now has grown super complicated with an actual storyline going on! xD Try to understand it first and you will get it super fast :)
Ooh~ Get close to Reito and she'll make sure you're protected alllll the time~! But its a difficult task~
fine...Blanco will handle Justice alone for now...AND HE GONNA STAY UP WITH U FOR THE WHOLE NIGHT AGAIN.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FINE FINE FINE REITO WILL HELP LOLOLOL Just say something like "Nee nee, reito-chan, if you don't help I'll make sure to keep you up all night again."
Reito! What's that RP dealing with the um Grim Reapers cuz I wanna join that but I lost the site~
Oh! Grim's manor for the unholy o: If you want I can PM you the links~ 
Name: Lenneth Kagui

Age: 18

Height: 6'2''


Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc):


Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc): Guardian (new)

Species: Fallen Angel

Features(optional): Neon-purple eyes that he can hide from normal people so they appear as blue.

Personality: He's charming and funny, he likes to find the best out of situations, but sometimes he can't. He prefers making himself part of the background, and helps out when he's needed.

Secret/background story(the story of the character): He was alone as a child, until he saw a bloody girl on the street, (Reito) and being older than her, he decided to help her out. He knew her when she wasn't cold, so he likes to talk about that in front of her. A month after he had met her, she left, and he was alone again. He soon lost his mind, murdered any children that crossed his path, and was sent to juvi, where he killed multiple inmates, guards, and was sentence to death. He made it out alive somehow, and he's received a call from Reito a month ago about the location of the copycat, he's come to assist her, and is filling in a s guardian in the school.

Anything else you want to add(optional): His wings are pure black, his hair is pure black, and he can make anything materialize into his hands at any moment, even people.

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