The Academy of Secrets

Name: Sairu Yang Kamikou

Age: 15

Height: 170cm

Weight: she is very underweight for a human thanks to her cat self.



I'll add her cat form later. ^~^

Job in school: Student

Species: Neko (cat girl)

Features: she has white cat ears and a white tail, wears a bow when she is in cat form

Personality: Sairu could not be more opposite form her sister. She is hyper, bright, easy going, playful and active. She loves to play with people and when not around her sister she plays with her cat ears or tail in her own sea of boredom which she assumes whenever she is not playing. She is not lazy but can be seen lazying around if boredom gets to her too much and loves to lay in the sunlight. She is bouncy and can almost never sit still, she acts like she has ADHD more often then not plays with most shiny things and things that move assumes a more cat like personality this way. She however though this can be (for a few moments at least) attentive and mature, though she breaks this very easily when distracted and gets distracted easily. She loves to play with butterflies and is never quiet

Secret/background story: Saiu was born cursed of the Ying Yang, or a Japanese spirit and turned into a human. Sairu being white was born completely def she can not hear a single thing I her cat form but since she's been human her hearing is different. She can hear as a human but can't as a cat. Being cursed when frightened, mad, sick, or even too hyper Sairu can take her cat form without meaning to. As a young child Sairu lost her mother and without knowing her father she had to cling to her sister for support, clearly her sister was stronger then her but she hates being told that. She fights for what is hers and though acts like she is 13 has seen more and done more in one year then you will ever accomplish your whole life- maybe- she does not say she is cursed because she likes he human form and she does not often talk about her mother or her AWOL father.

Anything else you want to add(optional): Sairu loves butterflies so much she has a tattoo of them though she will not disclose where it is.


Name: Nairu Ying Kamikou

Age: 15

Height: 175cm

Weight: same as her sister



Job in school: student but Nairu often ditches skips or avoids class

Species: Neko (also cat girl)

Features(optional): she has black cat ears and tail, her sister forces her most often into a bow when they are in cat forms.

Personality: Nairu is often cold or dark, she appears to want nothing to do with a person and has an extremely low tolerance for hyper people or jumpy people. She enjoys dark rooms and seems to like being alone with her books.Nairu is very intuitive and tends to be passive at times. Coming off as cold she often threatens or insults person easily bot most often you will find a written apology by her within a few days of her insulting, or threatening you. She is most often soft though and can be seen playing with her sister even though she claims outside of her sisters ear shot that the girl is the bane of her existance.

Secret/background story: Like Sairu, Nairu too was cursed, but she was cursed and lost her sight as apposed to being born with no sight she lost it after being cursed. As a cat like her sister she is sightless. Nairu is older then Sairu by less then ten minuets but she acts twice the age of Sairu. She basically raised her sister from the time their mother died (unknown since nether girl speaks about it) till this day where Nairu decided they had better lives then being bullied for being cats. She happily decided to enrol them but still does not speak about anything. She likes to be alone unlike her sister and reads a lot!

Anything else you want to add(optional): Nairu too has a tattoo it is on her left shoulder, crosses from a portion of her collar bone, it is said she got that after her brother passed on. She is the only one who remembers her brother.
Maybe, maybe. :3 Also, I got Tyra's backstory posted. ^-^ Gotta love government conspiracy theories. xD Lol
Tyra said:
Maybe, maybe. :3 Also, I got Tyra's backstory posted. ^-^
Might have to excuse the moderator of the form for a while. ^~^" I gave her a lengthy post on the form so... xD
Well usually you have to wait for the author of the Rp or a moderator of the Rp to approve your characters before you start replying.
Tyra said:
Well usually you have to wait for the author of the Rp or a moderator of the Rp to approve your characters before you start replying.
Silverblack said my characters were approved before I made them. I just saw the post.
[QUOTE="Pateer Drakon]Silverblack said my characters were approved before I made them. I just saw the post.

No. Silver said they were approved if I approved them.
I knew one of these days that gif would be of use. xD no it's fine, I read over your dragon character and I could nothing overly wrong or standoffish about him. Your shy boy I am going to steal and hook him up with Nairu... No I'm sorry I'm not asking. ^~^ I am finishing up with @Tyra cherrie now.
Tyra said:
Alright, it may be a little while before I post but I'll go ahead and throw a character sheet up there. :3
Name: Tyra Glacier

Age: 18 (The type of hybrid that grows at the normal Human rate until adulthood(around 20, each hybrid is different), in which her appearance is then frozen at that age for centuries.)

Height: 5' 7"

Weight: 115 lbs.

Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc):

Human Appearance


Dragon Appearance


Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc): Senior Student

Species: Human-Dragon Hybrid

Features: A long, thin white crystal on a leather string that never leaves her neck.

Personality: She is always the type to think things through thoroughly before acting. Isn't quick to resort to violence, rather tries to be peaceful; however, when friends, family, or loved ones become involved, she can become quite defensive and even irrational sometimes. Upon first impressions, she appears shy, quiet, and thoughtful; one that keeps to herself most of the time. She's very absorbed in her artwork, being an artist, but if you can crack her hesitant outer shell, she can be warm, friendly, and excited about things once comfortable. It just takes her a little while to open up to others.

Secret/background story(the story of the character): Tyra was born into a small, middle class family on the edge of a fairly well known city. The family, at first glance, would have appeared normal to anyone, but that was far from the case. Her mother was indeed Human but her father was a Dragon-Human hybrid himself, passing down the Dragon gene to his only daughter. The moment she was born, he knew by her pale robin's egg blue hair and intense violet eyes. As a genetic scientist, it amazed him because her Dragon features were so strong in her Human form. If anything, her Human mother would have diluted the gene. As such, Tyra became the renewed basis for her father's life work as well as his pupil on how to be a Dragon. At age 8 when her wings began to grow in, protruding from her back, he taught her to fly. As she became older, he was always there, holding her hand through it all. Her mother homeschooled her most of her life because of her random transformations that literally could happen at any moment until she was old enough for her father to teach her to control it. Tyra loved her parents dearly as they did her in return. Unfortunately, their happiness was short lived... One morning, government men clad in black showed up on their doorstep. They confiscated all of her father's research and tore 12 year old Tyra away from her parents, hauling her away to a government testing facility. She never saw her parents again. There she remained for years, a lab rat for government scientists, trying to figure out a way to weaponize her natural abilities, abused and tortured until finally, she was given a golden window of opportunity. The guards had foolishly gotten drunk the night before their shift and carelessly had fallen asleep during their watch over Tyra, allowing her to slip out. Her escape was a miracle and she fled deep into the city, going into hiding and living on the streets. That is, until she found out about the school. The school for fantasy beings such as herself where she could be safe. A place under protection from the harsh, uncaring government. Now finally, here she is, hoping to finish her education. To start over; a new life. One day, she hopes to find her be reunited without fear of the government. She found a passion in art, which also served as a therapeutic outlet for her tragic past.

Anything else you want to add: She has the ability to shift between her Human and Dragon forms at will and has the ability of ice, meaning able to freeze things and manipulate water to an extent. Upon using her ice abilities too often or moving larger bodies of water(such as a small pond), she becomes fatigued and unable to change between forms, being stuck in whichever one she was in at the time. Also, I roleplay in past tense, just if anyone's wondering. xD

Artist Note: If you're wondering, the second reference picture of Tyra, the Dragon, is my own artwork. :3 The rest of my gallery can be found here: TyraDragoness's DeviantArt Gallery 
Oh and if anyone could give me just quick, small recap of any major recent events, that would be great. :3 Just so I don't totally interrupt something awkwardly introducing my character. xD
~Snuffles~ Tyra. Just. Wow is the only word I can describe here, she's amazing but I am not a moderator and I was only given permission to accept Pateer. I'm sorry but she is a wonderful character!
:3 Yeah, it seems really cool! ^-^ 
Awww oh wow, thanks @CoyotyZephyrWolf ! ;u; I really appreciate it!~ And it's alright. Thank you for taking the time to review her!
Tyra said:
:3 Yeah, it seems really cool! ^-^ 
Awww oh wow, thanks @CoyotyZephyrWolf ! ;u; I really appreciate it!~ And it's alright. Thank you for taking the time to review her!
Love how you are an artist. Secretly I am too but I am not as open about sharing it as you are. ^~^" I have only ever shared Coyoty's wolf drawing with people. xD you are an amazing artist though what are your tools? Do you have a tablet? If so what kind? Looks like you you photo shop.
Awww thank you! @CoyotyZephyrWolf ^-^ Haha, actually I'm a Gimp user. Don't have the money for such a fancy program such as Photo Shop. xD Gimp is totally free and I highly recommend it! :3 It takes a while to get used to and figure out but it's worth it. And yes, I have a tablet. :3 It's a Wacom Bamboo Fun I believe. It's pretty old, haha. Normally I sketch out stuff on paper with a pencil then scan it in and do lineart and color digitally. The one I used for Tyra's reference pic, though, is a traditional, done with Crayola markers and PrismaColor colored pencils. 
Oh and hey @CoyotyZephyrWolf ? Do have any idea how I should introduce my character? I'm just not sure how big the school is or what it looks like so I'm not sure if I should have her show up on campus or what. ^-^; Lol

Meeehhh I wanna start so bad! |D Lol, I'm terrible at waiting once I find an rp that I like. Also I apologize in advance. There are thirty pages of characters here and I've skimmed over as much as I can but for the most part, I'll have to get to know characters in-rp cuz I can't remember them all right now, haha. ^-^;
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Don't worry about it, it's the middle of the night right now in RP, and I have Wo new characters... Though I don't know how compatible either of them are for you. (Sairu the incredibly hyper one and Nairu the incredibly non social one.) between the two of them I'm by totally sure, most people who join have their characters upset they missed the first day or they are late. xD I have been told in the past to find someone and just kinda insert myself there. I would ask before doing this... Cuz yeah... Try rolpelaying with your dragon buddy! You guys should have your characters fall in love! ^~^
CoyotyZephyrWolf said:
Don't worry about it, it's the middle of the night right now in RP, and I have Wo new characters... Though I don't know how compatible either of them are for you. (Sairu the incredibly hyper one and Nairu the incredibly non social one.) between the two of them I'm by totally sure, most people who join have their characters upset they missed the first day or they are late. xD I have been told in the past to find someone and just kinda insert myself there. I would ask before doing this... Cuz yeah... Try rolpelaying with your dragon buddy! You guys should have your characters fall in love! ^~^
I heard that.......
Lol! xD Haha well I'm not much for pairing up love interests ahead of time. I like to see how the characters act first and their mannerisms in-rp. :3 I can't really tell just from the character sheet if they're a good match for my character. I like to just see how things play out in-rp, examine the possible matches first before having a character start falling for another. Let things happen naturally and fall into place on their own if there's spark.~
Okay great! Thanks! :) Now...where to start... lol. It's pretty late so I'm gonna think over it and write up my opening post tomorrow when my brain's working a little better. xD Really excited though! :3
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((Just kind of gonna wing it and enter a character, feel free to just tell me if im not able to join :) )

Name: Demetra Valore

Age: 16

Height: 5'11"

Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc):


Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc): Student

Species: Elf/Enchantress

Personality: She is normally silent, but she will speak out against a good reason.

Secret/background story(the story of the character): She was given up by her parents to a family that lived out in camp grounds, she always hides her bad side, even though elves were originally peace makers, she has a dark side that is just killing her to come out. (What she looks like when angry):

Anything else you want to add(optional): She is secretly known to go under the school.
I will love her to join! Maybe a little more information about her personality and her past?

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