The Academy of Secrets

Name: Flynn Porter

Age: 18

Height: 6ft 2 inch

Weight: 163lbs

Job in school: Student....resident rebel

Species: Half -Kitsune, half human

Personality: Flynn has a very aggressive manner of speaking, being very in your face and forward and also loves to joke around. He enjoys pranking and messing with people’s minds, regardless of the situation at hand. He can be very stubborn, and often refuses to do even the simplest of tasks. He can come across as being harsh and very cold-hearted, but rumor is that if you can get close to him, he will reveal a secret soft side. It is also rumored that he is very intelligent, although his grades do not reflect this at all.

Appearance: He has the usual appearance of a rebel in school, with spiked up blond hair, a cigarette always in hand, and a nasty attitude to accompany it all. He is tall and seemingly very thin, but is very athletic, although he also has an acute laziness problem.

Biography/history: Flynn has a very complicated relationship with his family. His mother, a kitsune, left him in the care of his mentally abusive family. He suffered punishments of the unimaginable sort, but somehow still stood through it all. His stubbornness and cold exterior come from the toughening up his father forced him to do while young. Eventually his father lost custody over him, and he was sent to a foster home, but he soon ran away. He was caught eventually and was sent to a very strict high school, which he was quickly expelled from after his monster form was revealed and he was shunned. In retaliation, he had set one of the classrooms on fire, and thus was expelled. He is now supposed to be sent to a special school for monsters like him.
What are the youngest and the oldest ages a character can be, and can we have two characters (they won't already have relations with each other and they won't fall in love) Sorry if you already answered these questions, I tried scrolling through all 26 pages but I kept losing my place...
Pateer, I have three characters, two siblings and one not so related to them. I am not moderator if the form, but coming from experience I do believe normal high school ages are accepted, though I think some characters have older ages but their human forms are of normal human age. As I have said I am not moderator of the form. It would be cool to assume this position though. xD
Name: Scarlett Rashad

Age: Seventeen

Height: 5'6'

Weight(optional): 100 lbs

Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc): Short, long red haired, which she usually keeps tied up, blue eyes, always wears a long shirt or a hoodie to cover her arms,


Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc): Student

Species: Bone Mutant.

Features: Her sleeves cover various marks on her arms, mostly scars and cuts from her being unable to control her mutation.

Personality: Very shy, Very cautious about people around her. She doesn't trust many people and is very hard to get talking, usually buried in a book in the corner of the room she watches everyone else enjoy them selves as she has never really felt like she fit in, She has an affinity for cute things, especially bears.

Secret/background story(the story of the character): She keeps an old stuffed bear in her room, on her bed, which she is very protective over, as it was the last thing she got from her family before they were murdered in front of her by her own hands, which is how she ended up where she is , the men who broke in to her house attacked them, on a night when they thought no one was home, Scarlett got scared and her mutation went crazy, bones cut through her skin piercing everyone around her, killing them all on impact, when she looked up everyone was dead and she was sitting there, in the last t shirt she would ever wear, covered in blood, crying.

Anything else you want to add(optional):

(I'm not sure where in the plot you guys are, so if you guys could give me a tiny bit of insight?)
CoyotyZephyrWolf said:
Pateer, I have three characters, two siblings and one not so related to them. I am not moderator if the form, but coming from experience I do believe normal high school ages are accepted, though I think some characters have older ages but their human forms are of normal human age. As I have said I am not moderator of the form. It would be cool to assume this position though. xD
Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it. Guess I'll make my characters now... (I vote you in as a moderator if it means anything)
[QUOTE="Pateer Drakon]Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it. Guess I'll make my characters now..

No problem I did not notice either of you posted I will have to let the admin know.
Hey, was browsing this roleplay and it looks like a neat setup. :3 You guys possibly want/need another player? Not sure if I'll join yet, just wanted to see if you guys were already pretty maxed out in terms of players and characters.
Nope, we are never maxed out in terms of players and characters. Welcome to join~
Alright, it may be a little while before I post but I'll go ahead and throw a character sheet up there. :3

Name: Tyra Glacier

Age: 18 (The type of hybrid that grows at the normal Human rate until adulthood(around 20, each hybrid is different), in which her appearance is then frozen at that age for centuries.)

Height: 5' 7"

Weight: 115 lbs.

Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc):

Human Appearance


Dragon Appearance


Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc): Senior Student

Species: Human-Dragon Hybrid

Features: A long, thin white crystal on a leather string that never leaves her neck.

Personality: She is always the type to think things through thoroughly before acting. Isn't quick to resort to violence, rather tries to be peaceful; however, when friends, family, or loved ones become involved, she can become quite defensive and even irrational sometimes. Upon first impressions, she appears shy, quiet, and thoughtful; one that keeps to herself most of the time. She's very absorbed in her artwork, being an artist, but if you can crack her hesitant outer shell, she can be warm, friendly, and excited about things once comfortable. It just takes her a little while to open up to others.

Secret/background story(the story of the character): Tyra was born into a small, middle class family on the edge of a fairly well known city. The family, at first glance, would have appeared normal to anyone, but that was far from the case. Her mother was indeed Human but her father was a Dragon-Human hybrid himself, passing down the Dragon gene to his only daughter. The moment she was born, he knew by her pale robin's egg blue hair and intense violet eyes. As a genetic scientist, it amazed him because her Dragon features were so strong in her Human form. If anything, her Human mother would have diluted the gene. As such, Tyra became the renewed basis for her father's life work as well as his pupil on how to be a Dragon. At age 8 when her wings began to grow in, protruding from her back, he taught her to fly. As she became older, he was always there, holding her hand through it all. Her mother homeschooled her most of her life because of her random transformations that literally could happen at any moment until she was old enough for her father to teach her to control it. Tyra loved her parents dearly as they did her in return. Unfortunately, their happiness was short lived... One morning, government men clad in black showed up on their doorstep. They confiscated all of her father's research and tore 12 year old Tyra away from her parents, hauling her away to a government testing facility. She never saw her parents again. There she remained for years, a lab rat for government scientists, trying to figure out a way to weaponize her natural abilities, abused and tortured until finally, she was given a golden window of opportunity. The guards had foolishly gotten drunk the night before their shift and carelessly had fallen asleep during their watch over Tyra, allowing her to slip out. Her escape was a miracle and she fled deep into the city, going into hiding and living on the streets. That is, until she found out about the school. The school for fantasy beings such as herself where she could be safe. A place under protection from the harsh, uncaring government. Now finally, here she is, hoping to finish her education. To start over; a new life. One day, she hopes to find her be reunited without fear of once again being ripped away from each other. She found a passion in art, which also serves as a therapeutic outlet for her tragic past; thus art would be her favorite class at the school.

Anything else you want to add:

  • She has the ability to shift between her Human and Dragon forms at will and has the ability of ice, meaning able to freeze things and manipulate water to an extent. However, upon using her ice abilities too often or moving larger bodies of water(such as a small pond), she becomes fatigued and unable to change between forms, being stuck in whichever one she was in at the time.
  • As an elemental Dragon, she is naturally weak to her opposite, which would be fire so generally she avoids it. Her body temperature is lower than a Human's and if it is raised too high, she becomes ill; thus, fevers are rare for her but deadly.
  • Her Dragon form is actually quite small for a Dragon, her being a juvenile(not fully grown) and a hybrid, and only stands around 6' tall and about 9' from chest to end of tail.
  • Also, I roleplay in past tense, just if anyone's wondering. xD

Artist Note: If you're wondering, the second reference picture of Tyra, the Dragon, is my own artwork. :3 I didn't do the first reference pic though!!! I'm not that good, lol. ||D The rest of my gallery can be found here: TyraDragoness's DeviantArt Gallery 
Oh and if anyone could give me just quick, small recap of any major recent events, that would be great. :3 Just so I don't totally interrupt something awkwardly introducing my character. xD
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Name: Matthias Pippin

Age: 517 9 (is pretty young for a dragon, who naturally live for several millenia)

Height: 5'10

Weight(optional): 120

Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc): He usually wears a hoodie to cover up his spines

Dragon form:

Job in school: student

Species: Dragon/Human

Features: Has black spines that run down his back and two small horns that are hidden by his hair.

Personality: Cold to his enemies and whenever he's in a bad mood. He's usually very outgoing, and likes to laugh. He is greedy and vain (being part dragon) and is lazy when it comes to physical work. He loves mind games though, and is quite intelligent. He loves riddles, whoever solves his will become an ultimate ally.

Secret/background story: When Matthias was a baby, he fell out of his carriage and crawled into a knucker-hole. He was amazed by all the jewels (any baby loves shiny things) and hid among them. The dragon that lived in cave soon returned and blew his dragon fire onto all his jewels, marking them as his and making them glitter more brightly. Matthias was safe hidden behind all the jewels, but he still had dragon breath blown onto his skin. He slowly changed, into a little black dragon. The dragon of the cave took Matthias in as one of its own and raised Matthias as a dragon. Even when Matthias was in human form, he was still marked as the older dragons kin. A hundred years passed, and the older dragon was found and slayed. Matthias survived by returning to his human form and living among the normal everyday people for years.

Anything else you want to add: He can breath blue fire, but usually only when he is angry. He likes to sing, but he mostly knows only old mountain songs that the dragon taught him. 
Whoops, funny we had the same idea. Did not see that coming.
LOL! Oh my gosh, I laughed my head off just now seeing that! xD Some coincidence! Haha! But nice to meet a fellow dragon.~ :D @Pateer Drakon It will make the rp interesting. ^-^
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Here is my second character:

Name: Ivor Heartsworth

Age: 15

Height: 5'9

Weight: 125


Job in school: student

Species: Human, he turns invisible when he is scared or nervous.

Features: His hair is usually messy and he wears scarves almost all the time.

Personality: He is shy, and spends most of his time alone. He likes to read, mostly old books and is fascinated with geography. He is quiet and mumbles when he talks. He is quiet forgetful, and relies on his sticky notes and calenders for help. He is afraid of almost everything.He is humble, and won't take credit for anything.

Secret/background story: Ivor was born in a small home in a big city. He was always afraid of all the loud noises and flashing lights, but his parents had jobs there. He spent all his time inside, reading while all the other boys his age were out playing baseball or teasing girls. He was picked on for having invisibility, and he had to revert to home schooling in second grade. He taught himself (his parents were always working) and got used to being alone. For his eleventh birthday, his parents bought him a hedgehog, his only companion and best friend. Ivor spent the rest of his years with his hedgehog, until being sent to this school.

Anything else you want to add: His hedgehog's name is Martin, and has always been his loyal friend. Ivor always has a book in his pocket, along with Martin in his other one.

Here is Martin:
[QUOTE="Pateer Drakon]Here is my second character:
Name: Ivor Heartsworth

Age: 15

Height: 5'9

Weight: 125


Job in school: student

Species: Human, he turns invisible when he is scared or nervous.

Features: His hair is usually messy and he wears scarves almost all the time.

Personality: He is shy, and spends most of his time alone. He likes to read, mostly old books and is fascinated with geography. He is quiet and mumbles when he talks. He is quiet forgetful, and relies on his sticky notes and calenders for help. He is afraid of almost everything.He is humble, and won't take credit for anything.

Secret/background story: Ivor was born in a small home in a big city. He was always afraid of all the loud noises and flashing lights, but his parents had jobs there. He spent all his time inside, reading while all the other boys his age were out playing baseball or teasing girls. He was picked on for having invisibility, and he had to revert to home schooling in second grade. He taught himself (his parents were always working) and got used to being alone. For his eleventh birthday, his parents bought him a hedgehog, his only companion and best friend. Ivor spent the rest of his years with his hedgehog, until being sent to this school.

Anything else you want to add: His hedgehog's name is Martin, and has always been his loyal friend. Ivor always has a book in his pocket, along with Martin in his other one.

Here is Martin:

I have a character that is great for this guy... xD I saw the dragons and I was like OHHHH! They should so have some sort of relationship!
Oh my gosh...I pretty much died at the cuteness of that hedgehog....!!! *squee!* Lol!

:D Dragons unite! xD

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