The Academy of Secrets


First, I guess if you really want to understand what is going on with Blanco and Reito you should read their backgrounds..XDD Anyway, besides that.

Zero and Soul were once getting into a relationship but then Soul stopped replying so Zero's a loner now. >3<

There is a summary on one of the previous pages, but yeah many things happened after that but it explained what happened to Zero and Soul but that's not the point right now alright so.

As the summary in the previous pages mentioned, Blanco and Reito are getting into a relationship~!<3 They slept once together, meh. Basically, as Blanco first appeared in the RP he's a complete jerk who forced the students he were interested in into the student council, for he is the student council president. Reito was the only one that he successfully persuaded, reason is that if they work together they could possibly find out more about their pasts. With that, Reito joined, but was cold to Blanco until Blanco this annoying jerk who could appear anywhere he like annoyed Reito to such enough level (yet proved to be helpful) that it improved their relationships and stuff. One night an ironic stuff happened at the back of the bar that revealed this ironic new to both of their pasts that Blanco nearly lost his hopes as he collapsed to the ground which was super super rare and anyway Reito's heart softened and yeah later Blanco got drunk and they slept together for one night and snuggled each other. Meh.

Then this dude named Emilio and this girl named Tiara were also developing a relationship. Emilio was this guy who wanted to be the SDC chairman, but then the current SDC chairman appeared, known as Yoi. She was hanging out with this boy name Z when Tiara got shot with an arrow by a mysterious dude. Emilio grew super mad...

Meanwhile, Blanco and Reito found out something about their pasts and it's within a hotel so they went to investigate it.

When the attacker was finally captured, it turned out to be his father. Then it got something to do with his pasts as an Asazi stuff (read his past lol).

Blanco and Reito were investigating the hotel when Reito got captured away and they both got in danger.

Yoi, who were developing relationship with the new student Maximus, who wanted to meet Blanco, went to find him. Yet, they went to the bar instead and Yoi got drunk and turned childish, and since she could turn into a mouse (and turn back into human naked) she turned into a mouse and ran to Blanco, who was dealing with the bad guy. And anyway, lots of stuff happened thats not so important.

So basically Reito got kidnapped away, and when Blanco finally found her he realized that the kidnapper was his father, the one who sold him to a slave owner and the one to kill Reito's parents as well. (Meh.) He also discovered that they were being experimented and blablabla. His father then disappeared and Blanco saved Reito at last and blablabla again and Yoi and Maximus somehow yay get back together and blablabla so on.

When Blanco and Reito were discussing about these new stuff about their pasts Emilio decided to eliminate the Asazi but he might die. Tavia, a girl who hid her identity as a vampire and a top rank hunting class member wanted to follow him because if he died he would hurt Taria's feeling so much and stuff.

And thats about it, I guess.
(I couldn't help myself sexy doesn't work for me)

Name: Axle Rivia



Weight(optional):72 lbs.

Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bddcc490a_leaf2.jpg.0d5029bbce269696d2d7b91385dd63cf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3216" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bddcc490a_leaf2.jpg.0d5029bbce269696d2d7b91385dd63cf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc):student

Species:Unseelie Fey

Features(optional):Axle is fey so he was born with magic in his veins,and is very talented at dark magic.He can move things with his mind and also control water and make it go threw the 3 stages of matter.Summoning magic is another thing he is good at,but he doesn't really use that...His powers are still developing at the moment because of his young age.

Personality:Axle is fun,playful,curious he loves to be around people and can't help,but be a little self centered at times he is a kid after all.He doesn't really take anything seriously even when he is told to.He rather be outside enjoying the sunshine than being stuck indoors,but what he likes even more than sunshine is the snow even though it does bring back faded memories.

Secret/background story(the story of the character):(this background story will be told in first person,but don't worry I will be playing in 3rd like normal,Also sponsored by the letter W)Snow,Snow.What is snow,so cold,unforgiving,yet so beautiful.Deadly,but beautiful.Wait haven't I heard these words before.I can't remember all I know is that there was snow.It was falling and there was a girl.Who was she?She was cold like the snow.Snow,Snow beautiful snow,I like the snow.These are the thoughts that run through Axle's mind all that he can rember.So he came tp the academy of secrets,so her may find that mysterious girl.The one in the snow.

Anything else you want to add(optional):There are moments where Axle will have these attack No one are sure what they are,but when they are happening he will start going crazy his powers will go out of control and people get hurt.After they happen though he doesn't remember what he did or what happened it's kinda like he blacked out.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Axel.jpg.e2a53adef0e7782c046158143d5c4714.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="3215" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/Axel.jpg.e2a53adef0e7782c046158143d5c4714.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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It's really good. luv it. luv that girl with her as well, though i forgot her name lol
Name: Byron Vorare

Age: 14

Height: 5'10

Weight(optional): Something not too heavy but not skinny.

Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc): Hair is medium length and jet black. His eyes are crimson red and constantly wears black or grey clothing. Byron commonly wears long sleeve shirts and jeans. Skin is a pale white and his facial expression is constantly unamused.

Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc): Student

Species: Demon

Features(optional): Tattoo of demonic wings on back.

Personality: Shy for a demon, nicer than most demons and misleadingly acts kind to "targets''. Smart, and clever, Byron knows how to devise traps and devices. Byron has a few magical abilities.

Secret/background story(the story of the character): Byron was abandoned by his demon parents and developed mental problems. However he learns to suppress them and can act properly in society. Having bad experiences with people in the past such as murderers and criminals, Byron tends to avoid people. Every now and then Byron disappears into the night and comes back in the morning. No one knows what he does or where he goes.
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Name: Zacarth

Age: looks about 24

Height: 6'5

Weight 200

Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57616a913c_39695759_o2.jpg.c8053a4b3d11491d18ef312f72a3d0e7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4017" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57616a913c_39695759_o2.jpg.c8053a4b3d11491d18ef312f72a3d0e7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc): Student

Species: Icarii Sometimes referred to as the People of the Wing, the Icarii are descendants of the third son of Urbeth who was fathered by a sparrow, thus they possess aspects of both bird and human; brilliant wings, bright eyes and indescribable grace. The average lifespan of an Icarii is five hundred years, of which almost the entirety is spent in their physical prime. They also are adept to almost all types of magic.

Features(optional): just like the photo except he also has this tattoo over his heart. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/khanda.jpg.46fb6f2d6a0438da023ff53f9ec4f5ca.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4018" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/khanda.jpg.46fb6f2d6a0438da023ff53f9ec4f5ca.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Zacarth is a man of many interest including learning every bit of magic he can. He is friendly and helpful when he can be. Also if he can he loves teaching what he knows to others, or help them understand what they already know.

Secret/background story(the story of the character): Zacarth come from another place far from this school but he what kidnapped as a baby and raised to learn the arts of shadow magic. What the kidnappers did not plan was his ability to as a child out power them and escape he traveled for some time before finding the academy.



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name: Nero





job: student

species: half demon

features: devil trigger symbol on arm and devil bringer on right arm

personality: friendly and yet shy and never afraid of a little learning

secret backround: is possessed by the demon yomoto which causes him to fullout rage his only love kyrie died in a hell gate incident aka demons everywhere and is wishing it never happend
Name: Jack Rowland

Age: 17

Height: 200.7 (roughly 6ft 7in)


Looks: Semi long hair style black hair, (demon form he has almost an orange stripe down a portion of the front of his hair.) He wears suits mostly otherwise mostly suit related things in black or dark clothing,

Job in school: Student

Species: Neko Vampire demon

Features: Cat ears tail and a cat form

Personality: Jack is mostly quiet, he is incredibly mature for his age more often acts around 27 then his own age. He cares for his family and the people he loves however and will hands down go to the ends of the earth to keep them safe.

Secret/background story(the story of the character): Jack was abandoned at around the age of six. His mother and father left him and his brother to fend for themselves when they found out that he was not a human. He being possessed so to speak with a cat demon wound up gaining powers to have both inhuman cat ears and a tail as well as a cat form entirely. Upon being picked up by Mary (a vampire coven leader) She asked if he wanted to be changed but since there were still parts of him that were human had no control over what happened and without warning was changed completely by accident by Coyoty Mary's daughter. Now he would up loosing every once of his human blood through this and has two forms of cat (a less threatening domesticated cat and a full grown panther.)

Anything else you want to add: Jack cannot communicate to anyone while he is a cat. He cannot talk speak or use his human vocal cords. To change he thinks about it or in extreme cases starvation from blood and weakness contributes to changing. Also increased anger, frustration can have this fetal effect.
Accepted! Both accepted! xD

Zero is free to RP with right now...Some are not replying because the other one is not replying....Anyway, you guys can either interrupt Yoi and Maximus, go find Zero, or interrupt Tavia, Emilio, and Zacarth from their conversations! XDD
Name:Mira Grey

Age: 19


Weight(optional):147 lbs

Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc):

Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc): student

Species: Half demon


Personality: Serious natured. If given an assignment she won't stop till it's done. She is kind but has a cruel streak that runs through her very being

Secret/background story(the story of the character): Mira is part of the Asazi. When Emilio was still apart of the Asazi, she was promised to him. When he was forced out, she took it personally. When Emilio attacked, she was on a bounty hunt and went back to hell to news that Emilio had wiped out the Asazi.

Anything else you want to add: The only reason she is at the academy is to KILL Emilio
Picture own't show =3= But GREAT! AN ENEMYYY!!!

Tiara is no longer replying to see Rp sadly Q3Q

Don't worry, Tavia is just a fiercer version of Tiara. "Emily!!!" 
anyway, accepted!

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