The Academy of Secrets

HE'S HANDSOME, his story interesting as well.

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Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc):Black short hair (eyes change colors due to mood) currently blue, leather tight pants with leather boots and a black t shirt, long black spiked demon tail, black demotic wings

Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc):Student


Features(optional):Lucus is a demon and turns into a Celion alien

Personality:Lucus is a a bully and a jerk to mostly anyone and everyone not caring who he hurts in the process but when he sees someone he likes he'll show his good side

Secret/background story(the story of the character):Lucus was not always a bully.Infact he was the geek in school but he always wanted to fit in so he threw out all his old clothes and bought new ones that where up to date in fashion.Lucus thought that it wasn't good enough so he start being rude and a jackass.He still didn't think that this would make him like the other so he became a drug addict and had a serious drinking problem.By the time he hit 17 he became what he wanted to be and was popular btu because of his smoking and drinking problem he died young also.Lucas was sent straight to hell but somehow was one of the devils favorites and ended up by his side.As the years pasted Lucus thought he could take over hell just like he took over the school on earth but that didn't happen.The Devil beat the living hell out of him and then sent him back to earth.Lucky he did let him keep his demon form and ablities.Now he is attending a whole new school...


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdbe4741d_images(1).jpg.d676c878756153e8e78d1e7599722bce.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1968" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdbe4741d_images(1).jpg.d676c878756153e8e78d1e7599722bce.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdbe4a7f1_images(2).jpg.e1e0e69765ec5d3003781047031c38bf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="1969" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdbe4a7f1_images(2).jpg.e1e0e69765ec5d3003781047031c38bf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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lol It will be fun i'll make her do something annoying and he will be all like awahahahah your so dam annoying and corner her then she will do something unexspected mawahahahaha
(lol depends do i still have to eats a biter mellon) 
oh hey zero I made a new rp i think you might like lol will you check it out and tel me what you think lol
no no zero is a nice guy. really. *creepy smile*

sure lol will check it out.
Name: Q Relin

Age: 17 Junior

Height: 6"2'

Weight(optional): 165 pounds

Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc):


Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc): Student

Species: Plant Entity

Features(optional): His form of blood is green instead of red. His entire eye is green and he has intriguing symbols covering his entire back.

Personality: Q enjoys his privacy preferring to stay away from people not that it really madders because he is too shy to talk to people anyways. He is sensitive to criticism and mockery so he is kind of a cry baby. Q becomes easily enraged with the mistreatment of plants and gets into an intoxicated personality after consuming to much sugar.

Secret/background story(the story of the character):Q was a beautiful child always doing what he was told and never did anything bad like he was a little child saint. The same couldnt be said for his parents who were alcoholics he recieved many beatings from them when the got into there moments. It didnt madder what he did they never got any better but he at least had one person in his life that loved him and would never hurt him,his grandmother. They spent alot of time together making cookies, feeding the pigeons and just going on walks it was the greatest. One day when his parents were drunk he ran away to his grandmas house in tears because today they were particularly bad. She met him at the door and gave him a big hug bringing him inside. They were sitting by the fire when heavy knocks came upon the door. His grandmother got up to answer the door and saw it was his parents. Quickly she hid him in a closet and unlocked the door when the burst in knocking her into the wall. They started arguing about how they knew he was here and they wanted him back and she stuck up for him until his father snapped and all at once pulled out a gun planting one right in her heart. He ran out morning over her body as his parents tried to rip him away from her body. His eyes started glowing green and he yelled in pain and anger as vines popped out of his back chocking his parents until they took there final breaths. He ran over to his grandma as she spoke her final words "Ill always love you...". The one person that ever loved him was dead and he was responsible for the murder of his parents at the age of six so he ran away never to be seen again. Until he first came to this Academy.

Anything else you want to add(optional):He loves anything sweet and sugary.

Name: Blanco Blondo

Age: 18

Height: 7'5''




Job in school: Student Council President

Species: Half angel

Personality: He is a jerk. Well, he has the most beautiful nicest kindest gentlest smile in the whole planet but no he's evil and jerky and love to tease. He smirks a lot! He uses force! Hey but he is yeah nice still but he is wicked yet attractive yet mysterious! Well, that's the usual him. When he gets serious he is rather a different guy, when he wants to be truly nice he can be truly nice. When he truly cares about someone he turns into a really gentle guy, and I mean, truly gentle. Sadly, he never trust a person easily and rather play around with him or her until he reassures that the person is trustworthy or not. He likes to test people.

Secret/Background: Blanco's mother, an angel, had given birth to him with a rich human guy. Because of that, his mother was being locked up due to disregarding the rules of the angel world. He grew up not knowing much about his mother but always curious to find out. When his father mysteriously disappeared one night when he was 8, he found himself all alone. Then, a guy dragged him away and called him his slave, beating him up all day and forcing him to do stuff, which created his worst nightmare. He escaped one night finally, dragging his all wounded body to a lake, which he committed suicide. Blanco was rescued, though, by Zero. Zero basically forced him to survive They became friends soon enough, though he still doesn't know what Zero's secret is. In order to live on the street, he developed his mask of gentleness, in which he fooled all the people with. When Blanco joined the academy Zero saw his smartness and his talent as a leader despite his personality. He advised him to be the student council president in which he accepted, half of the reason is to find out more about that person who called Blanco his slave, and to find out where his father disappeared to....(may type more about it later or whatever)

Anything else: He always wear long sleeves to hide his scars. He loves black tea, he hates sweets, and he loves to annoy Zero.
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His background.. is so awesome.. Oh my sweet baby hey-zeus. -Rainbowdrool- <--Ignore that- xD
my poor soulicy (Aka soul) doesn't stand a chance against someone with that personality lol i give her 3 days tops before she runs away and hides in a air vent
xD roflmao! I think he's gonna have a hard time dealing with Reito. (Btw, I'm gonna make her join the council, it's just gonna take a LOT of convincing xD )
lol soul is always a problem she is like a child because she is blocking out memories of her past so she refuses to work with people of authority lol you should just meet her parnets there just charming
lol oh tks rei for likin his past xD

awww soul zero gonna win her heart. (wtf)

Imma accept the hardest challenge and let blanco wins rei's heart...

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