The Academy of Secrets

Name: Talon Valentine


Height: 6

Weight: 130

Species: Human turned into a Demon.

Job at school: Student


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdc6ce54e_Talonvalentine..jpg.d7e61c358c4148c0dfd5aa5354e86b82.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2320" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/57a8bdc6ce54e_Talonvalentine..jpg.d7e61c358c4148c0dfd5aa5354e86b82.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Talon is a kind man and he hates it when someone is crying and tries to help. He usually is a bit shy and sometimes clueless to things around him. He tries to socialize with people but he doesn't have enough self confidence in him to do it. He also would rather put up a fake smile to keep telling people he alright when in reality he hurting in the inside. He doesn't want to burden others with his problem but he usually take their problems and put it on himself.

Secret/History: Talon was sold by his parents to a mafia because his parents had drinking and gambling problems. When he was sold they always put him to work doing many things in the mafia. He stole, killed, and extorted people for their money but he never enjoyed a moment of this. One time he was assigned to extort money from a woman who was pregnant and couldn't do it and he was punished badly for it. One day he found an old magic book and on it was the spell to summon a demon. He did just that and there was when he met his first master. The demon offered him power to kill his abuser once and for all but in return he had to be her slave for the rest of his life. He took the deal and became a demon and that night he killed all of his abuser once and for all. He followed his master through many adventure and risking his life to save her many times. As time went he started to fall in love with his master but he knows it was not right to tell her so. One day someone challenge his master to a duel and in the end killed her. Enraged by all this, Talon let all of his demon blood go wild and mutilated the challenger until his corpse was no longer recognizable. He buried his master that day and regretted never telling her his feelings. He has been walking this world since alone and looking for a new master to serve. His master can control his demon blood and without one some night it went wild and has killed innocent because of it. He stumble across this school and join in hoping he will find a new master.

Anything else: He locks himself in his room and chain himself down when he feels his demon blood starts to act up.



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Lol My character.God you got a lot to read to catch up.If you want I can give you a summary of what you miss.I'm sure Silver will accept you.
Lol Coming right up. 
Basically, Everyone joined the student council, the person who had tortured Soul as a child has come back to take her home, so Soul beat him up and he was put in the basement under the school, Reito and Blanco went to go find more information about their pasts, and found quite a bit about Blanco's dad, and then Blanco turned everyone in the school into animals and then he turned them all back.........................................................Wait theres more 
and somehow Reito and Blanco's relationship has increased super fast...And basically one night a huge event happened and basically Blanco got drunk and then Reito carried him back and they slept for one night together...And a new guardian called Lenneth joined and Zero was still forcing Soul to detention but yeah they got pretty close to each other as well I guess Soul fainted after defeating that person so Zero pretty much taking care of her, and stuff. and after that night Blanco and Reito are like super duper close 
lol I just copy and pasted this because we had to make one earlier for one of our rp members.Yeah Soul and Zero relationship is slow paced.
So basically Blanco gives all the lol, Blanco and Reito are together, and finally soul and zero are getting together.
Name: Emilio Durvhast

Age: 16


Weight(optional):227 lbs.

Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc):

Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc): student/self-proclaimed chairman of the SDC (School Disciplinary committee) regardless of whether or not out exists.

Species: Half demon

Features(optional): there is a seal holding his power in check around his neck.

Personality: the only real words that have ever fit Emilio are aloof and enigmatic. He is about as unpredictable as they come. He is very kind to those who obey school rules and is the first to strike if they are being broken. He doesn't discriminate when protecting and upholding rules. Emilio will befriend anyone but doesn't hesitate to turn on them for breaking rules.

Secret/background story(the story of the character): Emilio keeps it hidden that he was actually born into a bloodthirsty pack of demons. He had stayed with them to the point where he was to be able to control his power through devouring humans. Emilio refused and as a result was forced out of the group and had a priest seal his power until he could find a way to control it.

Anything else you want to add(optional): His unsealed form is this:


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