The Academy of Secrets

Name: Tiara Kitsune

Age: 17

Height: 5 '4

Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc): Silver hair that is normally down or half up/half down with green/yellow eyes. Normally wears black, silver, or white clothing. Ears are normally covered with hair unless with the hairstyle half up/ half down. Tail is not shown by a crystal that she wears around her neck that her great grandmother had given her for protection.

Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc): A student

Species: Vulpes Vulpes

Personality: A little shy and aloof. Hard to get to know people and normally reading in a corner. She trys to play nice with others but normally come out a little harsh. She actually is very nice as long as her belongings are not touched by anyone else. With her very sensitive nose and ears she has the tendency to know who has been with who and hear the rumors going around school so she knows a lot of things she wishes she didn't know and it has the tendency to freak others out.

Secret/background story(the story of the character): Raised by her great grandmother she was shown how to hide most of my powers instead of showing them abroad for others to see. She has learned to settle down and take everything in by herself. Sometimes it becomes too much and her powers heighten to the point of becoming a full fox. Around 15 years old she was caught as a fox and taken home. When she had transformed back she was treated as a slave and never saw her great grandmother again. Her attitude had stayed seclusive and she had learned to trust no humans. A young man that lived next to the house where she was imprisoned came to rescue her when he heard the story of the man that had locked her up for a good year by now. He had taken her to this school to hide and told me that she would be safe here. So a year with this school has loosened her by meeting new people and slowly but surely she is getting better. She is learning to control and use my powers when needed instead of unexpectedly...
Uhm, could you try rping in third person, "he, she, them" ?, cause thats mostly what we rp as xD
Very interesting~! Your past dealing with being a slave is similar to Blanco except he's a little worse. xD I would like to accept you but yes can you use it in third person? :) )
I fixed the whole thing to be third person. Sorry the last RP I was in told me to RP first person (which I thought was odd) but I just got used to it after awhile. I can easily switch back though no worries :)
(Mwuahaha made another >:3 )

Name: Quinn and Quill

Age: 16

Height: 5'4

Gender: Quinn is a Female and Quill is a Male

Looks: (Quinn is the one with the blue tie, Quill with the red)


Job in school: Students

Species: Ikiryo (in other words, beings who can separate their souls from their bodies. Generally, these twins can possess others and can freely move around bodies without the one being possessed realizing it.)

Personality: The twins are almost complete opposites when it comes to personality. Almost.

Quinn is more studious and clever than Quill. She is more serious about her studies and would rather stay in a library and read all day instead of using her power to play pranks like Quill would. Quinn would see herself as more mature and more level-headed. She thinks things through first and likes to look at all her options before doing things head on. She is organized and has a set schedule.

Quill is what you would call the typical delinquent/bad boy. He is always around playing pranks for flirting with the nearest thing that wears a skirt and moves. He's failing terribly at school but hey, that's what you got a super smart twin for. He is rather sarcastic and teasing around with everyone.

Secret/background story: In truth, Quinn and Quill are dead. Only, they haven't fulfilled what they wanted to do with life yet. In other words, they have "unfinished business". Quinn can't leave yet until she is sure her brother lives a good life and Quill can't leave until he knows his sister is safe. Because of this mix up, these twins have been alive for over 500 years now, transferring bodies that get too old and sort of "reincarnating" themselves into the bodies of newborns. It's a hard and almost disgusting process but they got used to it 450 years ago. It's not a crime and they're not taking over the person's body against their will, they sort of take on that person's persona and sort of live different lives. It's hard to justify they know.

These twins are practically inseparable. They're almost always together and like to play around with people by finishing each other's sentences as a way to just freak their friends out a bit.

Anything else you want to add: Quinn is trying to grow her hair out so that she doesn't look like Quill anymore.
xD cool~! I know who those two guys are from mwahahah. lol nothing yay new characters~! xD
Name: Aurora Da'shahan (Da-sha-han)

Age: 1016

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 130 lbs

Appearance: Tall and lanky with hidden strength behind her gracefulness. Her straight brown hair is normally pulled half back with its under lengths brushing against her tailbone. Her attire, unless directed other wise is at a bare minimum: bandeau-style tan brown top with nothing but two long panels tied at her hips with leather string to cover her neither regions. Aurora's most striking feature are her bright lavender coloured eyes which as encircled by long sweeping lashes. Her skin is not a perfect shade of cream since it is decorated with natural freckles and beauty marks but is otherwise smooth and completely hairless.

Job in School: Student.

Features: Aurora is an elemental: able to control air, water, fire and earth. Physically, her features are typical to her elven race. High cheekbones, pointed ears, graceful demeanor and with obvious feminine curves.

Personality: Aurora came from royalty. Her family sent her to this school to bring back great bouts of knowledge she can in turn teach her other siblings. She is kind however, being one of the middle children in her household she is always willing to help. Aurora is naturally quiet, learning very young she should only speak when spoken to. Hopefully this experience will being out a playful, outgoing side of the young elf.

Back Story: As noted above, Aurora is the middle child of 35 children. Her father, the King of her land has over 20 Queens and Aurora was the 3rd child from his 12th wife. Her powers were obvious since she was a child: constantly playing with water or making flowers bloom even when they are not in season. Her parents and their advisers knew she would be able to do great things with the right training and thus ended up at this school.
Okay sure~

Basically we have Zero the school guardian and Soul and Reito as students and Blanco the student council president and Tavia secretary of student council

so basically at first Blanco forced Soul and Reito to join the student council and then Blanco and Reito started to yeah get together and they went to find out more about their pasts and increased their relationship and yep they slept together for one night. meanwhile Lenneth a new school guardian joined to school.

as for soul a dude called Justice went to get her to go back to I think her family but Justice is a scary guy a villain so she defeated him and yeah she's going to get together with zero. but when she proposed to zero zero rejected becuz of his dark past...

and anyway theres this new student called Vera and another called Q and Vera willingly join the student council but Q was forced too he poisoned Reito so Reito hate him really much but he's part of the student council so yay Blanco succeed in forcing him in.

by the way Blanco turned the whole school into a zoo but Lenneth turned it back

and then theres this guy called Emilio whos going to be the new chairman of the school discipline club but yeah Tavia's not going to let him become one well i guess it's becuz they don't want a new chairman but I know Emilio's a good(ish) guy he's fun. well either way hes still going to become one lol idk depends on the rp

and theres this new student called Talon whos lost in the forest

And theres this student council meeting about how theres lots of monsters inside the forest so they needa kill them off.

and something happened thats not so important so bleh. Emilio and Blanco had a bad relationship with each other.

And thennnnnn there's this new student called Brett who had some moments with Reito and Blanco got jealous and stuff and yeah later Reito and Blanco got their sweet moments back again.

And there's Taria who had something to deal with Emilio and Q.

(Q felt guilty after all his "bad things" that had been going on in the rp so he went around to apologize)

Oh a twin called Quill and Quinn joined the rp, and Quinn the girl followed Blanco to find Zero while Quill followed Emilio. Quinn was pushed to Zero and met by Lenneth while Blanco went back to Reito

Sorry very confusing im adding stuff to my already copy-and-paste
Hey SilverBlack , I'm going re-create my character. I hate my old one.... xD

Name: Taryn Kreida

Age: 17

Height: 5'4"


Job In School: Student

Species: Tsekkon. (Shadow Demon)

Personality: Taryn is usually quiet about herself. She tends to sometimes speak out of turn, get goofy, and change the subject quickly. Sometimes she gets shy around boys since her last boyfriend went too far...Taryn somewhat sticks around people who like her and that have similar powers, but, it depends on their personality. But she can't do that anymore. She doesn't really have friends now that people found out that she pissed off the mayor and killed over 278 people in the town.

Secret/Backround Story: Cursed. Forgotten. Abandoned from almost everything but her family. Her family stayed inside the house for a full two weeks without opening the door once. They were scared. Taryn literally made the townsfolk go crazy and stay indoors for MONTHS. The people called it 'The Dark Month.' since Taryn brought darkness to the town. One day, she was just hanging out, until a black mist began to fume out from her skin, mouth, nose, and even from under the eyes. Her skin became black, her hands unusually larger and began to grow BIG claws. Taryn just completely walked up to people, grabbed their faces, and crushed their skulls, sucking the life out of them. Literally.

Other: [media][/media]


Alright, SDC current chairman, the mouse.

Name: Yoi Sasaki

Age: 17

Height: 6'7''


Looks(hairstyles, eye colors, clothes, etc):


Job in school(student/teacher/guardian/etc):SDC chairman

Species: Nature Spirit

Features(optional): Has a cool tattoo dealing with nature on her back(think of whatever it is yourself meh)

Personality: Big-sis like, nice and kind, knows how to deal with difficult people, but avoids it for the best. Smart and detailed as well. She likes turning into a mouse, because mouse is small, can hide and run away easily. that's how she spy really. Has a thing for nature and hates her own SDC room. Every meeting takes place outside of a building even if it's super hot or cold. She loves using magic like Blanco, and can communicate well with him, or to say they can even be friends. The thing is she is a bit jerky when she faces strict people or people who want her position as her chairman. She can be serious though, and her leader-like personality makes her a favorable chairman. Yoi is strict about school rules to every student except Blanco, because she knows that Blanco many times has his own reasons to break the rules, but mostly because she is a bit eccentric. Besides him, she never scolds, and often talk the other into detention using her smart mouth.

Secret/background story(the story of the character): She has no memories of her childhood except that she was adopted by a poor family. When she realized that she could heal, let surfaces of waters or plants form, or let the rain fall,bring life to different beings, etc, she discovered herself as the nature spirit, a beloved being through different races. That bring her joy yet jealousy from others, especially the death spirit, who, instead of giving life, bring death. Being bullied often when she was a child, she noticed about mouses, who can hide easily. With that, right after she learned magic, she often turned herself into a mouse to hide from the bullies, and has fallen in love with the advantage of it. When she grew up, all of her family died out of a weird disease that she was not able to cure. Because of that she moved to the academy to have a place to live and finds out more about that disease. That's why she participates more about medical and stuff.

Anything else you want to add(optional): Yoi can heal, and loves nature. She can turn herself into a white mouse but sometimes a bird that matches her hair color. She likes wavy things, and you can find her mostly beside a small lake or river. She loves strawberry cake, and hates bitter melon.
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