The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Zacarth makes a move to fly out the window and chase them but stops as Tavia pulls him toward the other new student. "Hi, I am sorry my mind was wandering again. I know she said my name, but becouse I like some customs. My name is Zacarth." His voice is full of soft music and he bow gracefully as he says his name. " I hear your name is Jack that is a nice name. As for what I was up too I was just talking about signing up for some classes and having somewhere to sleep."
"I see" Jack responded keeping inhuman tones out of his voice, the boy in front of him could have easily wooed any human girl in a heart beat where he came from. Which reminded him of his basically cousin Coyoty. He shook his head returning to reality. "Pleasure to meet you. As for my name thank you, but I am I serious denial it is anything as extravagant as Zacarth." It was true to him, the only other name he knew of sounding cooler then that was Merdoco his basic father in some sorts, and Zeohyrus. His cousins father. All thick names in desrvation of acknoladgement.

He now recognised the fact that Zacarth had mentioned signing up for classes, would that mean he got to? And if so had he already? He could barely recall the days of being surrounded by humans to join this school it seemed everyone was either thickly smelling of human or hiding something that made them smell not so human, Coyoty would know but Mary refused to let her join the school. He wondered if Jude or Melina would join his place seemed much more suited for them instead of himself.

"What kind of classes do we have here?" He asked pretending to know a little something about it. In truth he had no clue what it was. Yes he had sighned up but he was a Neko vampire, not one looking for a high school education. His knowladge surpassed all other living humans he knew and even surpassed Black his best friend. His mind wandered now wondering how he would get used to living so far away from his own home. He had moved in with a branch of his family not to long ago but he was begining to feel homesick, unless he was mistaking this for another craving to sink his teeth into another human.
Tavia smiles at Jack, wondering what the heck is wrong with his teeth. She continues to smile though her attention is caught by the fight outside. No! No! More trees are destroyed! Oh my god Emilio's spitting blood. "There are tons of classes here--Like magic, fighting, English Math Science Life Science Poison Shadow skills Plants Animals Dance Music Etc etc etc etc....."

Zero sighs, walking up the stairs when he notices Tavia talking with two new students. As a school guardian he immediately walks up to them. "New students...?" He asks with his serious stern face.

Tavia blinks at Zero, and then smiles quickly. "Yes! Two new students!Can you deal with them Zero?" She wants so much as to annoy Emilio again by disrupting the fight...Of course, it's to stop more trees from being destroyed. Of course. With that, she runs over to the window and jumps down from it, but uses her vampire skills to make it appear as only a flash.

Tavia then slowly walks over to Emilio from behind, "Um, excuse me~? No fighting near or in the school properties~~~~" She grins at Mira. "Who are you?" 
Yoi looks at Maximus, worried. "I hope he's alright...." She lies down besides him.

(Alright! Maxi!)



Silveeerrrr would you mind making me a special sexy guy :3 And I can make another girl and they can already be a couple and *rambles on and fangirls*))
(I wonder how Reito has been as well....Alright I will make a guy after my bath....but recently im obsessed with can i make a jerk?)
"oh she's just another acquaintance who happens to be the only remaining Asazi...and I didn't start this fight."Emilio said in an annoyed tone. Mira stood up covered in burns. She knew better than to attack someone of Emilio's power while injured...especially when Emilio was injured to the point of using his elemental power, instead she retreated into the forest. "and now she's running away..." Emilio sighed
Tavia laughs, "Ehhh so she's just a guest......" She looks toward the blood on the floor and her lips form a thin line as he starts dragging him to back to the nurse office. 
(never mind he won't be an annoying jerk depends =w=)
"Ah, yes." Jack said addressing Zero. "I am knew and all that." He was halfway zoning out due to the fact his mind was still at home. He missed the place and this reminded him he had not even unpacked yet. Sighing slightly he listened to the classes being named off the list. "Sounds interesting" he said after the fact like it was an after thought and since he was new he wa wondering what kind of school this was and wanted to get to know more people then what was already in the room. He smiled and waited for a reply.

{I think I was just hit with writers block...}
Zacath looks at Zero "Nice to meet you my name is Zacarth" He again bow with much grace as he does such."I was just wondering where I should go to sign up for classes and well I would very much enjoy a room as well. Also it seems I may need a rule book since it seems there may be a lot of rules here."
Zero scratches the back of his head. "Jack and Zacarth huh.....Welcome to the Academy of Secrets." He takes the sign up sheet and hands it in to Zacarth. "My name is Zero, I am the school guardian. It's a pleasure to meet you....Mind telling me what's going on outside?" He tilts his head in the forest's direction.
"Well Tavia was introducing me to Emilio when he got all high and mighty. Though he was injured to I took away some of his pain so he could go see a real healer. He got more mad and talk in such a way I found to be disrespectful in front of a lady. Though that didn't matter to him then he randomly got attacked, Tavia said no fighting inside. So they went out the window and I think that is the gist of it." Even though there are a few times he seems frustrated while talking a soft music still accompanies the voice.
"let go of me." Emilio weakly swatted Tavia's hand away and started limping away from her. "I'm not some defenseless animal for you to take care of."
"You are one now," Tavia sighs, then kicks Emilio's stomach so he can bend down. "If you're not going to the infirmary office then better take care of you here." 
Zero looks over at Zacarth's direction. "That so...." He lets out a sigh, too tired to deal with them anymore. "Anyway, you need help with anything? As a new student........"
Aayame bolted upright in bed. Her reddish eyes scanned her darkened room frantically. "IM LATE!" She yelled shocked she had managed to sleep through not one but six different alarms. Throwing her hair into a half ponytail she went running straight out her door after dressing in her particularly nice black dress she bought a few days earlier. "Okay, okay now where was it?" She asked and before too long decided taking her rather large wolf form was easier then just walking around clueless. In any note she ran for the school grounds.

On her way there she managed to pass by a few cars that appeared to be goig slow and about a block away from the school she took her human from fanning down her hair before entering the school grounds. "Oh boy would you look at that I am late." She said walking into the office like she owned the place. She was surprised however to see almost no one there and everyone occupied that was there. She blinked closin her eyes realising she forgot her contacts, her eyes had to be blazing red at that moment.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry don't wish to intrude but I am a little new here." She held up her finger like she was describing something small and grinned in her own joke. She was not a bitch at least as far as she was concerned, she had manners, said please, remembered a friendly thank you and most of all was only really rude to the people that were her age. She did not like many people her age after all they were incredibly snobby. She let a sigh pass her lips and instead took a seat in an unoccupied chair waiting like every good new student should.


{and can anyone tell me what I am supposed to do with poor Jack? I'm sorry I believe I have lost the plot. I mean lost my mind, on second thought SurvivalistDeath I have a character I can roleplay with you if you want.}
(SurvivalistDeath ^^ Hiya! It is best if you can roleplay formally like everybody else in here. For the best. Might take a little more work but I will appreciate if you did!)

Keith walks through the hallway, a cigarrete in his hand as some girls go over to chat with him. He playfully replies back, making them blush, and he laughs as well. He knows that a ton of stuffs have been going on but he doesn't care about it, really, as long as it doesn't matter him, or as long as it's not about the vampires he is seeking revenges off. Keith wonders what Tavia is up to for he hasn't seen her the whole day.
Sedrian walked into the school building and into the office. "Oh no, I'm late." he said sarcastically not expecting anyone in particular to hear him. He looked at the chairs and saw an open by some girl with freakishly red eyes. He took a seat next to hear and put an ear bud into his left ear and started listening to his music. The song was Demon by Imagine Dragon. He loved the message that song sent to him. It made him feel like he still had a chance, then he remembered what he was.
{Sedrian gods that signature is HUGE! Warning Aayame is incredibly rude... O.o }

Aayame let an exasperated sigh loose from her lips. She'd been siting there forever it seemed, long enough to watch people come and go in and out of the office. "I have got to be effing invisible." Aayame whispered now noticing there was someone beside her she took a whiff of him cringing her nose like he smelled funny. "Good god you reek!" She said jumping exaggeratedly to the another chair. Her nose still wrinkled she blinked at least a hundred times. Lightening up she quickly knew he would take it as an insult or call her rude and inconsiderate, she was not a snob bit she stood and walked over to him.

"Do you ever bathe?" She asked crossing her arms and addressing him directly. She was not trying to be rude but now she was feeling like she was trying as if it was I get occupation to do so.
Sedrian just closed his eyes and continued listening to his music. "It's not that I don't bathe, it has to do with our different races." Sedrian told her calmly and not offended. "Either you have absolutely no manners aside from a simple thank you, or a please, or you're just a complete jerk." He said again calmly. "I know neither you nor me are "normal" but you stand out with those eyes of yours."

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