The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Tavia smiles politely, "It's okay if you bow like that. Different people have different ways of showing sincere so it's alright! Welcome to the academy!" She laughs lightly. "You can go to the school guardians but they are busy. Do you have a school schedule?"
Maximus woke up and sighed looking around the room. He had forgotten about his injuries so immediately tried to get out of bed. He fell to the ground with a loud slam before managing to float himself above the ground to get to his destination. In his kitchen he started up his coffee maker and floated drowsily as he watched it slowly remembering his injuries and the fight.
He smiles and then frowns. "I did, I think, maybe.." He quickly searches himself for the schedule. So his eyes land on his shadow which appears to be laughing and waving a piece of paper. "Do you ever get bored of annoying me?" Zacarth reaches out towards the shadow and his hand seems to meld into shadow as he grabs the shadow paper as he pulls his hand back to himself the paper and his hand become normal and one could see it is letter with the schools insignia on it. "Oh I guess I was wrong I have a invitation to come join the school I guess that means I need to sign up still huh?"
Yoi frowns when she hears the loud bump and immediately goes to find Maximus. She blinks then, "Did something happened?"

Tavia chuckles at the other's ability, "Cool!" She compliments and then shakes her head. "It's a sign-in sheet, my mistake. It's a sheet for you to sign that makes sure that new students did come into the school." She wants to try stepping on the shadow but hesitates. "Anyway, you do receive the invitation then, great!"
Zacarth sees the girl look at his shadow. "Go ahead he deserves it, and well he can't feel it anyway. He is kinda like a familiar, I got him when I learned the arts of shadow magic. Though I hope to learn much much more here." His voice happy and even more musical.
Maximus now had a cup of coffee in his left hand and was sipping it as his right arm hung limply from his side. He floated over to the bed and laid back down. "I just woke up and got some coffee no need to worry." He looked out the window with a sigh. "I should handle that soul reaver right now."
"No, you still need to rest. You fell right on your face right? You are nosebleeding. Get back to bed right now." Yoi commands rather harshly.

"That sounds so cool!" Tavia smiles as she steps on the shadow then. "I failed to learn shadow magic sadly," she chuckles lightly. "By the way, I am the vice president of the student council."
Maximus sighed and wiped the blood off his nose. "Alright alright." He sighed and began flipping through his book again removing a few bookmarks with comments like "too deadly". sighing he snapped his fingers and summoned a large pizza with no cheese just sauce and every kind of meat normally put onto a pizza. He put his book down and began eating the pizza. "You want any? It's no cake but if I have to eat anything other than sweets its definitely going to be meat."
Yoi's harshness disappears into a smile. "Sure, why not." She grins as she takes one slide of pizza.
Maximus smiled a bit as he ate obviously happy that she wasn't so harsh anymore. "So do I have to go to class anymore?" He was secretly hoping that his injuries could get him out of schoolwork while he healed.
"Well you may have not failed you may just need to be taught another way." He smiles " So as VP what all do you do? Also who should I talk to about signing up for classes. As well do I have a place to stay and if not who should I talk to about that?"
"No, but I will help by handing you all the homework and notes." Yoi smiles kindly. No class, but he still needs to do works~Of course~

Tavia blinks at all the questions that suddenly shot toward her like bullets and smiles politely again. "Let's see...As VP you help the president with lots and lots of stuffs~As well as maintain the student council swiftly...And much much more that are too complicated to explain....As for your second question~Hm...You can speak to both the school guardians Lenneth or Zero or you can go for the school discipline club president Yoi. If you have already registered for the dorm then I believe you already have a room. If not, school guardians might help. The student council president may help but he's enjoying his time elsewhere for now."
Maximus sighed his flawless plan ruined. "Well I guess I can't escape work without my legs now can I." He chuckled and looked outside for a quick second before turning back to Yoi. "I just realized I still haven't gotten a chance to talk to Blanco about the student counsel."
Yoi chuckles lightly, "He's busy lately with both school stuff and personal stuff....Can't help it." She takes another slice of pizza.
He sighed and continued to eat shaking his head a little. "Well I guess I just have to wait. I would join the SDC but I highly doubt I can uphold the school rules." He smiled and chuckled a bit. "I've already broken a few I'm sure."
Emilio stopped and leaned against a wall. It had taken every ounce of will power he had to keep the pain he felt from surfacing. Emilio wasn't about to let it stop him though, even if the stitches in his arms and legs had reopened. Technically, Emilio wasn't supposed to be moving at all but he had to keep up his facade, lest Blanco or one of the others knew how weak he was and attempted to exploit it.
Tavia smiles and tug on Zacarth's shirt. "Come on, I'm looking for a guy who's a Mr. I-Think-I-Know-Everything. He's gonna die soon if he keeps on thinking he's the strongest person in the world." She starts dragging him away then. 
"Well~Fine~If it's you I will let you in the SDC~But if you break one more rule you're out." Yoi smiles. "Don't expect me to grow soft-hearted on you."
"Ok and this person will be able to help me with??" He follows the girl through the hallways, softly singing a song. The songs words are hard to hear for he sings very softly but it has no need for words for it is still beautiful.
Emilio pushed off the wall and kept walking. "'d think I was dying with the way I feel...where is Tiara" Emilio started breathing heavily.
"That person is a jerk and is useless," Tavia hums when she sees Emilio. "See? He looks as if he's about to die......" She drags Zacarth to Emilio and tilts her head to one side as she asks.
As Zacarth enters the room where Emilio is and makes another bow not as deep of a bow as Tavia but still a bow. "My name is Zacarth and might I have yours?"
Maximus finished eating and began working on another golden pocket watch humming as he went. He was obviously skilled at the task because he was managing it with only his left hand no problem. "Do you use a watch Yoi?"
"No," Yoi tilts her head to one side. "I estimate the time usually, based it off from how the sky and the nature change."

"Zacarth, his name is Emily," Tavia smiles lightly at Zacarth before looking toward Emilio. "You can see it clearly, right? Emily is about to faint...Can you drag him to the nurse office?"
Maximus nodded and continued his work. "Well I guess you won't have much use for this but they keep me occupied." As with the last one he finished it with a set of serrated blades and a large cursive Y. "Here take it." He held the watch out to Yoi with a smile.

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