The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

"You can try," Tavia smirks. "I'm stronger than you think. But that is against the school rule~~~Ah, by the way, Emilio broke a school rule! Yoiiiii Emilio can no longer be allowed in the School Discipline Clubbb..."
Aura put her arms around his neck and proceeded to kiss him.

"I wish you hadn't done this for me." she mumbled against his mouth. "I'll just get sick again, anyway."
"like I said before. Everyone has their own reasons for breaking the rules. Mine were to protect the school." Emilio closed his eyes.
Maximus sighed and shook his head laughing. "Would you two kiss already I know you want to." He smiled laying back on the bed. "Though if you could join the SDC and still break rules I would be a member already."
"We. Do. Not. Like. Each. Other. So we will not kiss!!!" Tavia scowls toward Maximus's direction.

Yoi laughs slightly, "Let's quiet down shall we? We have a patient here."
Maximus chuckled and sighed. "I am not a patient I am an injured demon." He shook his head with a smile. "If I wanted to be a patient I would take the time to get my wounds actually treated."
Reito sighed, letting it go. "Fine, fine." She mumbled.

Lenneth smiled, kissing her over and over again. "Then I'll just have to heal you again." He chuckled, slipping his fingers through her hair.
"We'll I'm not hum-- Well either way you ARE weak right now," Tavia has nearly spills out her secret but she swallows everything back in.

Another pain shot up Blanco's head again and he nearly falls, but keeps a hand on his forehead as he holds his balance, The melody keeps repeating in his mind. "Yuhh this is so annoying~~" He sighs. "I will go take a bath and eat some medicine alright~" He pats Reito's head.
Reito frowned, watching him. Then she stood up, slipping her arm around his waist securely. "And I'll make sure you get to your dorm without falling over." Concern lined her face and she started walking him to his dorm.
"I know you are strong Emilio but right now." Maximus rolled in a way that looked quite painful so that he could face Emilio. "I feel no energy coming off of your body you used all of it earlier." He rolled back to a more comfortable position and summoned a set of tools and a good deal of stainless steel and some gold beginning to tinker with it all obviously having some skill with the tools.
Maximus was humming working on his little project. "You've used most of your energy reserves in a recent fight normally you have a huge ammount of power resonating around you. Most of it is gone you must have really exerted yourself but just like me you are in no condition to fight right now." Despite the fact that Maximus only had his one arm he was able to do his project no problem.
Aura started kissing him with more passion, and pushed him down onto the bed. She moved down to his neck, then she gently nipped at his collarbone.
"Emilio is not stronger than any of us..." Tavia mumbles as she starts to beam in victory because Maximus said Emilio has no energy to fight right now.

Blanco frowns, then slightly leans to Reito. "I'm still not used to being cared of like that," he chuckles slightly. "But we're still going to the laboratory tonight...Only tonight."
"you know nothing about my reserves. If you truly think I am only capable of putting out that small amount of energy, you're in for a rude awakening" Emilio said and his energy started to bubble over in huge amounts. "if you're underestimating me that much, it WILL be the quickest victory I've ever had."
"So you hide extra energy reserves Emilio that won't help your broken bones. You mistake strength for invincibility and if you plan to be so reckless then it will be an easy victory for nobody but your enemies. You need to learn your own limitations before others do." Maximus hadn't even turned away from his project which was beginning to look like a pocketwarch.
"you think you know everything. I have not one broken bone. And you should know better than that, hell everyone in this room knows I always have a plan. If you think I no not my own limitations...then you are a fool."
Maximus chuckled and shook his head. "You always have a plan but you never seem to plan for help do you. A man with a plan for himself I never said your limitations were physical." He continued to work on his pocket watch humming a bit as he went. "Tell me Emilio when was the last time you accepted help?"
Maximus stopped speaking he had not taken pity it was rare for a demon to take pity but he had gotten the answer he wanted. "We all have reasons not to trust others Emilio but I ask you to toss yours aside." Those were the last words he spoke before going back to work on the pocketwatch coming close to finishing it.
"Trust? Ha. There is only one person I will ever trust. Well that's not entirely true I trust each and every one of either hinder me, underestimate me, betray me, and attempt to kill me."
Maximus shook his head and finished the watch adding the chain and a set of small blades around the top of it. "You think I would ever try to kill you Emilio? Do you really think so little of me. I fought all of hell to keep a group of humans safe. I sacrificed everything including the love of my family because I wouldn't hurt somebody." He turned to Emilio before throwing him the watch a cursive E etched into the top. "You don't know anything about me."

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