The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Emilio caught the watch and stared at Maximus. "I think little of anyone who thinks little of me" Emilio looked at the watch"...I'm keeping this"
"I planned on you keeping it." He rolled back onto the bed and shut his eyes. "Be careful with it I added blades so it doubles as a weapon." He sighed and tried to fall asleep hoping that asleep he would be able to heal faster.
Reito grinned, leading him to his room and pushing the door open with her foot. "There's a first time for everything." She mumbled, helping him inside.

Lenneth groaned as her teeth brushed his collarbone. He looked down at her, his brows furrowing in confusion. She just met me yesterday, how is it that I feel such a strong connection..?
Tavia sighs an exhausted sigh, "That's enough. Emilio is just a Mr. I-Think-I-Know-Everything." She smiles at Maximus, "Don't worry~he's just a fool. Eh?! Did you and Yoi become lovers?!" She exclaims, and Yoi laughs.

Blanco sighs then, letting him pull away from Reito as he gets to his closet and takes some medicine out. "Thanks~" He chuckles slightly as he swallows the medicine.
Maximus looked at Tavia opening his eyes as he was unable to sleep with all the noise. "I'm sorry I don't think we have had a proper introduction I am Maximus last name is unimportant because I might as well not have it."
"Let's go to the laboratory then, shall we?" Blanco cheerfully says as if nothing has happened while putting the pills back into the closet. "Hopefully my head won't bother me again." He is sure his brain will, though. For after all, he knows that it's not his health problem that is causing it, but a strange melody that sounds so painful and beautiful that is calling to him time to time, toward the laboratory itself.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Tavia," she smiles politely. "Tavia, Max needs to sleep," Yoi sighs beside her, and she blushes a little in embarrassment. "Oh yeah! Sorry!" With that, she sneaks out of the room.
Maximus shut his eyes with a smile. "Thanks Yoi I could use a rest but I don't know if it'll be easy to fall asleep right now." He summoned more materials to make another pocket watch and set them aside. "In case I can't sleep. If you want to join me feel free."
Yoi laughs, and kisses Maximus lightly on the forehead before shaking her head slightly, "Not this time."

"So, who's that James that's gonna come pick us up?" Blanco questions with a smile as he jumps out of the dorm window, pulling Reito along, to the ground.
Maximus smiled and yawned tapping the book he had been reading earlier. "I need some help with a decision the bookmarks mark pages with familiars I think could be of use to me red means they specialize in brawn and green means they specialize in magic don't worry about the symbols just go through it and remove the bookmarks for familiars whose summoning ritual you think puts too many people in danger." With that he smiled kissed her softly on the lips and fell asleep.
Aura kept kissing him, but then she stopped. She just cuddled closer and put her head under his chin. She closed her eyes and and sighed.
Byron walks into the academy for the first time. He pulls up a map he copied and begins walking to the dorm room avoiding interaction with others as much as possible.
Reito sighed, looking at him. "You really want to know?" She mumbled.

Lenneth let her rest against him and pressed his fingers against the back of her head, massaging it gently. He loved the feeling of her laying with him, and closed his eyes, savoring the moment.
Lenneth frowned, sitting up and looking at her. "I kinda enjoyed what was happening a few seconds ago." He murmured, pouting. "But sure, tea sounds good."
Aura smiled and gave him another kiss before starting to make some tea.

She brought the cup over to him, but set it down on the small table beside the bed. She once again climbed atop him, and smiled.
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(lol so many pairs grouping up lets see hmmm Tavia or Zero are free right now one is in the forest one is in the hallway u can choose which one to go to and something will form eventually lol)

"Am I not allowed to know?" Blanco smiles his usual smile as he takes out the map again.
Zacarth walks into the front door of the Academy stopping to let his eyes adjust to the light of indoors. He looks about the entrance to see what there is to see, till his eyes land on his shadow who is dancing around him. "hey cut that out I know we are in a safer place but that does not mean you need to go wild. You should still stay in one relative place." The shadow turns and looks as though it may have frowned, it then melts back into a proper place. After which it makes a gesture to convey are you happy now. "Yes I am thank you."
Tavia sighs, wanting to find Emilio again. Emilio is just trying to be fine, he should get checked by the nurse at least! she wanders through the hallway sighing when she sees a guy talking to a shadow and frowns.
Zacarth looks up "Oh,.. Hi," His voice seems to almost be made by soft music, his spoken words seem almost sung. He takes a few steps forward, and bows in such a way it seems completely sincere. As he bows two giant wings appear just adding to the gracefulness of the bow. If ones eyes are quick they spot that his shadow stands for just a moment to long before bowing as well. " My name is Zacarth, Would it be all right if I by chance could have yours."
He straitens up and takes her hand to shakes it. Redness hits his cheeks. " Do people here not bow in a lady's presence? I guess I might have ask such thinks, but then if you had said yes, should bow then it would have seemed less sincere." Even in the confusion that is his talking his voice is still lyrical. "Well, hello I am new here as I guess you could have figured out. So who should I talk to or where should I go first?"

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