The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

He chuckled slightly, then grabbed under her arms, lifting her up and out of the drum, like a child, then let go of her, letting her fall for a second and catching her princess-style. He glanced back at the drum and sighed. "It's okay Aura, it happens." He grinned, then set her down.
(lol k Xynia1998 but i rp both light yaoi and hard yaoi it depends on which one u want meh)

"Really~?" Blanco lifts up her chin slightly. "Then why are you blushing?" He smirks.

"..It's just that...I'm used to being bullied when I was young," Yoi smiles a sad smile. "And yeah, pretty much it." Her smile becomes bright again.
Rei's face grew bright red and she bent down, sliding out of his grasp and sliding between his legs where she spun around standing up. "I'm not blushing." She stated, her face completely red. "And I'm not jealous." She frowned, trying her best to pretend that it wasn't happening. "So, I'm gonna call a few of my old acquaintances about that laboratory." She said, turning around and pulling out her journal, flipping through it to a few phone numbers.
Aura's blush deepened and she squeaked, "I-I have to go!"

She stumbled out of the room, snatching up her basket as she left.
He raised his eyebrows, watching her leave. I think I embarrassed her. He tilted his head to the side, pondering on the thought. He glanced back at the drum, seeing the hole in it. He snapped his fingers, making the drum whole again and sighed. With that he walked out of the room, looking down the hall and watching Aura flee.
Maximus sighed and shook his head. "For every good person there is an equally evil one, then again for demons for every good demon there is all of hell." He chuckled beggining to wash himself showing obvious pain whenever he touched the large round scar on his chest. "You are one of the most powerful people in the school know though so who cares what people thought right?" He smiled at her and created some different soap for her holding it out to her. "I figured you wouldn't want to use the same soap as me."
Aura turned a corner, and nearly crashed into someone else. She swiftly dodged them, and ran outside. She skid behind the building and leaned against it.

"How awful." she muttered, dropping the basket and covering her hot face.
Emilio's ragged breath stopped automatically. "AND you HAD to say something!" He snapped at her "do you think I'm an idiot?! I've lived with them most of my life,I KNOW their tactics,I've been planning this scenario ever since I left the Asazi. Why do you continue to hinder me?" Emilio knew it was a trap. They had activated it the second his attack started. Only 33 of the 60 knives had hit before the Asazi retreated. Emilio hated for his plan to go astray due to someone else's interference.
Tavia calmly takes out her gun and shoots at a weird abnormal looking tree. That second the surrounding shatters like glasses and it reveals the true Asazi tribe, though some of them are dead. "See?" She calmly says. "The good thing is, you actually killed some of those who entered the hallucinations without realization, Mr. Know-it-all."

Blanco laughs then, chuckling. "Yes, yes~Darling~" He is using a teasing tone again and hugs her from behind. "And what are these phone numbers, sweetheart~?"

"My pleasure," Yoi takes the soap and cleans herself. "It doesn't feel nice to be bullied by death spirits, but it makes sense. We are mortal enemies."
Emilio turned and threw his scythe and killed an assassin that was attempting to sneak up on him-whether or not it was planned could not be deciphered-he then pointed at Tavia "Stay out of this! This is MY past, MY tribe and MY redemption! This has absolutely nothing to do with a hindrance like you. All you've done so far is slow me down, force me to give away my position sooner than I should have liked and ruined my plan."
"What is a hindrance...." Tavia mumbles. "Such a selfish person. I care for the school and for Taria, you can think all you want because I don't care. Fine, you can fight alone, I will fight somewhere else so you won't be so bothered by my existence and therefore die when you are scolding me. Somewhere else doesn't mean out of this thing by the way." With that, she walks into the forest of the Asazi, immediately shooting an assassin down. "See you later, Mr Selfish-Know-It-All."
Emilio lost his cool. It didn't happen often. Even when Tiara got hurt, he was calm enough to think our a plan....but as of this moment Tavia had pushed him far beyond his limit and he turned away from the Asazi and threw his knives in her general direction. Emilio ran his hands through his hair and attempted to go back to his calm state. calm down...calm DOWN the plan can still work

(are you ready for a twisty twist?)
Tavia became invisible in an instant of seconds then, gone. As long as Emilio is safe, other stuff is none of her business. But the code letters interest her anyway.

(Sorry, do u really need Tavia to go away btw)

A boy the same age...nay the same person stepped in front of the Asazi. "are you still running around ruining my name? You pathetic waste of demon blood"

Emilio stared at what was essentially himself "...."

"You always were like keep hiding behind that emotionless face don't you brother?"

Emilio kept staring and finally said "I thought you dead Emilio"
(Yay I like ironic studs xD )

Tavia swiftly kills lots of Asazi people until she hears Emilio's voice talking with somebody. Frowning, she hides behind a tree listening.
Reito's face grew hotter and she turned around in his arms, staring at him. "Uh...." She frowned, realizing how close they were. "Past aquantinces.." she mumbled, looking to the side.
"well well..At least you know the real one when you see it....Lucian" the other sneered. "you thought you could run from fate...and you almost did...using my name and some made up last really threw me off your scent for the longest time...I believe the closest we were was when we killed that Priest. Did you enjoy the carnage we left for you?"

Emilio dove for what looked like two random knives and looked up just in time to get kicked in the face. He landed on his feet exactly where he wanted to be. His brother chuckled and said "you truly think you have a chance? You don't seem to have gotten any stronger...what have you done all these years? Will someone please kill that annoying vampire"

"....please do" Emilio muttered
"By any chance why do you guys write down weird code messages on your under clothes, " Tavia sighs, appearing with some under wears and bras that all have weird codes on it.
Both brothers looked at her like she was insane "secret code?" They both said at the same time. "those are names fool."

"seriously stop going through people's things"

"its weird"

"and creepy"


"such a hindrance"
"I don't have time to explain simple things to you! Can't you see I'm in the middle of a plot device that explains things!"

"Honestly, why did you bring her along?"

"I didn't! It followed me!"

The two realized that they had lapsed back into their twin nature and immediately got serious again. The brother grabbed Emilio's scythe and threw it back to him

"come then I'll kill you here and now."
Tavia just realizes one thing. "Omg, both underwears have the name Emilio on it!" She exclaims.
"wha-? The hell were you talking about? I don't have my name on my underwear, I'm not a part of the Asazi so there's no point"

"WHY did you bring this thing?! No matter I'll kill you both." The brother turned into what Emilio looked like in his demon form, the only difference was that his horns were facing forward.

"Too bad you never learned to plan ahead." Emilio threw both knives in opposite directions before pulling out two knives with tags on them out of his pockets. From the air, the knives formed the Japanese Kanji for dragon. "Kaminari Ryu" The air aroundthe Asazi grew dryer before lightning struck Emilio and kept striking staying within the kanji formed by the knives before firing at the Asazi in the shape of a dragon.
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