The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

"I am jealous too. What does that conclude?" Blanco chuckles. "I guess I like you," he says as he plays with her hand. "Let's make it a bit more romantic should we? I love you," he stares into her eyes with a small smirk. "Reito."
Her face burned even brighter. She looked to the side and then mumbled. " I hope you didn't just say that for the sake of being romantic.." she swallowed, wondering what she should do.
Maximus smiled and laughed. "I did once meet a demon afraid of mice, he was quite the odd fellow." Maximus smiled and shook his head. "I doubt that many others fear mice though. By the way should I stop taking you through hell? You seem a little bit confused after." He had a devious smile not planning to do so at all.
"If you do so I shall vomit on you next time," Yoi smirks.

Blanco laughs slightly. "Then I shall demand you, as a student council president and for the sake of my own mind," he pauses for a moment, "Be mine."
She grinned, raising her eyebrow. "I thought you already called me yours." She mumbled, slipping her arms around his neck and leaving them there.
Maximus chuckled and opened a portal right in front of her closing it a second after opening. "I'll just a have to remember to do it when you have an empty stomach." He laughed and closed his eyes for a second. "A death spirit came to my room today to get you right? Why would they go so far as to come here for you?" He knew he shouldn't pry but he was interested.
Blanco chuckles and leans down, letting his lips touch hers, and stays there as he kisses further.

(Ah. M-mission complete. QAQ//) 
Yoi frowns, remembering the death spirit. "I...I don't know myself, really." She hugs her knees as she sits up from the bed. "Things have gone too much complicated."

Zero walks out of the forest with Talon when he notices Voce. "...Another new student?" He frowns.
Reito leans up, pressing her lips further against his and kissing him slowly. She'd never admit it, but it was her first kiss.

(-Fangurl squee- -tackles Silver- WE DID IT~<3 )
Maximus nodded and sighed. "Maybe I should handle Sipher myself let you relax from dealing with issues." With that he picked up the death spirit that he had forgotten was still laying on his floor in a body bag and opened his closet tossing it in. "I'll keep him for investigation later you need a break tonight. Do you want anything? food, tea, sweets?"
Yoi sighs, "You worry too much. I'm completely fine." She pauses. "I want beer though~And chocolate cake~"

Blanco lets her kiss him in whatever way she wants. He presses his lips and kiss harder, enjoying it, and a doubt forming inside his mind about whatever or not should he tells her about his past. His mind pauses for a second then, and he frowns.
Reito felt him frown and backed away, looking at him. "What's wrong?" She blinked, watching him.
Maximus laughed and shook his head. "I think I worry just the right ammount Yoi." He walked over to his fridge and pulled out a case of beers tossing one to her. "Hope you like lots of frosting." He held his hands out and concentrated for a second a big chocolate cake with plenty of frosting and a tiny top hat and cane on top forming in his hands. "Here we are a nice big cake."he he put it down on the counter and cut her a large slice handing it to her on a plate.
Yoi laughs happily as she picks up the cake, "If I get a stomachache it's your fault," She eats it, a small bite at the same time as well as drinking her wine. "But it tastes good."

"My mind just got complicated for a second," Blanco sighs, resting his head on her shoulder. "My brain likes to ruin moments."
She grinned, slipping her fingers through his hair. "I guess it does. What were you thinking about?"
"Glad you like it and I will take full responsibility for any problens caused by my conjurings." He smiled and cut himself a piece eating it next to her on the bed. "Is this school ever really calm? Between all the people who stay here and their problems I think you work too much personally. You should take a day off from work." He chuckled a bit. "You could always leave me in charge while you vacationed."
She raised her eyebrows, watching him. "Nope." Now that she thought about it, she never told him hers either, but then again, he already knew because he was on the student council.
Yoi smiles slightly, "I don't need so much of a vacation. Besides, it will be too selfish. Blanco never appears so but he is really busy with the school as well. He's the one who actually help hides all the seriously dark secrets in this school. I'm just trying my best to make the school runs well with all those secrets."

Blanco sighs then, sitting up. He takes of his shirt and reveals all the scars that usually stays hidden. "Well, this is my secret." He chuckles a little sadly. "Guess we should be fair to each other."
She sat up with him, gently brushing her fingers over the scars. Reito started putting the pieces together, his father, why he wanted to see the slave trader so badly. "You were a slave?" She looked up at him questioningly.
"Then both of you can take a vacation and I can run the school!" He laughed knowing it owouldn't be possible in a million years. "Though I might get lonely running the school by myself." He shrugged and smiled. "Then again I'm used to being alone so it's perfect!" he seemed to be deep in thought for a moment before frowning. "So that means Blanco already knows my secret huh?"
Yoi sighs, "Yes..Well...He knows each students' secrets. He has every students' records...And vacation together huh? You know that's impossible."

"Yep, you can say it that way." Blanco lets her touch the scars, smiling a little.
"Well then we should probably let him know my secret is coming. And in that case why don't we vacation together?" He smiled and at her and summoned a hula skirt on Yoi. "I once hid in Hawaii for three days and I must say it is fun!" He swapped out his baggy shirt for one of those ugly vacation shirts with the flowers. "I can have us there in an hour! Though it may feel like 3a days and we will have to do some swimming."
She raised her eyebrow. No details, huh? She sat next to him, watching him. "I mean, how did you get out of there?"

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