The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Her face grew even hotter and she backed up against the wall, staring at him. "Don't toy with me Blanco." She frowned, her voice wavering. I can't do it. No one comes close, that was the rule. She eyed him carefully, not sure what to do.
Maximus smiled and chuckled. "Well then I'll remember to save you from all those nasty death spirits." He smiled and reclined a bit relaxing. "You know this is kinda nice." He blushed a bit hearing himself say it but it was true. "I might even get a good nights sleep for once." He laughed for a bit before smiling at Yoi. "And judging by the fact you were drunk when I you entered my room I think you could use it too."
Yoi chuckles, "I don't care." She gets a bathrobe as she steps out of the tub. "My room is a mess anyway, your room is quite clean."

(Kya xD too bad moo welcome to do a 1x1 rp with me tho lol)

"Fine, ne Emilio's brother I will place the underwear right here alright?" She places the underwear into the mud and talk as if nothing's happening. She then leans against a tree, watching them fight. 
Blanco frowns, then hug her tighter. "Am I toying with you?" He says it with a smirk, his eyes showing a complicated look that cannot be seen through as he pins her down the bed. "Ne, let's not always be so serious about research and stuff, sometimes we need to relax..."He plays with her hair lightly.
Maximus smiled and stepped out drying himself with a towel. "I'm sure it can't be that bad." He finished drying himself off and snapped a baggy shirt and boxers simply forming on him. "I haven't even redecorated yet." He chuckled to himself. "Maybe I am going to need a bigger bed if you plan to make this a habit."
"If you so please then do as you wish." He smiled and walked over to his bed laying down on top of the covers. "I guess I would have been unhappy had I left, I like it here." He yawned and looked up at his ceiling. "Besides I would have broken that promise to take you out to drink, guess thats why I couldn't go." He laughed to himself. "Glad you didn't make it a blood pact or I would be physically unable to go anywhere without you until I bought you drinks."
Yoi laughs at his words, "Since when do you understand me so well?" She smiles, laying onto the bed. "There are still so many serious stuffs to deal with though...Like you with the demons, Blanco and Reito with their pasts, and a bunch of new students....."
Lenneth walked down the hallway and out side of the doors that Aura had went through earlier. He looked around, trying to find her, until he saw her on her knees, the basket beside her. He walked up to her, tilting his head to the side. "Are you alright Aura?"

Reito frowned, looking right at him. What's with that look? She thought to herself, not sure what it meant. She watched his fingers coil around her hair and somehow she managed to reply. "I'm not very good at relaxing." She mumbled.
Blanco laughs, "Shall I make you relax then?" He picks up her hand and kiss it, looking at her with a testing look.
Maximus shook his head. "You really have a stressful job don't you Yoi. if I thought I could keep up with the rules I would join the SDC but I have a feeling I'm going to be breaking them a bit." He sighed and shook his head. "Doesn't mean I can't help though right?"
"You can always help me relax," Yoi laughs. "Just like Reito helps Blanco relax, I don't think she notice it though." She rolls on the bed.
Reito frowns, watching him kiss her hand. "How exactly would you do that?" She said, her brows furrowing as she watched him.
"Maybe sometimes I can't hold back with your cuteness?" Blanco sticks his tongue out slightly.
Maximus laughed for a bit "I'll do everything I can to help you relax miss chairman." He smiled and gave a funny sort of salute. "That's a promise." He chuckled to himself and sat up on the bed for a moment. "I never asked but why did you come to my room when you were drunk?" He wanted to know why it had been his room she visited and not somebody she knew better. "Did your super senses tell you I was going to disappear?"
She frowned. Cuteness? Since when was I cute? She flicked his ear, staring at his tongue. "I'll bite it if you don't put it back in your mouth."
"That idea sounds cute too," Blanco is sparkling his annoying smile as he sticks out his tongue more.

"Hmm..? Well, maybe. My mouse instinct is to jump to you so," Yoi laughs.
Maximus laughed and gave a wide smile. "Your mouse form must really like me then." He looked out the window and sighed. "You know sometimes I wish I had the ability to turn into some terryfing beast instead of conjure objects, doesn't help me much in a fight but then again I don't fight too much." He smiled his real thoughts back at the fight where he had become a criminal.
She frowns, then leans forward and bites his cheek instead. "Why are you so stubborn?" She pinched his other cheek, treating him like a child for a second.
Yoi chuckles, "Turn into a mouse with me, and we can chew on the demons' feet together."

"If I'm stubborn, you too," Blanco smiles, teasingly yet gently. "Because we are so closely related to each other."
She frowned, looking up at him. "I'm not that stubborn." She watched him, noticing that he still had her pinned down on the bed. I wonder what he plans to do. She thought to herself. She lifted her hand, brushing her fingers against his cheek gently. "Oh? And how close are we?"
"So close you feel jealous," Blanco holds her hand that is brushing his cheeks. "Jealous of my distance with another girl, isn't that part true?"
Reito sighed, trying not to think about it. " And what about you? You got jealous that day too." She mumbled, watching his hand on hers.

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