The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

"No." Aura said. "Everyone walks away from me and calls me some sort of name. Just because I tell them the truth."

It was the brutal truth though, things like, "I don't like your hair." or "Your skirt is too short."

She glanced at his wings, and said, "They are very beautiful."

She touched her back, and regret flashed across her face. She shook her head and said, "Would you give me a tour?"
He looked at her, then frowned, placing his hand where her wings should be. His own tingled slightly, and he knew she removed them. But why? He nodded. "Of course I would. And Lots of people can't handle the truth, that's why they do that." He smiled at her, guiding her to the school.
Aura jolted back.

"Don't touch me without my permission." she said, looking away. She walked beside him, and said, "I was stupid and wrong, willing to do anything it took to blend in. Even if it meant..."

She bit the inside of her cheek.

"But wings are irreplaceable so it doesn't really matter anymore." she shrugged, looking at him again. "Your eyes. They're strange."

There she went again, blurting out what she thought.
He grinned, brushing off her harsh words of him touching her. Wings aren't irreplaceable. He thought to himself. "Thanks. I get that a lot." He chuckled then walked inside the school. "This is the lobby. Through that door," He pointed to the office door. "Is the office. The nurses is right here. "He pointed to the door next to it, and started labeling doors, walking down the halls and pointing out things to her.
Aura looked in the direction he pointed and studied each room carefully.

"Is there a music room?" she asked, glancing up at him.
He raised his eyebrows, then smiled. "Yeah. Right down..." He said, walking forward past a few doors, then he opened a door, which was a completely open and naturally lighted room. It had a huge grand piano, lots of cellos, violins, trumpets, drums, ect. inside. "Here." He walked in, his fingers brushing over the violins. "Do you play?"
Aura was already seated at the piano.

"It makes me happy." she said, stroking the keys with a slight smile. "But I don't play for people. Bad experiences. Many people laughing."

She looked at him, her eyes glinting slightly.

"Never. Again."
Axle walks up to the front steps of the school with his big purple plume eyes he looks at it.This is where I might find the snowlady'He thinks and starts to climb the stair making his way up to the in no time at all.He slowly pokes his head into the lobby searching his surroundings like a curious cat.Then walks in with a small silver backpack on his shoulder,"Hello is anyone here,"His stick thin legs shake a little,because he is nervous.
He nodded, then picked up the violin, placing it at the nape of his neck and resting his chin on it. He began playing a ballad, his fingers flying over the strings expertly, his feelings flying through the notes, leading to the next and the next. He kept his eyes closed and let the music flow through him, to the violin, and out into the room, filling it with beauty.
Aura froze. She stared blankly at the piano, unable to move.

It was the most beautiful sound she had ever heard. She closed her eyes, and found herself smiling. The tune felt comforting, and captivated her like a warm embrace she didn't want to escape.

Her trance shattered when she heard someone's voice echoing.
Axle hears music flowing out of one of the nearby hallways and decides to find where it is coming from.He wanders the halls for several moments,until he finds a down where the sweet sounds were coming from.He slowly pokes his head inside and sees a man and a girl in there the man playing the violin.He sneaks the rest of his body inside and sits down his back against the wall.
(SOUL....DO YOU LIKE YAOI................LIKE....BOY X BOY....YOUR PROF PIC.......)

"Ne~Reito~" He leans in close to her for once, pinning her toward the wall. "Maybe...Jealous because I want her not you~?" Blanco whispers into her ears slightly, teasing.

Tavia laughs slightly, "Everything is going on too well, it might be a trap." She scans her surroundings for a while. "We're in a hallucination, Emilio."

Yoi sighs as she sinks into the warm water. "Hmm..? My secret..? I'm luckier than you...My past's not all that bad......"
(Dam I gtg My mom is going to kill me I give Reito permission to control my characters until I return tomorrow at around 12 maybe 2 .I don't have internet at my house So I walk to starbucks.)
After a few minutes, he put the violin down, then opened his eyes, looking over at the new boy. "Hello, I'm Lenneth. What's your name?" He said, walking up to him and tilting his head to the side.

Reito's face flushed with color. "N-No. I could care less who you wanted!" She looked away from him, focusing on the door.

(Eh? QA Q ME?)

Oh lol i rp yaoi often before i get to know this site lol)
Maximus looked at her a little bit more intruiged now. "Is that so, and what might that be? If you are willing to share of course." Hw began to trace the huge circular scar on his chest wincing a little when he finally let it under the water. "What would a nature spirit have to hide?" He cracked his neck and let out a happy sigh snapping his fingers to create some soup.
Axle looks at him and stands up,"I am Axle,"He smiles,then attempts to poke Lenneth's cheek,"You're funny looking." 
(Well Sliver maybe we can Yaoi sometime you could teach me)
Aura glanced over, and at seeing the new boy, she gasped and jumped up, knocking over the piano bench. She stumbled backwards...

And landed in a drum.

The bang was so loud, the whole school could probably hear it.

There was a long pause. She struggled.

She was stuck.

"He startled me." she said calmly, still squirming a bit in the now broken drum.

"I destroy everything." she groaned. "Whyyy?"
(Okay qw q...)

Lenneth grinned at the boy, then pinched his cheek. "So are you." As soon as he heard the crashing sound of the drum, he glanced over at Aura, who was wiggling to get up. He grinned at her, then walked forward, about to pick her up. He paused, remembering her words. "Do I have permission to touch you?" He tilted his head to the side, smiling slightly.
Aura waved her arms ineffectively in front of her. Her face was bright red from embarrassment.

Eventually she stopped thrashing and grumbled, "Permission granted."

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