The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

"It's just one demon and I'm not calling you weak." He walked out of the room with her and locked the door. "If this guy was weak enough for me to handle then I wouldn't be so scared of him." He sighed and shook his head. "I might as well tell you more about him. His name is sipher and he's pretty well known for his ability he can read into a person's inner most fear and bring it to life. He uses it to kill people in the way they fear the most. I tried fighting him once and it didn't end well." He had ended up in the center of the school and leaned against a wall. "I'm afraid of him because he made me look like a child and nobody has ever beaten me that badly, his energy was too much for me to handle but, honestly I haven't ever seen your strength I...I'm not encouraging you to fight him but let me get a read on you hit me with your best shot."
"Then, I must say, they are some really pretty flowers, yet poisonous and tricky. They might trick us all to death," Blanco shows a really worried face. "Please, let me have those beautiful flowers so I can make sure they won't trick our students to death?" 
Yoi listens to it quietly. "I...Am a nature spirit, and I am not strong enough for that, BUT," she looks up. "If we work together...It might work. Blanco, Reito, Zero, Tavia, Emilio and all the hunting club members..." Yoi looks determined. "It's possible."
Maximus thought about it for a moment and sighed. "I have never had people to rely on and I don't know how to go about organizing it but it might." He chuckled for a second a little bit more like himself. "Though I doubt most of those people will even come to my rescue. I don't have time to make nice with them either." He looked away for this next bit ashamed to look Yoi in the eyes. "I was going to leave tonight when I figured everyone was asleep he is hot on my trail this time and he will be here soon." He looked down but in Yoi's direction this time. "My plan sort of collapsed when you came into my room drunk."
Hearing other students speaking of a threat he walks up to them curiously "Salutations I am Voce I'm new here but I couldn't help but overhear you were having problems with someone if by any chance is there anything I can do to assist you please don't hesitate to ask." He said respectfully running his fingers over the chaos star pendant around his neck.
Reito frowned, not liking the demon being so happy go lucky. "Hi." She said, before shutting the window in her face and closing the curtains. She walked back to her bed. I'll just let Blanco deal with new students. She plopped down face-first on it, sighing.
Emilio dropped from the trees and proceeded to make the Asazi understand why he was the only person to leave the Asazi without being dead first. Hunters, assassins, and warriors alike fell to the scythe in which he held. The 200 Asazi were slowly having their numbers cut down by a lone man. By the time Emilio received his first scratch, he had dropped the number of Asazi to 125.
Aura put on a puzzled face and examined her flowers. She reached up and dropped the necklace she had made with them around his neck.

"They're just flowers...I hardly think they're deadly." she sighed, picking up her basket which was still full of left over flowers. She offered him the basket.
(GAMER U BACK. Just made a summary in the accepting sheet lol)

Tavia is having her fine time collecting different information about the Asazi so she can grant it to Blanco. She follows Emilio after he killed somebody and collect as much information they left as she can. Right now Emilio's not in danger, so she doesn't really mind. She picks up a guy's underwear with a secret code message on it. Should she ask Emilio what it means? She wonders as she puts the underwear into her pack.

"Thank you, young lady," Blanco chuckles slightly. This girl is just too stupid, he thought as he carries the basket. "New here? Lost?" He asks kindly despite the fact that in his mind he is rather teasing her. 
"Then, I'm great I got drunk," Yoi chuckles. (Voce, are you talking to Yoi and Maximus? 8D)
(I believe he is)

maximus sighed and shook his head. "You know you may have stopped me from running but really you need to drink less."he turned to the person speaking to them and gave him an odd look. "I guess it would be good to have another hand to help, though I would much rather him have his way with as few people as possible." Maximus let out a sigh and then a small chuckle. "So Yoi what are you afraid of what is going to happen when he reaches you." He was still holding on to the large bottle of whiskey and took a drink before holding it out to her. "Be useful to know so I can help, you too Voce was it?"
10 assassins and 20 warriors tried to pile on Emilio and succeeded. Emilio merely used the knives he always had on him and pushed the Asazi off of him. The knives shot past the Asazi and hit one central target. "Constrictica" the wire twisted upon itself and completely cut them to pieces.
Aura looked passed him and said, "I am new. But I am not lost."

She tilted her head at him, and let her eyes lock on his.

"Who are you?"
(Yes I was) 
"Voce, yes it's an honor to meet you." I say looking at the gentlemen before me trying to figure out if I just stepped into the wrong battle.
Talon was walking in the woods trying to find the school. I had my bag sling on my as the map in my hand. Talon was looking at it with confusion because he was lost.
"My name is Yoi Susuki, I am the School Discipline Club Chairman," Yoi pauses before flashing Voce a smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Voce." She turns to Maximus, "I'm just afraid about the way I will die..." She chuckles sadly. "It's alright though, I got bunch of comrades at my side."

Blanco is about to walk past the school dorm when he hears Aura, "Ah. I am the Student Council President, Blanco Blondo. It's a pleasure to meet you..." He frowns when he notices that Reito 's door is open. "Reito-chan?"

Tavia picks up a bra this time since Emilio killed a girl. "Hey, Emilio, do they all have a habit of writing weird code messages on their under-clothes?" She can't hold back her curiosity anymore, and so she asks.

Zero wanders in the forest, sighing, and frowns when he notices Talon. "...New?" 
(GamerXZ Emilio's Blanco's "enemy" so you should come find Blanco to be part of the Student Council~He's~Right in front of the girl's dorm~)
"If you are afraid of the way you will die then he can't kill you in his favorite manner and that will make him mad to no end but won't distract him for long." He sighed and shook his head. "I get this feeling you won't let me out of your sight now that you know I was all prepaired to leave but will you allow me the privacy of a shower?" He hadn't thought about it before but it sounded like a nice way to relax. "And Voce nobody is going to force you to help, but if you do I would be greatful." He tipped his hat and then began to walk back to his dorm smiling a bit. "Though Yoi if you want to join me in the shower I won't object." he began to laugh like himself again hoping to turn her a bright red.
Reito looked up from her bed, glancing at the door and grimacing. No one wants to leave me alone. She sighs and shuts the door without seeing who it was. She wandered into the bathroom and washed her face in the sink. So... that laboratory... Now I just need to call a few more numbers to get more information.
Talon turns around to see a unknown person. "um.. yeah I'm new here and I'm kinda lost at the moment. Do you know where the school is" I said trying be civil and not get into a fight but I still had my guard up at the moment.
James yawned as he walked through the halls,"Well..might as well go meet this Bianco fella." He

headed to where he heard the guy might be.
Blanco frowns. "Reito-chan~Don't tell me you're enjoying your time with some guys again~" He starts to tease then before turning to Aura. "What's your name?" He smiles a bright smile before looking away to see James coming. "Ah, I'm glad you're fine from the previous fight, James."

Yoi blushes slightly and smirks, pinning Maximus to the wall then. "Heh~That sounds like such a great idea~" She leans in close despite the fact that Voce is there and have completely forgot about what Maximus said about killing in his favorite manner.

"The school's right there," Zero points to the opposite direction. "This forest's dangerous, it's better to get out of here fast."
Aura kept looking at him, her eyes empty, and said, "Blanco Blondo, President of the Student Council...

She looked him over.

" smell like coffee and water from a duck pond." she said bluntly, her expression not changing. "I'll make sure to remember that."

"My name is Aura. You don't need my last name."

She peered over at her basket.

"Can I have my flowers back?" she asked, holding out her hand.
James nodded to Bianco,"Thanks..actually I came to talk to you about something.."

He scratched his own head and let out a sigh,"I heard you been looking for new

recruits for the Student Council."
Reito swung open the door, eyeing Blanco standing there with another girl. She quirked one eyebrow and glanced down the hall, looking at James. Great. More people. She crossed her arms, watching Blanco. "What?" She leaned against the door, her eyes scanning the girl. New girl.
Talon gave the unknown person a nod before he starts to make his way to the school. He finally gets out of the forest and he was near the dorms. He sees a few people there and decided to go up to see if they could direct him to the principals office.

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