The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Maximus made the cake before looking at her. "Yeah they can be."He he handed her the cake and sat down on the bed with a sigh. "Put so many people in danger because of your past, is it really worth it?" He shook his head to stop himself from talking any further. "Is there something happening now that is putting the school in danger? Or are you speaking in general."He he tried to laugh but his nervousness showed through.
She nodded, listening. She didn't say anything because she wanted to hear everything before giving her opinion on it.
And so Blanco fluently explains everything with every details. "And he said we will know the result of the experiment on ourselves in just a few days...With you becoming a half angel as well."

"The Asazi, though Emilio should be dealing with it. Many other students are facing dangers but they are dealing it themselves." Yoi eats the cake with a small bite.
"....." Emilio went to where his father was held and knocked out the guards. He walked over to his father. "...Tonight the Asazi die. I start with you" Emilio slashed his father's neck and put his hand on it and whispered "I love you" he took his hand away and wiped the blood on his mask before leaving the school.
Reito sighed, rubbing her head. "Well, no offense, but I don't want to be half angel. I like being a shifter." w She mumbled angrily, looking to the ground. "Can I kill him?" She looked up to Blanco, only asking permission because it was his father she was talking about.
"You seriously don't care about Taria?" Tavia coldly says behind him. 
"I still need to know about the slave owner..." The words simply slips out of his mouth before Blanco realizes that he has revealed something about his past and sighs. "Anyway, I still need to know about something, and you still have questions to ask him, no? Plus, he's not that easy to kill. Probably has more stuff that we don't know about, like plans and stuff. Why does he wants to experiment us, something like that." He carefully sorts out before grinning at Reito.
Blinking, she frowns. "Slave owner?" She mumbles, barely a whisper before shaking her head and deciding that he probably doesn't want to talk about it. "Well, whatever it is that he wants, he's apparently already getting it." She looked down at her hands, studying them. I'll be half angel, half shifter soon, unless I can find a way to stop it.
"...Tiara was the first one to befriend me...she was also the first to be attacked...I...I love her...but since she has been around me...I've caused her nothing but trouble. I'm doing this for her. If I wait until tomorrow she could get hurt...or worse."
"I don't like being experimented." Blanco says with a lighthearted laugh. "I want to stop it, how about you?" His smile widens. 
"I'm going with you," Tavia sighs. "If you die she will be hurt so badly as to commit suicide." With that, she takes out her weapons and sets them up.
She smiled, looking up at him. "Yeah. Got any ideas?" She quirked her eyebrow at him, curious as to how he thought about things.
"Sometimes its best to ask for help with your problems even if it seems like a weak thing to do." Maximus had just blurted it out without thinking as he sat their deep in his mind. "Is Emilio planning on dealing with them himself?" Maximus chuckled and shook his head. "Of course he is he would never ask for help would he even if all of hell was after him like me."
Yoi laughs at his words, "He is going alone but I think Tavia--also member of the student council--won't let him. She's a girl with a mind of justice."

"If he experimented on us then he must has a workroom or like a laboratory, no?" Blanco tilts his head slightly to one side thinking. 
"I don't care about you I care about Tiara," Tavia simply says as she follows Emilio.
She frowned. "Yes, they do. If not how would they be able to know that this-" She gestured to herself and him. "would work out like it did?" She laid back on the bed, sighing.
"If we are able to find the location then there might be a possible cure there don't you think?" Blanco thinks with a smile.
"Possibly. But we have days to find it, and I wasn't prepared to find some laboratory, I just wanted to find the person who..." She trailed back, her memories flickering in her eyes.
"Emilio stopped dead in his tracks. "....If you continue this course of action I will perceive you as a threat to my mission and as the Asazi are soon to find out...I eliminate my enemies. Now go play Good Samaritan somewhere else. It isn't needed here"
"I don't care, really. By any chance what is a Samaritan?" Tavia continues to walk to the direction Emilio is heading to.

"What is more important to you right now? That person or becoming a half angel." Blanco states it instead of questioning it.
She frowned. "I think both are pretty important." She sat up, walking to the door and opening it. "I'm going back to my dorm. See you later." She shut the door, then walked down the hall, and outside. She looked to the side, watching Emilio and Tavia walking together. Frowning, she continued walking to her dorm.
"...good question. But I have wasted enough time arguing with you. this is my world not yours, so stop meddling. Your so called help will only hinder me." Emilio's presence vanished and he disappeared into the night.
Maximus sighed his eyes getting heavy again as he lay back on the bed. "I just wish I had people to rely on when my time comes to face it all." He turned to his side and reached a hand towards Yoi but stopped. "I wish I was allowed to make friends too." He shut his eyes and began to fall asleep. "But there are some things we can't have."
Emilio appeared in the trees next to the Asazi camp. They were in the middle of their war ritual-the only time their guard was truly down. " Assassin's rule number one - silence: dissolve in the darkness and erase your breath. Wait for an opening to attack your target."
Somehow Tavia has appeared next to Emilio at last, for she is a vampire after all and she is able to catch up pretty fast. "To say hinder without knowing much about her beforehand is what I called the so-called stubbornness." She murmurs quietly besides him. "Think this of me as caring for Taria and for our school, then. If you really think I'm so willing to help you with stuff."

"Why can't you make friends?" Yoi turns to Maximus, curious.

Blanco frowns as Reito walks away. He sighs then, lying onto his bed and rolling up the sleeves to see his scars. His father had sold him to a slave owner, and his father wants him back. What a disgusting thing to hear, from a loser like him.
Maximus was still awake and being so tired made him painfully honest though normally painful for him in the long run. "Because if I do they will be murdered." He was mumbling but still rather fluent. "I am a wanted man in hell if they ever catch me I will be executed in the most painful and slowest way possible. Everyone I care about will die the same because that is just how hell is. That's why I told you to consider me dead if I disappear because I either had to flee to protect the school." He managed to open his eyes and look at her. "Or I am being executed."
Yoi frowns. "A wanted person, huh." She looks to the ceiling, thinking as she forgets about the rest of the cake. "Why are you wanted? What did you do?" She knows it's to ask further into his secret, but she is too curious to shut her mouth.

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