The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Yoi is drunk so she's unable to take his words into proper thoughts. She frowns anyway, the chuckles like a child, "Either way you are still the adorable Maximux~~" With that, she falls asleep snuggling him.

Blanco frowns, then smiles tiredly. "You know Reito, there are just so many secrets to tell..." He lies down beside her, facing her back. "But how about go take a bathe first...You kinda smell you know?" He chuckles, turning the conversation into somewhat lighthearted one. But in his mind, he is thinking about his father's words, and how ironic everything turns out to be.
(Hey yall just in case any of you missed the first message I am currently away from a computer but able to post so please forgive typos and other silly mistakes)
She sighed, sitting up. "In about five minutes. I'll be able to walk in five minutes." She looked down at her feet, still annoyed that they were tingly.
"Alright, alright. So, you miss everything, didn't you? What he said." Blanco smiles lightly, watching Reito.
(Hey guys, just got back, sorry I took so long)

The knight took a look around, to make sure no more threats were in the area.
She raised her eyebrow questionably. "Someone was talking?" She looked over at the wall, now curious.
(Welcome back GamerXZ xD Everything is solved we went back to the dorms u can come back and enter Maximus's room becuz Yoi is snuggling with him naked becuz she's drunk)

".....So you did missed everything....Hah...."Blanco sighs slightly. "I think...You should rest first." He then smiles.
Reito frowned, standing up and steadying herself against the bedboard. "No. I'm going to shower, then when I get out you're going to tell me everything." She mumbled, walking over to the bathroom and turning on the shower.

Blanco grins, "Alright~" With that, he lies onto the bed, starting to fall asleep.
She runs her fingers through her hair, letting the water soak her. After she finishes showering, she walks out of the bathroom, wearing her same clothes from earlier. She sits on the bed, staring at the wall and saying nothimg.
"So basically we are experimented," Blanco starts without any pre-conversation.

Yoi wakes up halfway from her sleep to find herself naked sleeping with Maximus. Blinking, then sighs, she chuckles at her own mistake. Walking to his closet she picks out his clothes to wear, when suddenly a figure attacks her from behind. Turning around swiftly, she shot him with her gun that she creates using magic. The gunshot is loud enough to wake Maximus, in which she forgets. The Death Spirit has a tattoo in the shape of a dragon, and she frowns. Dragon? James might know. (Don't forget Yoi DarkAncient GamerXZ (/QAQ)/ )
Maximus woke up with a start holding his cane towards Yoi before realizing it was her. "You wake up and realize what you did?" He started to chuckle before letting out a sigh and standing up. "Would you like some tea or coffee before you go?" It wasn't that he hadn't seen the spirit he just didn't care. "That was the best I've slept in a while so I have to say thank you." (Sorry a profesional fisher who I am a big fan of invited me to go fishing so I'm free now)
Yoi laughs, "Coffee." She says sitting onto his bed, ignoring the dead spirit. "Your shirt is too big, though." 
(Oh is that so XDDDD sorry then~)
Maximus chuckled and began to make the coffee. "You are just to small." He laughed and shook his head. "You have seen me conjure clothing already why not just ask for something that fits?" He had started the coffe maker and was just standing in the kitched when he snapped a body bag covering the dead spirit. "There less unsightly."
Yoi smiles as the corpse is being covered. "Then I will be pleased if you give me something that fits."
Maximus snapped his fingers giving her an outfit he figured she would wear to bed a long blue nightgown appearing on her body as the shirt fell down. The coffee had finished enough for him to pour her a cup and he handed it to her in a white mug very different from his normal tea cups. "You don't remember what I told you do you?"
"If you're talking about the stuff you said to me in the SDC room, then I remember it of course." She replies, sipping the coffee.
"I meant what I said before we fell asleep but it's best you don't." He sighed with relief glad she didn't remember all the things he told her. Those things were better left unsaid until they killed him. "It would just complicate things here if you knew anyway." He sat down on the bed and turned to her. "Do you want me to accompany you to your dorm or shall you go alone?"
Emilio went back inside of the school and walked to where Blanco and Reito were. "I know you don't want me in here" Emilio said to Reito. "but I need to talk to you Blanco...there are...certain...things that you need to know."
Frowning, Reito looked back at him. "What are you talking about?" She ran her fingers through her long hair, watching him carefully.

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