The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Blanco sighs, "Excuse me for the moment...." He opens the dorm door. "What?" He smiles an annoyed smile at Emilio.
"....the Asazi....they're going to attack the seems their true objective is to kill me." Emilio forced himself to speak the words he could scarcely believe came out of his own father's mouth.
Blanco raises an eyebrow, then slightly smirks. "How interesting, are you coming to me for help?"
Emilio looked at Blanco as though he had grown three heads. "not even if I only had one arm, lost both my legs and had my eyes cut out, would I ask you for help. I just thought you might be interested to know if this school was in danger....that and I'm letting you know there is a chance that I might not be back "
"It'd be interesting to see you have your eyes cut out and only have one arm or lost both of your legs," Blanco turns around to go back to the room. "The thing is, Yoi and I will be in trouble if you are not back. In another words, you are asking me for help. Anyway, Yoi should deal with that first, I only deal with the effects on students," With that, he flashes a smile before closing the door and turns back to Reito. "Ne, the school's in danger, Emilio said."

(Nu nu nu Emilio should burst into Maximus' room to ruin the moments lol)
(Kya I didn't saw it I'm sorry TT_TT)

Yoi chuckles, "I didn't finish the coffee yet." She smiles.
(Haha its fine)

Maximus chuckled and smiled at her. "I didn't mean this instant besides I was interested in what you said when you were drunk, what did you mean when you said you are more mature than I think?" He was hoping that asking her this would make her forget he had even said anyhing before falling asleep so she wouldn't ask.
Emilio looked at the door before muttering "not if I go tonight" He turned and went to his dorm room. Once there he pulled a trunk from under his bed and lifted the seals that were on it. Inside sat a trench coat, a black mask and 5 dozen knives each coated with a mixture of holy water and black mamba venom. On the back of the trench coat in the words War Zone were painted. He put on the attire andsighed. "hopefully this will be the last time I'll have to dawn this attire."
"I said that?" Yoi laughs. "Well half of the reason is because I act childish when I'm drunk." She sips her coffee some more.

"Going somewhere?" Somehow, Tavia has appeared behind Emilio with half of her face covered in the shadows and her yellow eyes glowing in a golden color brightly.
"....oh you know...out." Emilio said and continued to adjust his equipment. Instead of sleeves, the trench coat had metal gauntlets. "it doesn't concern anyone but me."
"Hahaha indeed you are unfortunately I am very open when I am sleepy luckily you don't remember."He He sighed part of him did want her to know what he had said because part of him said it lucidly. "But anyway thank you I haven't slept that well in ages even if it was for just a bit." He walked over to his bookshelf and pulled out a random book. "Do you read much? The main reason I enjoy literature is because especially humans write such beautiful stories about love and triumph even though they may never experience it. They write about the things we all want but sometimes can't have." He stopped himself before he continued any further. "I must still be sleepy listen to me rambling like that."
"It's okay," Yoi laughs, dangling her feet. "I enjoy books and literature, of course. But I enjoy nature the most, well, mostly because I am a nature spirit. Nature spirit enjoys nature." She smiles up at him.

"....At this time? This is against the school rule?" Tavia replies in a low voice. "I don't think it is a good time to go out with all these weapons and armors. Won't Tiara worry?" She leans against the dark wall.
Maximus smiled and put the book back. "I would be able to enjoy nature more if it was safe for me to wander the forests again." He suddenly realized his mistake and changed the subject."Would you like me to make you anything else while you are here?" He went back into the kitchen and pulled a small sandwich out of the fridge taking a bite. This would be the first time he had eaten anything other than sweets in company but he wasn't thinking about that.
Reito frowned, standing up and walking over to the door after he had shut it. "We leave for a few hours and when we come back the entire school is in danger? What the hell are these people doing." She muttered, knitting her brows together. "So, who is it that's putting all of your precious students in danger?"
" I said to Blanco and Reito earlier...everyone has reasons for which they must break school rules...this is mine...and mine alone. Tiara....she has nothing to do with this...nor do you, nor Blanco or anyone at this school." Emilio walked out of his dorm room. "Do not stand in my way and do not follow me."
Tavia frowns, then chuckles. "You might die if you go, true of false." She walks out of the shadows toward Emilio.

"A cake will be great," Yoi smiles and stands up, stretching. "This school's always in danger isn't it? Secrets can be so harmful." She yawns and sighs.

"Something to do with Emilio's past tribe, this thing called Asazi," Blanco explains while pouring himself a cup of black tea. "As Emilio said, if we didn't let that attacker go then the whole school will be in danger. The thing is, the school's in danger no matter what."
Grinning, she thought back to her past run-ins with that tribe. "So the Asazi are here now, huh?" She crossed her arms, looking around his room. "Well, if we don't do something soon, this school is toast." She looked down at her bare feet, remembering how she went to them for information, her past trades and deals with them.
"....true. But I've said it before. If my life can be traded for the safety of the school...I'll gladly take that trade....and...its time I bury my past for good" Emilio kept walking. "Tell your people not to follow me...I allowed Blanco to deal with his problems, I even allowed Zero to fight alone...this is my fight and mine alone "
"I never know you are that heartless, Emilio, hurting Tiara that much." Tavia's voice is cold yet somehow interested in the whole thing.

"Emilio is going to deal with it first. If he fails, then we will deal with it," Blanco sips his black tea with a grin. "Isn't it interesting?"
"A bit." She mumbled, then walked to his bed, plopping down on it. I feel like dead weight. "So what did you mean, experiment?"
Blanco plops down onto the bed next to her. "He is my father," he starts off with a simple sentence.

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